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Morning Chronicle



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Morning Chronicle


... COURT OF CHANCERY.-MONDAY. The Lorns CoN1S26ssionErrs (the laster of the Rolls and Mr. Justice Bosanquet) entered Court this morning at ten o'clock, and after disposing of some matters of no importance, retired to their Lordships' private room for the purpose of hearing a motion in the case of Shirley v. Lord Ferrers. At twelve o'clock their Lordships re- turned into open Court. TUE ATTORNLY ...


... INSOLVENT DEBTORS' COURT.-MONDAY. Samuel Bumfred Homer, described as an attorney, was opposed on his application to be discharged by Mr. Wakelcy ( ho was specially retained), on the part of Messrs. Robertson, wine merchants, of Villiers-street, Strand. Ie was supported by Mr. Cooke (with whom was Mr. Woodroffe). The aggregate amount of debts owing by the insol. vent was stated at 69,9551,, of ...


... LAW NOTICSS.--TH8 DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY, WESTMINS'TER Sittings at ten. [rtfl~me Before the Lod onislonerra2ergnealy Deaollowin g v rehearings had;ap peastandi oo y o thsl day aa d v tvuck out, u Ev cient cause 1 s ed tonihe Curthis ?? andr iz v ?? doseles Robinson * Nzewdick , Gort urtaea of and cost; Thirh, iaBaeiley, Attorney. v eseral ori of Winchester v Fera y v Thomas. * OTloS IVY t)AT5. ...


... COURT OF REQUESTS, KINGSGATZ-STREET. A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE.-A sprucely dressed young ?? named Balker, from whose right hand dangled a silver-mounted cane that would not have dis. graced a macaroni of the first water, was brought before the Commissioners under the tender tutelage of two officers of the Court, execution having issued against him at the suit of a person named Foley, under a ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY.-SATURDAY. The Lords Commissioners for the custody of the Great Seal, before taking their seats in Court this morning, read the declaration against using the powers of their office to destroy or injure the Established Church or its hierarchy. The Vice- Chancellor then retired to his own Court, leaving the other Lords Commissioners sitting here. ANDREWS V. WALTON. Mr. Andrews, ...


... MANSION-HOUSE. n Two girls, natied Anve and Chearlotte Sinith, were brought before the Lord Malyor, charged with robbery, u by M-r. Joseph Sorrsll, an old gentleman, who evidently n laboured under the effectii of an extra glass of gin. t The Complainant stated, but in a very circuitous man- ner, and with an expression of countenance which it is . impossible to describe, that on the preceding ...


... pre VICE.CHANCELLOR'S COURT.-THUaeDAY. 'THE BURGESSES OF TILE CORIPORATION OF ISITHIIN V. ADAMNS. This motion was partly heard before the last vacation, when the arguments of Mr. Knight and Mr. Booth, who she moved on the part of the defendant ,were fully reported. no The bill was filed by the burgesses of the corporation of thle Ruthin against Mr. Adams, who was alleged to hvbencor their ...


... LAW NOTICES.-TRWI DAY. COURt 0 CHIANCERtY, WESTMINiT1111. Sittings at ten. (Before the Lords Commissioners.] Shirley v Earl Ferrers (in private)-Youllf; v Milbantk, motion for Judgment-The Attorney.General v the Society for the regulation of Nrgro Slaves, to be spoken ?? v AtItyns, motion by order. ?? BY DArE-80tl Jonnlary, 1iFn. Long v Jo. flalqY , Colemiai v Smiithies-i:ith ...


... [FRoM TEi Li'.NINc ciiloxici~i: o01 riURiSDAY.] By the King's Bench report taken from this morning's Chronicle, oar readers will, we are sure, perceive with feelings of pleasure equal to our own that the wretched quibbling attempt to ob- tain a new trial, in the late cases of Tory bribery at ('ambridlgc, has completely failed. It wouldl be strange doctrine, indeed, that a verdict should not be ...


... I [Before B. RoTCH, Esq., Chairman.] EXTRAORDINARY CASE. Yesterday John Sutherland, a man of very respectable appearance, was indicted for assaulting Mrs. Mlary Ann Cough.- - The defendant is clerk to the Hon. Mr. Thomas Ers- kine, the Chief Judge of the Bankruptcy Court, and has held that situation for no less than 21 years. The case, from its peculiar circumstances, excited great interest. ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY.-WEDNESDAY. The Lord Chancellor (Lord Lyndhurst) sat this morn. ing in Westminster Hall. KENNETH V. JOHNSON. His Lonrssmnr gave judgment in this appeal, which wait argued some time since, and which is, eve believe, the last but two of the causes that stood over for consideration. From the statements in the bill it appeared that a person named William Kenneth, by a will made ...


... LA TV INTELLIGENCE. COURT OF CI-ANCERY.-.FttDvY. IMO, The Lords Commnisciosners appointed to hold te tl Great Sea] took the usurir oaths this mortning, its thils w court, which asv generally Asdminisitered to the Lord st Chancellor otn taking othice. jtif, I The MASTER~ Of the rxeiits, as Chief Cotumissionter, L'sml addressed the Bar to the following effect :-In, takcing upon them' some selves ...