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Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING INTELLIGEINCE. POR MNADRAS and CJALCU'prA, has all her Fdead welht-h oil board, and Aill positiyely sntil the lot of Jane, the ,asarkrellol fine iiast-mailinig I'lomniry teak-built strip MOi 0yrTUTIA T EPHIlNSTON H, Register 611 Thos, WViLTsAin ToLtan, Commandvier, pigI b ?? Fxprort Dock. This ship baa very an.- jerir an spai naccL~vommoationsq, nod carr-irs or, experienced ?? frigt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3ROMOTER LIFE ASSURANCE and ANNUITY COMPANY, 9 Chatham Place, Blackfriars, London. DIRECTORS. Charles Johnston, Esq. Robert Palk, Esp. Wm. Goodenounrh Hayter, Esq. Wm. Unwin Sirms, Esq. John Towgood Remble, Esq. Samutel Smith, Esq. John G- Shaw Lefevre, Esq. F.R.S. Le Marchant Thomas, Esq. TRUSTEES. John Deacon, Esq. I William Unwin Sims, Esq. John C. 51aw Lefevre, Esq. F.R.S. I The Premiums ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?l 1? Pt a A aI II E'dlinbrgh, &c. :iCAVCrnnlish-aqtuure, Aprii 10, 1853. MPOR{TANT NOTICE to PERSONS TRA. V'ELI.NG 'ff arid FRtOM tire CONTiINENTl.-Conrsider. RFDIi. l'ION itt the TrERMS tor SHIIPPING CARR~IAGE'S, hridittit nrc itriggirpe. i. II S'l.Eh', Cltrsom-hrouse, Commercial, and Shippittg-agent, 'aivrocet lhiexret tire C'ustorr-honrse, Ilover, and nit No. 4, rrcc~brrstretrepectfully ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. FOR A N EY, the fatst-ship F DAWSON, A 1, 200 Tons, Fi~.caD.%sror, Commander, lying in thoe St. Katherine Docks. Has good accommodation for sssertgers -For freight unit passage apply to J. Si. Arnold and R EGUAR TADER to ANADA, fitted exprssl fa a imied umbr o Paseligers, to sail po. ?? a thedats naed, nd o besuccede by squally eligible Vessls he St nd 6thof ?? dritg ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. FO 'CHINA, touching at MADRAS to land Fop Passengers only, the ship DUEOF SUSSEX, 1,400'Tosis, jate In the service of the Non. East India Company,) JoaN- D). HOMi5SAV, H.C.S. Coomoander, lying Ile the East Intiat Export Dock; st ill vail from Gravesendl on the 4th ?? freigh to Chins, or psassage oniy to Madras, apply to Ms~ers~. blarierllsanki and Ferraro, 18, King's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .,UBLIG AMsUSEMEV'LS. The THAMES TUNNEL, opposite the end of Old Grovel-lane, WpAMping but on the Rotherhithe side of the River, near the Chureh.-Notice is hereby given, that the Public may VIE' the TUNNEL every day (Sunday exrepted), from rine In the morning until six In the evening, upon payment of One Shil- liung fori 16ch Dlrrn. The Archway being lightld with oil gas, End relteted by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CLOSE OF THE PRESENT EXHIBITION. 1RITlSH INSTITUTION, PALLIIALL- The Gallery J for the EXHIBITION anod SALE of the WORKS of BRITISH ARTISt S is open daily from Ten in the Morning until Five in the Evening, and WILL ho CLOSED on SATURDAY, the 25th ?? Is.; Catalogue ls. WILLIAM BARNAL'D, Keeper. The GALLERY will be RE-OPENED early in MAY, with a SELECTION of PICTURES by ANCIENT M4ASTERS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P'UBLIC AMUSi.$A1 - `1 IS., APOLLONICON.o-TOMorOw, Saturday, at two o'tlock, alr. PURKIS villperform the fdiolting selection, iz., Introduluction, Chaos and Chorus (Crcation); Havdn-Veuper, Laudate lDominum- ; iotart-Trio, ?? soul with roge (Mount of Olivee( ;leethoten-Sok y, Oh silence fond warblers; Russell -Choru ' LOift up your heads ; Handel. PART it. Fill~t~leio from rile Works of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. -Vl MIADRAS and CALCU'TI'A, has all her FU ded wegh on board, and wil postively salthe let of *tsoe tbe remarkably line tisst-saiiing Bombay teak-built ship 1, tim \West India Export Dock. 'This ship has very su- perior bad ajpacions accom-modations, anti carries anl sxjierienceil ?? reight or passage apply to J. L. litrthorn, No. 13, .'thavieally, itircloin-lane, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUB1LIC AM1US-EMAtI S. ICOLOSSEUJM, lhgent's Pairk.-NEWC GROfANI) SCEN'EKY In Jost Opeoud to the Public, In additioll to t the various other Exhibitiants at this Estail,iishitin~t. No EXTRA CnxARcx. Aatimittioie to tire whiolu 2. :to each separate part li . ADELAIDE GALLERY of PRACTICAL SCIENCE, AdeInId,;strreti Strtoni.This R\1IM1iTION is OPEN dtaily, at Half~p~st ute,~llraV lO ingaifi log i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? sOB]ETTt-tLIBRA4RY. Fourth NWuien. COBlETT'S Speing-l9ook. '(Prie 2U) Containing, besides all the usual matterof such a book, a clear and concise INTRODUCTION TO ENGLISH GRAMMAR. This I hare written by way of A SteppinjgStone to my own Gramwar; such a thing having been frequently sug- gested to ne by Teachers as necessary. 1. ENGLISH GRAMMAR-Of this work one hundted thousand dopies have now ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. Foft CHINA, touching at 'MADRAS to land t F . Passengers in y the shlp B DK OFSUSSEX, 1,400 Tonv, (late it, the Service of the lion. Eiast illdia Company,) J01se', it. PlJOttosts, II.C.S. Croitnianilr, lun i the. Fast Indlia Expert aork; trill .-ail front Gravesend on th ?? -Far freigh to China, or passage oily to mudra's, alpP1Y t rr. ihiirjt'riln..tils autil l'r Is IS, ...