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... CORONElRS INQUESTS. oudylast, an hinquest was held aet Mr. Lewis's, 01 .ted, b-fore T. B3. Locke, Esq., and at \\N1l1lo00011101Mr.William Lewis was fore- v,0 ,I'y of Alargaret, Jaeks', agiloth sc bolong~in~ig to the Severn, Namburg HLstii lt, I and a Shipmate, namied neeigtar the Mytontgate' bridef,., about lve e'~l5Ck, whien Ave met two gii'lo,-the 0te.We arsutiplaltied them, to a puhiic- ...

Published: Friday 03 April 1835
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1993 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... OLD COURT.-TuESDAY. (Before the RECORDER.] John Slsin/l, 03, was indicted for assaulting Elizabeth Spencer, a child eleven years of ago, with intent to corn- mit a rape. The prisoner was indicted at the last session on the ca- pital charge, but was acquitted, and ordered to be detained, and he was now tried for the minor offence. Mr. C. PHILLIPS appeared for the prosecution. The facts of the ...


... LS- PooR LAW.S. . `lMhatever difference of ?? my axist as to .ccrtaiui parts or provisionS of th- rew P'oor Law Act, there Call bc but one opinion af the, misehiev- ous tendeney of the chliases relatinlr to biastmrily. At tlie various Qtiartfr Sessions which hvve I e-n -just held thioroudout thle country thc evils resultinl from these provisions becti most fully *ev2- loped and ...


... LAW NOTICES.-Tolzo Dir. I COURT OF CHANCERY, WESTMINSTER. Sittings at ten. Rebearings and Appeals standing over generally to be called on tbis dayand struck out unless sufficient cause be stated to the Court. FEUTISONS BY ORDER-RuXton v Fiteherbert, part ?? v Palmer, ?? v Fitzherbert, petition by ?? v Wiltbhire, appeal, part heard. VICE-CIHANCELLOR'S COURT, WESTMIINSTER. Sittings at ten. ...


... I BILL FOR ABOLISHING IMPRISON- I I MaENT FOR DEB T. To'THE EDITOR OF rTlE MORNING CHRONICLE- i Sim-Alarming as this Bill is to the thinking part of 1 the public, and strongly as its fatal tendency has been B remarkcd upon, so much has the mind of the public been B lately engrossed by the battles for parliamentary su- a premacy, that ithas not received that general consideration B which its ...


... it Mlary Ann Blu rdock was indicted for the wilful nmr- Bd der of Clara Ann Smith on the 23d of October, 1833, o by administering to her a quantity of arsenic. The at ?? pleaded Not Guilty to the indictment in a firm voice. Sevcral witnesses were examined and cross-examined at at great length, and the court. sdjourned until Satnr- day morning. The trial was resutmi.oL that day, un and further ...

Lancaster Spring Assizes

... IXntmNter ftrinngT Tf4e NISI PRIUS COURT. i lWedccesdaiss, .Ala rchs 19.a EJECTISENT.-SPECIAL JURY CASE. Doe demn Fester and Others V. Fester.-This was an action P of ejeetment to determine the right ...


... MILITARY OUTRAcE.-Jo/tn .Bradfurl and Ambrose Evanc, privates of the 22d regiment, stationed at the Gar-. rieelnwereindictd nfo misdemranor, hli having, on the m 10th of January, along with ten others, riotously assembled togcther and assaulted Robert Agars, John Brocklebank, anl William Criton. A second count charged them with t a riot, and a third count with a common assault. i Mlr. RAINES ...


... LA W INTELLIGE, NCE. COURT OF CHANCERY.-SATUnDAY. ATTORNEY-GENERIL, V. SHOREt AND OTll1iiS. The further hearing of this appeal was proceeded with to-day, according to the arrangement made when the case was last before the Court. The Lord Chancellor took his seat shortly after ten o'clock, accompanied by Mr. Justice Patteson. The other Common Law Judge, Mir. Barnl Alderson, who heard the for- ...


... MIDDLESEX SESIOS .-TH URSDA ?? RATt'CLIfF'E AGAt5iT A CONVICC!O. OF BOYCE COO1BE, ES(' AND WMl. BAfLANIlINE, 1;Q- This wits A calse utndfr tleo Firo Act. The appellant Vas, GhtIrcht ::irilen of a divisuon of tih hamietof Lateliff; att ortler was niatio 1h tthe M ogistritlos (hilblihO should1 pay to Charles Doidd, ant engngi ke.ieporr, 2lfs, a3 a rt'tvial, mndrr th'e Blditina !,et for [norit ...


... MELANCHOLY DEATn.-The Titmes correspondent at Dublin, dating Friday evening, half-past five o'clock, writes:- ?? Whitestone, a barrister, dropped dead in Marlborough street about two hours since. He had been in great distress. A single penny was the only money in his pockets. An inquest is now holding on the body of the unfortunate gentleman. DREADFUL EXPLOSION BY A HAND-GRENADE AT A GAaMeLrxe ...

Published: Sunday 12 April 1835
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1408 | Page: Page 11, 12 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... -?jr.glp 0:0 J'NE vusiold, PR99S. J? - ,. . .: STATE OrF PUBnLIC FEELL.51O.'-The good judg- ment of the course which has'beeon taken by the Ilouse of Commons, and which has occasioned the retirement of the Peel Miiistry, is now fully justified, not merely by suqcess-a sufficient de- Inonstration in the eyes of the million-but by the clearness of the line which it has drawn be- ?? the opposite ...