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Advertisements & Notices

... FiVANITU7RR. BOOKS. 0INE. PICKLES, 4e, .BY BRANCH &,SON, 1 on Monday n5t, the 18thn, and Tn caday, the 19th Instant, ?? o'clock, at the Hanover Roomsg, A extensive assortment of excellent HOUSEHOLD A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,O OFFICES to LET, together or sepav. m sey The front Office contains a good Iron Applyto Messrs. IIUGALL & SNOWBALL, Ckiors. PBowlalley-Lsne; or at No. 2. Silver-Street. AIRCHFITECT and SURVEYOR, in k frll practice. hasaVACANCYfora well-educated .T who will have every means of acquiring a io as well as a Theoretical Knowledge of his Fa~ican--Appyfor reference, to Mr. ISAAC fivsN. Pu~blisher, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just published, post Svo. price Ss. bound in cloth, dedicated to Earl Spencer, DISCOURSE OF NATURAL THEOLOGY, Show- A ing tte Nature of he Evidence and ?? of tbe Study. By HENRY LOtlD BRlOUGF1AM, F.R.S. nd Me 'bshr of the Natiosn. Institute of France. (Being the first asolune of Paley Illustrated. The other two will be publisled iii Jlily.) London: (bharles Knight, 22 Ludgate street. T AIT'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iPAR;]ISH OF BRIG TON. TICE H EREBY GIVEN, that a PUBLIC 0:°asTRy MiEETING of the INHABITANTS of d a ,l'rish %ii; be held at the Town Hall, on FRIDAY, thle le Sal Iof ay instant, ?? ?? in tile afternoon pre. K)Jel ?? th purpose of taking into consideration whether it iscl or tageous tbat the ASSIZESi for the County of Sussex ii .ie ..d d to and held in ?? of Brighton and,if so, to hall ldc Who ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BUILDEXNS AND OTHIMRS. TO BE SOl.D BY AUCTION, 13Y MR. III)LEY; At the Tiown lall on WICI)NES)AY,'MGy 27th, 1835, at Six ?? in thd E~vening, in ene l~otg P'lr, NWlTI(l,L O(F TIlE BllICK.JI3UILDING, situ- Tated in the BARTtI(MLOMEWMSadjoiniing tile Market, recently uned as a IPrison and Iengine House. To be 'cleared off the Pretiseo n.,ecably to tihe conditions which, will be stated at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'tl J) ito~j,1EVE 111(d C(lN:STABl.ES of: 7d ' 0) )R) t~i'L to state that, thev will Ito glad toI Moniday ,etiiig next, at Sis o'lock, at a~lu-tr 'fltlTA N I' S as ito 'still JO)IN IN (ellra- h K ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. ROYAL ACADEMY; Sd6nerset-House.-The EXHIBITION~f tihe ROYAL ACAd)'EMY i~sn0w OPEN. Admis- slon (from Eight o'clock till Sewrn), One.sbilling; Catalogue, One Shilling. HENBLY HtOWARD, ItA.. Sev'. The THIRTY-FIRST ANNUAL EXHIBI- TION0 of tbe SOCIETY1 of PAINTERS- In WATER-CO LOURS, at thder oallery, Pall-mail Eist, Is ?? each day from nine till ?? is.; CataisgoeGd. R. HILLS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ItbJ0 SHIPPING INTE LLIGENCE. ~;OR CHINA DIRECT, and will land Pas- ?? ANiEIR, itider engagement jlosltta'r13 lto snal froin ii4 .,.eno Jilly It., nioil ll not rvecvel goods Iin the East India aJ'HlF 31A)I-IQ S CAMDEN, 1.4(10 'ross, iordiun, 13Uil 015111pl to Copltaio Thimtttist Latiiniu Nooestr. ?? to JASI B5 A talun, I, I .delieiali.strect. rN oilt B M0B11AY, will ,ItInd PAsseiigers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE ELECTORS OF THE SOUTHERN DIVISION OF DEVONSHIRE. GENTLIEMSS,, A FTER the triumphstnt restilt of one 'of the most Attduous and 0i0portitt Contests ever known in Englantd it is mymost lileatit duty to rcturn my warmest Thanlks to the Electors o' tbe Southert 4blvision hfd the County of JDvoll, for the high Honior they have consferred on me. .vGentremesih -l Ia fhllawardthat it could be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (ARNFTT'S PURE BALSAMI OF CAPAIVI 'APILLS -These Pills consist (of the pure Capaiva Balsam ina0 Oipo~lidated state and ?? all its volatileanid aetive principles, Which are totally d-stroyed by every o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALR OrF' BI LEM , D U)W.P-STRT. BY MESSRS. T. a.'3 -TROTTER, ?? (Friday) the ?? instant,- at, Seven o'clock, on the premises, Nlo. 37, Dukewstreet, Siater-street. T jE modern and genuine, HO ~ OLD EU ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aito tit) AurLLijn. VAL.UABLE B3UILDING LAND inl the I3OiOUGH of BRADFORD. -IBv Mr. G. T. LISTER, ait the i-lonse oi' Mrs. Wood, the Talbost ?? ai Bradfoid, in thle iiiunty iif York, onl Nondes, Dil I~tt/ i/as, ?? Iaafeaf, tit Six o'cloick in the Eveninlg, either alto. .glicr or, in Lu's, aft hilly be agreed upon at the Time of Sulb, taid suhjelct to surl CGiiditinsi as mafy be ilicil and ...