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... LAW INTTLLIGENCB. COURT OF CHANCERY.-SATURDAY. Lords Commissioners Sir LjtNCEI.OT SHtADWELL and Mr. Justice BOSANQUET gat to-day to bear motions, which were putndown to be hiard In the order of tbhir iatec. . 1HARODMAN 01. SLAnAIR. )Mr. KONDrEROLYT moved In this case to discharge an order of the Master of the Roll, by which his Honour directed the defendzat to produce for the Inspection or the ...


... VICE-CiIANICELLOI'S COURT.-WEDVnESnAY. PARnKE ?i)7. DOWN~INt(1 Thle onlv pc-,nt orally public interest arrootg the several quet of att tiisu,.wd ins tb~q case, related to -n right to dower. Mir. WAKNIFitELD With Mr. LycnCS, and Mre. Riiarn~tsi, in sup- port sif Ott wvidow's cloimt to dower, stated the will of her husband. Mr. W'ard, tohltreby lie devised his freettold messuage or tenement, ...


... Yesterday a Court was held for the intended dispatch of business. The Court paper Pontained no fewer than fourteen notices of motions, and twelve notices of reports; T( and it Is to be regretted that not the slightest advance was made in the business of the Corporation, owing to an Lt W EXTRAORDINARY SCENE OF CONFUSION, tol The LORD MAYOR, after the minutes of the last TI Court had been read ...


... MURDER AT WOdL~W1cr-Tire Old English system of'sruffering sol. diers to carry bayonets with them through the streets, and during private inter course, has again been illustrated in a most shocking way. A Corporal Carrol han just stabbed a poor wvidsw, the keeper of a public-house in Wool- wich, by way of settlement of a dispute that had arisen between them. He thrust his bayonet into her ...


... GUILDHALL. Yesterday John Stockwell, an Irish lad, was brought before Mr. Aldcrman Ansley to compel him to produce a sovereign which had been given to him by mistake. A ?? inamed Measrs stated that hie hsad business at the Heralds' College yesterday, aod left hslsioroc in the care of the prisoner while he was absent for a fews minutes. On his return lie gavehis a feu helfpcnce for liii trooble ...


... -4 MANSION-HOUSE. Saturday 11' Bunn, a pauper of Aldgate parish, was brought before the LoiD MAYORI, Undcr the following circumstances :- Philip Johnson, a pauper, who works as a cobler in the work-house, stated that the prisoner occasiosally worked with him. On Thursday the prisoner disappeared froom the room, onn at the same time a watchwhich was kept in an open drawervanished; when the ...


... MIANSION-HOUSE. p The case of Mr. Crofts, of Bucklersbury, wlho, it will be recollected, obtained a licence at the London Sessions, has cxcited a sensation amiongst his fellow-citizens. Although the Bench of Magistrates consent to grnit a licence, the privilege to sell wine aud spirits canirat be acted upon, except thesignatures of four of the Aldermen who acre present when O it vas voted are ...


... LAW NOTJCES.-TMiS DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY, WESTMINSTER. Sittings at ten. (Before tbe LODSs CozlilsisitowiRR.j MoTIONs r r DsTre-Jaisuary 1, 135, Johanlmngv. Hawes; Jan. 24, iardman v Ellamnes-Richacds v hiuiburt; Feb. 10, Foord v Jenkins; Feb. i18 Angell v Westcomb; Feb. 21, Ferrisv Ferris, March 21, Ferrl; vFoley;* Ayril 27, Montara v Hail. Arve~w~sI-Elmsleyv Young, tro ?? v Harvey; ?? v rowle ...


... LAW NOTICES.-Tsis DAr. VICE.CHANCELLOR'S COURT, WESTMINSTER. Slttiogs at ten. Morgan v Hgowell, to be spoke to; Exparte Edwvards, petition by order; Woollams v Baker, further directions and costs; Store v Lee, to produce will; Williamsont v Ellis; Ellis v WIlliamson, part heard ; Parker v Downhio:y Same v Sante, rehearintg and petition, part heard; Aulley v Fletcher, tetitorrer; PIll's v ...


... sLFORD COURT. LEET. It, . I -~ .. ;d .. . :Tiehid ?? ftoy b~1u'dred ofSarfoi~d~ E wuns bald, at die 'lloanlil Ha1!on Wedne~iday, beiCJAMIiS Notitais, Esq,, 'teviai,' rind J~liN. GIV , lsq., Deputy Steward of' the 1findiied. *he follpwing gen- tlenen wrre sworn of the Jtur y:; I Ah: D. Bpibhouse Janr., Foremanm Mr. R. Grundy, iMr. W. Gibson, Mr. W. Newiall, Mr. W. loiintchstle, Mr. James ...


... SHERIFFS' COURT.-TurSDAY, MAY' 5. [Biefore J. BvitcOI.L, Esq., Senior Unuer-Sheriff.J IiPORTANT TO TRADESBIEN-SINGULAR POINT UNDiER1 THE STATUTTE OF IMiAITATIONS. COOi'EAL V. GRlEEN- This was an5 ?? brought to recover the sum of 161. I6s. 6d., for goods sold and delehcred. The de- fendant had paid into Court 7/. 7s. in satisfactiofl of tile dubt, and piealed the general issue and notice of set ...


... MURDER AT WOOLWICEI. l esterday morning thle town of W~oolwicb weas thsrownl into 0 state of the greatest alarmn in consequence of a report that a corporal of the ntarines hiad murelsred Mirs. Eliznshesh l Browsing, thelc andlady of the Britannia publiic-houtse, by stabbing her with his bayonet. At one o'clock the twagia-t trates assembled. Sir John W\ebb took the chair, and was 1 a'aistril by ...