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Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland


Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... C0 &L 7LEG G; OF HMALTH1. No. 11, MAY-STREET, BELFAST. mO~wsoxV PILI14. Tyrants, in vaini ye trace the wizzard ring; In vaiin ye limit mind's unwearied spring. CURE OF SEVERE NERVOUS AFFECTION' H&ysteria, extreme Debility, and all their consequent sqzfferings, iiz the ca.e of a Lady, fsr whom the prqfessional Gentlemen could do nothiin-, abso- ?? nothing! ! TO T. 'MOAT, ESQ. Vice-President ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONCERT. iTA8TER RIEG~OND OST respectfully ani IcTA to the Nobility and M O~t Gentry, that, after ?? in DUBLIN, he will have the honour t ve CONCERT in BEL FAST. (739 ¢ UNBRasLLt, PAds SOL, AND STRAW BONNET Warehouse, 118, HIGH-STREET, BELFAST. *E. DAVIS ETURNS sincere thanks Fior the liberal encourage- ment she has received for ?? Ten Years, and begs leave to intimate that she )hin commenced ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COUNTY OF ANTTUM.L SPECIAL ROAD SESSIONS W ILL be held puarsuatit to the Act of 3d avid 4th 9 William IV. Chap. 78, at the following places and times, for the purpose of considering all Applications for Presentments. and Applications for Payments, that may -then and there lie laid before such Sessions, respectively; and for transacting such other business as is, by the afore- said Act, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW TEAS, TOBACCO, &C. II SHE SUBSCRIBER hegs to acquaint his Friends IL and the Trade, that he has received, per the Hero from London, and Corsair, from Li verpool, and has on hands, 150 Chests TEA, assorted .5o Hhds. Scale and Refin RS, 60 Kegs Refined SALTP 55 Hhds. Prime. Hand an m d TOBACCO, Hispresentstockof Manufa AC CO, comprises 25,1000 lbs. Consisting of Best and Second Cane, Best ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T EXHIBITION@ OF LANDSCAPE PAINTINGS, &c. ADMISSION, GRATIS. R. and MRS. CRUII HANK will exhibit in ±ETR1 the OLD EXCH E-ROOMS, on (this'- day) FRIDAY, LANDSC' PE PAINTINGS, ft DRAWINGS, &c. &c. executil by their Pupils in Belfast. The exhibition will contishe open for E IGHT DAYS. 845) 20th April, 1835. TO THE Nobility anrd Geitr'y of Bcd ast, anld itsv Vicinity. 11, KILDARE-STREET, DUBLIN. G ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Meeting Tc-?0orrav. GENERAL MEETING OF THE My9ICAL PROFESSION. T HE MEDI(CAL PRACTI '0ERS resident it, T Town are requested to Yeeyon SATURDAY, the 4th inst. at ONE o'clock A-1M hbe ASSEMBLY ROOM, COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS, to consider of matters which concern the interests of the profession at large. Belfast, 2d April, 1835. (692 NORTIIlMEAST fOCIETY. T HE COMMITTE R of the NORTIH-EAs'r I' SOCIETY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MAGAZINE DE MODES II AND PARPEISIAN DEPOT. j RS. KEITH respectfullyc nounces her Remval| H$G11 X~BEET, OPPOSITE BRIDG'E-STREET. (677 NEWV AEHS)0, &C. THE SUBSCRlI-ER has received, per following lVessels, just arrived frmn HOLLAND.: Per ?? ?ut, from DORDT, 200 Hhds. best sowing FLAXSEED. Per Flora, from ROTTERDAM, 260 Hbds. best sowing FLAXSEED, 20') Mats FLAX, prime quality, 12 Casks MADDER. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TFIgE 1IATAIESTEI A .ss 11)1fal e cflZpanflq, FOR ASSURANCE AGAINST FIRE, AND O0 LIVES AND SURVIVORISHIPS, PURICHAS1 OF ANNUITIES, REVERSIONS, &r. ?? 'OFFICE-98, KING-STR'IIERT, VAN JICES T.ER Capifa'g-TWO MILLIONS. ESTABLISHED MIARCH, 1824. FIRE DEP.IRTMENAT. fli jl A~ssmredl t..- coti-led to otpe-t/jipr (lf thle Prosfits B withlout ankv liability oil their part fo ?? loses. Parties intetding ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WHOLESALE 71 R4S N T iE 3ID G A Ha lfkq. AND ,iAS 1 aC1EEiTER ?? EIFIOUr4E, 7, COMMERCIAL-COURT, (The Concern formierly occupied y Ifessrs. Thomas Grim- 11 AhiES MIACLU CA4T 4'LO respectfully au_ nounce, that they are now receiving a large and well selected STOCK OF GO)ODS; Which have been purchased FOR CAS H, and which they will dispose of on very low terms for good payments. 780) Belfast, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEUW CLOVEIlEEDl. ARTIN HARPER & CO. have received a further supply of the above, of very fine quality-to be Sold Cheap at their STORES, g 809 AN N$7;E~ET5 Belfast, 13th April, 1835. (792 RESPECTABlE V' to undertake the A Managemenlt of at D y 1 LAlINDRY, to wbom a A ~~E EGT~~~AI~3I LLDR the Free House will be given. Apply at B'ALLYD A T C T IUI 019 NZ SIIJGA.1 AlUCTION. S INCLAIR k BOtYD will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1!;i: i? I. I ? CHOICE , lFA[MILY TEAS- ato-m joliai; G I-d7A331nE a CO. 't:P :FCT the atteintion nf the Pnhlic to their choice I *Iselection of TEAS, just received from the Comr- TAP4Yr MARCH SALE, which are giving general satisfaction fut Lev, -Prices. Orl' ers from the Country-packed in Double Tin Cases lxi 'adlock, containing 5 lbs., 10 lu.s., and 15 lbs. Th eir WINES are of the finest, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONCER T. MsIASTER IEGOSN I OST respectfully atino ces to the Nobility and Gentry, that, after his ngagaments in DUBLIN, he will have the honour to Ze a CONCERT in BEL- FAST. (739 MAJ azi1vE DE MO1DES AND RS. KEITH respectfully] urnces her Removal to 3 39 3 X G t,% R El E T, OPPOSITE B E-STREET. (677 SPLENDID SALE OF SIM~I 1R.U31CERIY5 &C. &C- T the request of several LADIES, who have been un- ...