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Belfast News-Letter



Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Belfast News-Letter

Advertisements & Notices

... 1!;i: i? I. I ? CHOICE , lFA[MILY TEAS- ato-m joliai; G I-d7A331nE a CO. 't:P :FCT the atteintion nf the Pnhlic to their choice I *Iselection of TEAS, just received from the Comr- TAP4Yr MARCH SALE, which are giving general satisfaction fut Lev, -Prices. Orl' ers from the Country-packed in Double Tin Cases lxi 'adlock, containing 5 lbs., 10 lu.s., and 15 lbs. Th eir WINES are of the finest, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... v-.TflEATUEM BELFA~¶5. On this Evening, (TUESDAY,) April 28, Will be performed, the Historical and highly interesting Tragedy (in 5 Acts) called J9A¢ q)'%7 A-,VD U in Aui OR, THE TYRANT OF SYRACLUSE. Damon (the patriot,) .. . Mr. PHELPS. Calanthe .Mrs. W. BUR UGS To conclude with the new popular inter sng Drama, (in 3 Acts,) called the WANERMING OYS! OIL, THE CASTLE OLIVAL. Paul, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEUW CLOVEIlEEDl. ARTIN HARPER & CO. have received a further supply of the above, of very fine quality-to be Sold Cheap at their STORES, g 809 AN N$7;E~ET5 Belfast, 13th April, 1835. (792 RESPECTABlE V' to undertake the A Managemenlt of at D y 1 LAlINDRY, to wbom a A ~~E EGT~~~AI~3I LLDR the Free House will be given. Apply at B'ALLYD A T C T IUI 019 NZ SIIJGA.1 AlUCTION. S INCLAIR k BOtYD will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WHOLESALE 71 R4S N T iE 3ID G A Ha lfkq. AND ,iAS 1 aC1EEiTER nWAu EIFIOUr4E, 7, COMMERCIAL-COURT, (The Concern formierly occupied y Ifessrs. Thomas Grim- 11 AhiES MIACLU CA4T 4'LO respectfully au_ nounce, that they are now receiving a large and well selected STOCK OF GO)ODS; Which have been purchased FOR CAS H, and which they will dispose of on very low terms for good payments. 780) Belfast, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HO~z'9 OP INDUS-a. , T the last Annual Meeting of the Subscribiers to A the Belfast House of loudwtry, held otl the Sth ult. in the C omumnittpe Room of the Oflfio.w, 4 resolntion wvas psased, similar tiithat entered hum, alite Annijual Meet- ing of the last year, viz.:-to publish ihe naines of all th rse parsons who hadrcontributpd to their Fuluds, with theasmarount of their Subscriptia is. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COUNTY OF ANTTUM.L SPECIAL ROAD SESSIONS W ILL be held puarsuatit to the Act of 3d avid 4th 9 William IV. Chap. 78, at the following places and times, for the purpose of considering all Applications for Presentments. and Applications for Payments, that may -then and there lie laid before such Sessions, respectively; and for transacting such other business as is, by the afore- said Act, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C0 &L 7LEG G; OF HMALTH1. No. 11, MAY-STREET, BELFAST. mO~wsoxV PILI14. Tyrants, in vaini ye trace the wizzard ring; In vaiin ye limit mind's unwearied spring. CURE OF SEVERE NERVOUS AFFECTION' H&ysteria, extreme Debility, and all their consequent sqzfferings, iiz the ca.e of a Lady, fsr whom the prqfessional Gentlemen could do nothiin-, abso- uteSy nothing! ! TO T. 'MOAT, ESQ. Vice ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONCERT. iTA8TER RIEG~OND OST respectfully ani IcTA to the Nobility and M O~t Gentry, that, after hId'E4igements in DUBLIN, he will have the honour t ve CONCERT in BEL FAST. (739 ¢ UNBRasLLt, PAds SOL, AND STRAW BONNET Warehouse, 118, HIGH-STREET, BELFAST. *E. DAVIS ETURNS sincere thanks Fior the liberal encourage- ment she has received for tlIFt Ten Years, and begs leave to intimate that she ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HARiDY' SILK MERCERY, HA BER]DASHER F, WOOLLENDItAPERY, AND GENERR L HOUSE FUR,\NISHLVG WAREI'99MS.X, 35, & 37, HI GH-STREET. HE PROPRI ETOIIS if t'he ahove Estabisiiinienbt T respectfully intimate io'jr-Nobility, Gentry, and the Public, that two persons fro.tbeir Concerns have been visiting the various Manuffc46ries in England and France, for the last month, selectingvevery descriptionnof ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Meeting Tc-?0orrav. GENERAL MEETING OF THE My9ICAL PROFESSION. T HE MEDI(CAL PRACTI '0ERS resident it, T Town are requested to Yeeyon SATURDAY, the 4th inst. at ONE o'clock A-1M hbe ASSEMBLY ROOM, COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS, to consider of matters which concern the interests of the profession at large. Belfast, 2d April, 1835. (692 NORTIIlMEAST fOCIETY. T HE COMMITTE R of the NORTIH-EAs'r I' SOCIETY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T EXHIBITION@ OF LANDSCAPE PAINTINGS, &c. ADMISSION, GRATIS. R. and MRS. CRUII HANK will exhibit in ±ETR1 the OLD EXCH E-ROOMS, on (this'- day) FRIDAY, LANDSC' PE PAINTINGS, ft DRAWINGS, &c. &c. executil by their Pupils in Belfast. The exhibition will contishe open for E IGHT DAYS. 845) 20th April, 1835. TO THE Nobility anrd Geitr'y of Bcd ast, anld itsv Vicinity. 11, KILDARE-STREET, DUBLIN. G ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TFIgE 1IATAIESTEI A .ss 11)1fal e cflZpanflq, FOR ASSURANCE AGAINST FIRE, AND O0 LIVES AND SURVIVORISHIPS, PURICHAS1 OF ANNUITIES, REVERSIONS, &r. &,!. 'OFFICE-98, KING-STR'IIERT, VAN JICES T.ER Capifa'g-TWO MILLIONS. ESTABLISHED MIARCH, 1824. FIRE DEP.IRTMENAT. fli jl A~ssmredl t..- coti-led to otpe-t/jipr (lf thle Prosfits B withlout ankv liability oil their part fo tBie loses. Parties ...