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April 1835
5 29 5 30



London, London, England

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... Yesterday a Court was held for the dispatch of business. Although it was well known that the question of throw- ing open the Court was to be taken into consideration, there was by no means a crowded Court during any part of the sitting. MOTION FOR OPENING THE COURT. Sir PETER LAURIE rose lor the purpose of moving the resolution of whichl he had given notice- That this Court do conduct all ...


... TIlE MURDER AT IJ'OOLIVICII. Not~withstanding the had state Of thle Weather Yesterday a large numiber of persons assembled ill front of, thle Bii- tannia public-bouse, inl the early part, of the dav, atid conl- st. tiiiued there in de.fiance oft the ratin ft at camne dowii rather I sharp at intervals, until the arrival of Mr. Carttar, m a fro Coroner, when thc greatest anxietv was manifested ...


... LA TV INTELLIGENCE. COURT OF KHING'S BENCH.-Tt'~5DAY. MEAD iV. DAVISON~. This Was an action to rocaser a Sum Of 241. 10s. being the arnostnt of the defendant's subscrip tioni onl a policy oif insolrilnee on thle ship Cirisk. The pulicy was allv~ted to haove been effectetd by a muotual assurance comtpany, callisd The llrithlti Assoclat too,'' held at North Shields. It wess oee of the rules of ...


... SHERIFFS' CO UT.-WrIDNESDAY. [Before Air. Sergeant ARABIN.] IURINElt V. GMEMDLEY. In this case, which excited considerable interest, the plaintiifl, a lad 19 years of age, sought the sum of 71 17s. fron his employer, an attorney, as a recompense, at the rate of 7s. EL Week, for his services. aMr. MANSELL stated that the plaintirt was con Odentially employed by the defendant, as appeared from ...


... MANSION HOUSE. A fellowship-porter was charged by a German cobbler, named Simmonds, under the following circumstaneCs:- The Complainant stated that he had beon in the trade of a cobbler for ten years in this country, and w*VS always treated by the moral and religious portion of society with great respect, lie took a bulk in Botolph-court, and laboired in his vocation there front mortling till ...


... LAW SI7TINGS.-TRIS DA Y. ; TCI.CfHANCELLOR'S COURT, WESbTMINSTFR. Sittings at ten.-.Motions. ROLLS' COURT, WESTMINSTER. Sittings at telln Attorney-General v Clarke, to be jfl)!in i ).n a motions. The Court of King's Bench vill st ?? UAnco. ?? OF COMMON PLEAS. sittings at ten. L7,m3O CiiStOtov JteRIas.-COlItttV Smijtb; JonesvPhillips; C0o11nt v Chittenken;; Gayton v Andersoti. The Court MMili ...


... BOW.STREET. ILLIEGA4L! Y.PAWVNING.-A ?? of rather fashion. able appearance, who gave his name Htnry Stracarrn Cooper, was Nestfreldott p1atrd at the bar before Sir F. Roe, chargel with, uoilasvfullv paltriling a gartt neckilace, set in gold, a brooch, and otfier articles, the properyl of his mother, residing in .John strect, Hampstead-road. The pr3seClitrix, who was much affected while giving ...


... THE MURDER AT W7OOL IICH. (FTIaTtER, PARTICULARS.) The.inquest on the body of the ill-fated woman. Mrs. Elizabeth Browning. was appointed to bc held vesterday afternoon; but after Ihe Coroner had issuid his warran'. it W;as discovered that the magistra es hid comnpitted Carroll to Neewgate on the capital chiarge. On this being known, the inquest was postponed until an order could be obtained ...


... LAW SlITINGS.-THis D.iy. VICE.CHANCELLOR'S COURT. WESTMINSTER. Sittings at ten. illshav W' ia5v. to be spoke to; Tre'evlnt v ?? by orcler Ptnelt v ort, caiusebyordir \Vi`eirlovWlalrer, ditlo iirols',t Rrsce, ditto. E;gltieeld v Stril; land 0itto; 1Mol,talu 7o11ll erecptiotos par't heard . willilillsoll v E dlli, ti It l Cb- ?? n. son, ditto: Audhle v ?? demurrer; Phipps v williamna, ex- ...


... .ROLLS' COURT- WENESoDAY. His llonour the Muster of the Itolls was engaged so0til two o'clock. at which time he rose, in hearing several causes in further directions, none of which were ef anypublic interest. COURT OF KING'S BENCII.-XWEDNESDAT. [S1TTING9 IN BANCO°] IN THE MATTER OF THlE conroRATION OF ABERYSTWYTlI. Mr. E. V. WILLIATS applied to the Court for a rule for a anovdamnss to be ...