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Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... HO~z'9 OP INDUS-a. , T the last Annual Meeting of the Subscribiers to A the Belfast House of loudwtry, held otl the Sth ult. in the C omumnittpe Room of the Oflfio.w, 4 resolntion wvas psased, similar tiithat entered hum, alite Annijual Meet- ing of the last year, viz.:-to publish ihe naines of all th rse parsons who hadrcontributpd to their Fuluds, with theasmarount of their Subscriptia is. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1!;i: i? I. I ? CHOICE , lFA[MILY TEAS- ato-m joliai; G I-d7A331nE a CO. 't:P :FCT the atteintion nf the Pnhlic to their choice I *Iselection of TEAS, just received from the Comr- TAP4Yr MARCH SALE, which are giving general satisfaction fut Lev, -Prices. Orl' ers from the Country-packed in Double Tin Cases lxi 'adlock, containing 5 lbs., 10 lu.s., and 15 lbs. Th eir WINES are of the finest, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WOOY L E x - D i APE R Y, ? 'W&e. -V R1E, Nos. 38, & 40, HIGH-STREET,; D IS15rECTrFULLY infrtt the Inhablitattts of Bel- R fast and its Vicinity, that, from the great increase in' their Business, they have found it necessary considerably to Enlarge their'Establishmetit, by adding to it the Pie- mises next door; and, in addition to their large Stock of SILKI MERCERY, HAB .ASHERY, &c. they have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -ADDRESS TQ 1' U. . C RAWFORD,: -E~S( raCIO TILE' TENANTRY ON HISI LEDEOtON ESTATE. Silt, WE l, the Te1iantry Oil your Redemnnn Estate, in the v County of Down, take the opportunity, before you leave this country, to enter upon your duities, as a 7en1\uer of the Imperial Parliament, of plesenting you v.fth a spon- taneous. cordial, and unanimnous expression of the esteem in which we hold you, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEiATRlE, BELF'AST. On this Evening, (TUESDAY,) April 21, Will he acted the celebrated Musical Play of the SLAVWE Governor of Surinam, Mr SAUNDERS-Capt. Mal- colm, (a Scotch Naval Offiver,) AMr BRANDON-Clif- ton (a Captain in the E. glish Army) Mr PARSONS CROWE, (from the Theatre Royal, Dublin, his first ap- pearance here,) who will sing, i V/hat joy aqailn to hear_ Colonel Lindenburg, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VEW SICILY BAR LA. C. iT'7HE Subscriber has receiv the Cargo of the J 'PW1ONA, from Si ViZ.:- 140 Tons Prime R 250 Bags SHUi AC, For S ALE, on oder LEW REFORD. 11th April, 1835. (797 TO THF FREEHOLDERS OF THE C0OUTTY OF ANTWNIB . GENTI.aMEN, A C(OIRON ER for your Coiiinity having lately dit-(I, A and it being necessary that the vacancy shoild he filled up, I beg to offer myself to your ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C HICHESTER.STREET COACHN TACTORIy, A N Extensive Assortment of VEHICLES, consist- ing of Splendid BritscbkL PHiETONS,. with or vithont heads; GIGS, Inside and Outside JAUNTI2NG CARS, of various Patterns, For Pale at COACH FACTORY, &41CTSTERSTREET. Where may be had, to order, Work of every description in the COACH-MAKING Line. PAIN TING sud all kinds of REPAIRS executed in the best manner. n ...

Advertisements & Notices

... v-.TflEATUEM BELFA~¶5. On this Evening, (TUESDAY,) April 28, Will be performed, the Historical and highly interesting Tragedy (in 5 Acts) called J9A¢ q)'%7 A-,VD U in Aui OR, THE TYRANT OF SYRACLUSE. Damon (the patriot,) .. . Mr. PHELPS. Calanthe .Mrs. W. BUR UGS To conclude with the new popular inter sng Drama, (in 3 Acts,) called the WANERMING OYS! OIL, THE CASTLE OLIVAL. Paul, and ...