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Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. OR CHINA, or passage to MADRAS, PE- F NANGandl SINGAPOH1W o and Passengers only tile blilp JOHN', I. IOROStIAN, HI.C.S. Commander, lying in thle Enet India Export Dock; will sail front Gravesendi 0n Ue 4th Afay-For freight to China, or passsge to Madras, ?? to IlMc.-rit. Moerjoribonk~s and Ferrers, IS, King's Arins.yard. Cole- man-street: or to Messrs. Dallas and Coles, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. VOR CHINA, or passagfe to MNADRAS, PE- FN ANG, and SIUNGAPORP. to land P'assengers only, the shiP D)UKE OF SUSSEX, 1-400 Tono, (late in hisI service of thle Ran. East India Conpanay') JtotHN 1. HOROSMAN, 1ICS. Comsmander, IhgIthEast lwi a Export IDovk i will nail from Gravesend on T.tgt M-ay -For fieight to China, or Ipaqelge to Madras, applY to Blessrs. Marjoribantisi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NATIONAL UNION OF THE WORKING CLASSEg, FltlEDOM OF THID PRESS! A PUBLIC MEETING willhe held at the LoNuOrMEl 41iacnar5 INSTITUITION, Soethaswpton-buildingo, Helborn, on Tuesdal Evening, the 28th, inst., to Petition the Legislature for a Repeal Of the Stamp Duties on Newspapers, and to pass Resolutions expressive of the opinion of the Meeting on that odiotos, unjust, and tyrannieg itnpost, T. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMIENTS. QUEEN'S BAZAAR, 73, Oxford-street, is NOW OPEN', with THRlEE original and splendid D1ORAaIIC VIE S, ?? Abbey, by nrmoloight; Ilterior of the Basilico of Saint Franris; Pass of B`rianyon (by Sir. Stanfield). Also the nenr Mjnorttinic Vien' of the Cofllogrationt at the Houses of Lords and Commnons, painted by Slr. B. Laabertr and Fourteen Physiorama Views.-Adorittarce to ill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published. 9,.- in . ?? .-fi l- . )f ?? 'I ?? BBEC TS ' ' ?? ' T O p A0, *- ?? - :i ?? -the Clergy of- the Established ?? ian -eqaitable right to the - ,.Tithes, or ,t any other thing called - hurech-Property, greater than the Dissenters have to the same And ougi there, or ough thee not, ;tio be Cbhpi'-p ti6 cf ?? ?? frohi h 'iS tate ? - - - - g t ii ItTTI, - - Addrst otii'rhirebPaTnI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CROSSE and BILACKWELL'S FLORENCE CREAM, for Salads, Lobsters, &c. by which a Salad, after the Parisian manner, may be obtained in one minute. CROSSE and BLACKWELL'S SOHO SAUCE, for Fish, Game, Steaks Made Dishes, &c. DINMORE'S ESSENCE of SHRIMPS, for every description of Boiled and Fried Fish. The above to be had of most Sauce-venders throughout the kingdom and wholesale of the Proprietors, 11 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. CLOSE OF TIIE PRESENT EXHIBITION. BRITISIi INS'S I rUTION, PALL-IIALL.- The GALLERY for thr EXHIBITION and SALE of the WORKS of BJRITISH ARTISTS is OPEN daily, frem Ten in the Mlornlig u0til Five in the Evening, and will be closed onl Saturday, the 2ith ?? Is., Catalogue Is. iVILLIAII llARINARD, Keeper. The Galilery Wvill be re.opened eurly in May, with a Selection of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f MORISON'S MEDICINES.. , I Ces of Cure of Cho er.a in America. To Dr. H. Shepheard Moat. BRAR SIR,- I have the pleasure of an- rnouncing, that I have abundant evi- dence of the wondeirfl eff'ects of the Uirer- sal Medicine during the last fortnight. It i8 impossible for me to collect-an account of all the goed the medicine has done; suffice it to say, I am confident that upwards of one hu- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i~HlPPING INTELLIGENCE. (RMADRAS and CALCU1`TA, w'ifl be FPtJitletully dempatbed on the 6thbJute, the teak-built ship 'flt rbt ?? ofshi vsse ar euoltothose of the yeaila O- Pasageo~pl to essr. FobesForbs. ad Ce., iii, Ange~coot Thoyrs to-stret; omio, Mn, ad C., 26, Corn. F ORMAR ?? mid CuALC Thas all her ,edwegt noi board, sod mill positicriy saill the let of Jane, ithe renmarkailiv tee fast ...

Advertisements & Notices

... :1, SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. F OR MADRAS and CALCUITA, will be l put IlittIlly despatehed on the t;th June, the teak-built ship EXM101rH, 7.5i Tons Register, Captloin lDAXILWAuaREN. The cabin necnmrnmtimtitot's of this vessel are equal to those of the h200 ton ships; nud she will carry als experienced ?? Freight or Pals-ge napply to Mcssrs. Forbes, Forbes, acd Co., I0, Angel.coart, Trhrogmtroul ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Under the Patronage of her most gracious MAJESTY. X H I B I T I E N of the NEW WATER COLOUR SOCIETY, EXETER HALL, STRAND. Open from Nine until Six o'clock.-Admittance, Is.; Catalogue, 6d. Removed from 16 Old Bond street. H. E. DOWNING, Secretary. THE THIRTY-FIRST ANNUAL EXHIBITION of the SOCIETY of PAINTERS in WATER COLOURS, at their Gallery, Pall mail East, is NOW OPEN. Open each day from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. OR CHINA, or passage to MADRAS, PE- F NANG, and SIGPRto Ird Passenrgers only, the ship DUKE OF SUSSEX, 1,400'Tons, JI'll- 3. HOUbSMAN, HI.C.S. Commander, Ids ?? India Export Dock; w-ill sail from Gravesend on t.4th Mafy.-For freigh to Chiana, or passage only to Mladras, apply to Messrs. MNariorlltanks and Ferrers, 18, King' ' Armns-yard, Cole- nian-street ; or to Messrs. ...