... COURT OF REQUESTS, KINGSGATZ-STREET. A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE.-A sprucely dressed young ?? named Balker, from whose right hand dangled a silver-mounted cane that would not have dis. graced a macaroni of the first water, was brought before the Commissioners under the tender tutelage of two officers of the Court, execution having issued against him at the suit of a person named Foley, under a ...


... LAW NOTICES.-Tolzo Dir. I COURT OF CHANCERY, WESTMINSTER. Sittings at ten. Rebearings and Appeals standing over generally to be called on tbis dayand struck out unless sufficient cause be stated to the Court. FEUTISONS BY ORDER-RuXton v Fiteherbert, part ?? v Palmer, ?? v Fitzherbert, petition by ?? v Wiltbhire, appeal, part heard. VICE-CIHANCELLOR'S COURT, WESTMIINSTER. Sittings at ten. ...


... GUILDHALL. A young woman named M1ary Ann Monk was brought up yesterday before Mr. Alderman Atkins, charged with assaulting her brother-in-law. It appeared that having an antipathy to her husband's brother, and being intoxicated, she went to his house with the determination of making a row, and the present com- plaint was made with the hopeless view of restraining her from getting drunk. Thel ...


... exicarI, . l,;. -- _ SCOTS APPAL ; I, 1a, e .i j, 1T10 to pre.. Tist Ilaae tire with iretos le courtI of Session,''of eet'orl :CLSBVas ejt tm. 0f ilera1 Of the - heI ai~ the ?? rw wa } ?? t ldtfl his? cordial as- .1110x Whv given ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY.-WEDNESDAY. The Lord Chancellor (Lord Lyndhurst) sat this morn. ing in Westminster Hall. KENNETH V. JOHNSON. His Lonrssmnr gave judgment in this appeal, which wait argued some time since, and which is, eve believe, the last but two of the causes that stood over for consideration. From the statements in the bill it appeared that a person named William Kenneth, by a will made ...


... A Coroner's Inquest vviss lholdlen yesetrday, to inquire into the cause of thti deaith of Amelia P~almer, a girl in the service of Msr. Ash, of Cumntittg-strect, Pcentonville, who drowned herself onl Tluesdlay itortilog last, between tvvelve and one o'clos-k. itt lit' Neit' Rive'r, near Sadtler's Wells. By the csidenve- it apj~careit tha~t the deceased had formcd an iunftrtuitnat connection ...


... MANSION-HOUSE. A woman named Anne King was brought before the Lord Mayor, charged with having robbed a labouring man of two sovereigns. The Complainant stated that be met the prisoner the night before in the Borough, and was asked by her to make her a present of a treat in the shape of a drop of gin. Seeing that she had no money and that she had a pair of terrible black eyes, he consented to ...


... ATTEMPT BY A WIFE TO SHOOT I HJIR HrU.SBAND. Yesterday mormingr a considerable tiegree of excitement was occasioned in the neighbourhood of Gravel lane, in consequenee of the report of a pistol being heard in a house occupied by a broker and appraiser. Soon alter tile report the cry of ' Police was heard, an(d a con- stabic of the M Division immediately repaeired to tire house, and on his ...


... LAW NOT1CES.-Tnis DAY. I COURT OF CHANCERY, WESTMINSTER. Sittings at tel. Sera Dny,-Biotions. VICE.CHANCELLOR'S COURT, WESTMINSTER. Sittings at ten. Seal Day.-idotiOs. ROLLS' COURT, iVESTXINSTER, Sittiugn fit tell. Warner v Torkington forp udgritent, nd MotiOns. COURT OF KING'S BENCH. Sltings ;t eleven. MIDDLESEX CoMMOS ilZtts.Nutv Granete. -Marden v Blg- -Rogers v Nedby. The Court will also ...


... CONVICTIONANDEXECUTIONoFMARYANN BURDOCK. On Monday the learned Recorder summed up the case to the Jury. The prisoner was charged with having murdered, by means of poison, a lady named Clara Ann Smith, the poison being yellow arsenic mixed in water gruel. They would have to make up their minds upon the three following points: -First, whether Mlrs. Smith's death was occasioned by poison; ...


... pre VICE.CHANCELLOR'S COURT.-THUaeDAY. 'THE BURGESSES OF TILE CORIPORATION OF ISITHIIN V. ADAMNS. This motion was partly heard before the last vacation, when the arguments of Mr. Knight and Mr. Booth, who she moved on the part of the defendant ,were fully reported. no The bill was filed by the burgesses of the corporation of thle Ruthin against Mr. Adams, who was alleged to hvbencor their ...


... I [Before B. RoTCH, Esq., Chairman.] EXTRAORDINARY CASE. Yesterday John Sutherland, a man of very respectable appearance, was indicted for assaulting Mrs. Mlary Ann Cough.- - The defendant is clerk to the Hon. Mr. Thomas Ers- kine, the Chief Judge of the Bankruptcy Court, and has held that situation for no less than 21 years. The case, from its peculiar circumstances, excited great interest. ...