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Advertisements & Notices

... in- tal 7' j'?O .bc LET, with immediate possession, a hOUSE,' IV. with large garden, stab2c, and soach-hocue, situated on ig, the Miii Hill, Iffley. or, For putticulars apply to Mrs. Nowell, Iffley. ill, Hen ieq aird Dorchester Tui'npike Jocs'd?. ? ?'OTICEis hereby given, Titat a Meeting of 'the' ci' the above Turerilte Roads will be held at the White hart Inn, in Benson, in the county of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f i;O be LET, fgatesied or unfurniiisled,-A conys- c ji. meiet DWE~lIN.k~,i HOUSE, situadte hii Iletumont- isstreet, Oxf'ord; consiating of a good keitchent, cellar, theee sit- n dug rooms, four bed roomls, and offices, with a small garden. Apply to tir. Pinfold, Beaumionr-street, for further par- bsticulars; if by letter, post paid. 1Slay be etitered about ithe e~ middle of ila'. iT o 13 E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'eve. _ ?? - ' - ?? ?? -U WU OIi~1 ,iver. quarters of wheat and b~arley. en no S'T. PAIJ' SCHOOL. SOUTMSEF_ stodly 4SHAR E for SALE or NOM1 INATION enur c 2,67L) A.~ ofMr._Heather, No. 127, Broad-street, Porrsmou~tb Mr. H-M EON 11MIT RACEt,/ ncir- rJ1'1E STAKES which heave already been Adver- C ue- .1 tised, will elose, and the Horses mnust he named ented with the Clerk of the Course at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... be LET,r With immediate possession,-Thc. 1(>lYG'S [lEAD TAVERN, Old Chalnge, ILON- S ?? Parker and Foster, oni the adjoining pret Ott ?? Dtvbllg~nor Oxfo - -. A' I'.AIRF RFlD.l bo e LETi,-All that old anti wcll-accustotncdl (liiOUSI>, livi~lb the sign of the GEORGEA INN. Ade particlulalss ladt ra o icsme enquire of Mr. -;oj b t j~lifly ctc Jre f ntae ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PARISH OF BRIGITQpN. OTICE IS U1R1BY GIVEN, that a P 1UBLIC 1.t VlES'1'Y lING of the I 1,abitants of this P'arish %vill be/ iih lit the 'oin llallail on :iiURSDAY next, the 9th day, of cplol inctuiftat tvo o~clork in the afternoon pre. cisehy, for t 'epurpoe of receiving Bhe 1eport of the Committee appointedl'to izopfwit~i the IParieh Officers, ana ascertain whether the Meeting forthe election ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OXO D A=il1, 1835. ull r ' H E Situation of (IWANSTi' to ?? hts'uClS P1 li ofAII, SA&INTS' havingT become vacant, Noticc i# lhereby qiven, that the Election of a proper Person to fill that sc Situation will takec placc on Irastcr Tuesday next, April 21. All persons desirous of' becoming candilates may receive any jL biforotationl relative to the detlies required fronm the Church- wardens; to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C. ADCIIRALTY, SOMERSET PLAC!/ t 14h ApAri, T.k,, a. 1iHE Commnissioners for Executing the Office of d- .T Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdroni of ;Great Britain and Ireland. do hereby give Notice,- I` That on Wednesday the '29ith inst. at ten o'clock in the a Forenoon, the Admiral Superintendent will putt up to ie SALE in his Majesty's Dock-yard, at Portsmouth, ,e ?? Lots of' OLD STORES, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 sE ANTED ),-A steady respectable young Man, A Y of good address, as aln ASSISTANT in the Shop I of a JEWVELLER and S1LIVERS'IITH.-ApplY to Mrs. y Hickman, High-street, Oxford; if by letter, post paid.; v~ Reference to character will be expected. EE 'ANTrS a situation as BUTLER or UPPER St SERVAN'I,-4 married mnan, aged 3G, who on-[ derstands his business, the manageionet of brewingf, &rc. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... evee )l- KEET -IPPI. B u ?? AGE1T fur suppvying Phus- dani J m-outh, Porrt aehm,~uics~i * butJaOtatWih~ GTUINN1ESS',s SU1'E. M) RPUls Pf)PiVE Re i has constantly a 1lm1ge ,;t~ck hi CuslR. tind c (if *1Km otle Which he receives direct fron; the Br ewery.a 'J -cannot warrant any in Lotfle'q to be Gienuinxe unle~s it has a lablo affixced to it, hvn ?? Agpent, arid a chsSiblo i'HsJ In nae f thie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -I OF BRIGHTON. OTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN, that a Public Vestry N gecting of the Inhabitants of this Parish will be held t1,own Iall, oil THURSDAY, the 30th day of April inst., at I , o'clock at noon precisely, to nominate and appoint at leeubstantial and discreet Persons, paying scot and lot, and Ihirty s and residing in dwellin w bouses within the said Parish of tieannual value of f 3tD, to be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , * FOR3EEIGN WINES 1 . is [OflNY hl;T. lckKaST-strcet, ( Doaree Dock r qj j tcs,) I'ortsea, having ?? Ir. 1. IeI,.- B. D S tek of .Choice OLD WN X on very advan- n tilgeouis ttrms, begs to announce tl;at the whole is to be of S(tjI (1OF1' at ver. iedorcdprd ithesfo reurl-i nlomlIl. (. K, miS is the Su;r ?? supplyinig these t(lna1S r r and ncigflliou rllool wi tI u'I ?? .'ofpfrior Dublo/ t Pm ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3bo(KS, 1300Ks OF PR7INTS ENGflAVINGS, .IND ILL'STIZ'TIO() VS O' 7'ilE FINJF ARlTS. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the New Steyne Roomss, on THURSDAY, FRIDAY, andl SAT'U RDAY, ?? IPRiSING thle Works of the most popular and ?? in every branch of Literature, among which will be found 2iMussu Napoleon. 10 vols., 720engravings; Aliltoo's Works, 3 volk. folio, toorocco, ai beautiful edition *vith proof ...