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... COU.RT OF KINGOS BENCH[f-THiu'SDAY, ri'miiIN V. wEsT. In this case a l/abeaso runt usam had been grantbd, for the puufposc.of bringfihi up ?? defendaur fuomthe gol of Oxford, to which plitce he had been conveyed by the officer of the ChAncellor of Oxford; and arule had been granted, calling upon the plaintiff to show cause why the defendant shouldl not be discharged from custody. The plaintiff ...


... Yesterday a Court was held for the intended dispatch of business. The Court paper Pontained no fewer than fourteen notices of motions, and twelve notices of reports; T( and it Is to be regretted that not the slightest advance was made in the business of the Corporation, owing to an Lt W EXTRAORDINARY SCENE OF CONFUSION, tol The LORD MAYOR, after the minutes of the last TI Court had been read ...


... POLICE INTELLIGEACE. MIARLBORO UG H- STREEl'. RECRrATIONS OF GENTI.MitN. -An individual of fashionable exterior, Who gave the name of Riehird 'il- liams, was charged with having broken the windovws of a hlons, No. 51, Jermyn-street, St. J.ames's. From the evidence it appeared that about tvelve o'clock on Sotlr. day night the inhabitants of the house were alarmed at hearing several panes of ...


... POLICE INTELLIGEA CB. MARY.LA.BONNE. ClARGE 01o ATTiMPTEIj RArL.-Yesterday, William Boweyer, a pot-boy in the service of Mr. Griffiths, of the Dukeof York public-house, Mary-la-bonne, was placed at the bar before Mr. Rawlinson, on the charge of an assault, with Intent to commit a rape, oan the person of Ann Garvett, a child three years of age. Anti Garrett, the mother, (the wife of a private ...


... LAMBETH-STREET. ExTRAORDINARLY -CHARGE OF CHILD.SFI.LONG.-On O Monday Esthrer Tye, a maocuiline.looking female,, was Gel broh eoe Mr. B~UeaELL, on a charge of unlawfully de- chi taiiig half a sovereign tire property ot Henry Batt. The prosecutor stated that about one o'clock an that day, while he Ij and a firend of his, who were then In attendance, were returning from En Smithfield Motrket ...


... THAMES POLICE. SMUGGLING AND SMASIHINC,-SINGULAII CASE.-Yeas tordav, John Gazing, a foreigner, who has been thrice convicted in the penalty of 1001. for sm was' hog, vas brougbt before Mr. Ballantine and Mr. Broderip, on an information, charging him with irnshipping 121b 7oz. ,f tobacco, which hod not paid duty. The Customos, who on the last occasion ponisbed the prisoner by an imprisonloeot ...


... LAW INTPELLIGENCE. CONSISTORY COURT.--FlitAY (Before Dr. LISMINGTO-.] TREVANNION v. ThtIVANNION. This seas a question npon the adutli~sion of an allega- tion responsivc to a lible given in by Mr. johnl B. Trevait- nlont charging adultery auainst Chiarlfoio 'Trevannion, his wifel antd praying a separarniol. 'rile allegation on tile part of .Mrs. Trevannion denied the charge, and set forth acts ...


... LA WV A' OTICES.-Tlns DA Y. VICE.CHANCELLOR'S COURT, WESTMINSTER. Sittings at 10DloTIONs. ROLLS COURT, MVESTAIINSTEII. Sittings at tel. The Blaster of the Bolls will take petitions, of ?? about ItO Ap pear on the paper. tour OF lING S BENCH Sittiiigs at eleven. Mt oot.esttx ( ?? JURIESo-ilann v Longlid others-l1,rstott v ])ean-Slk r Huamphery and ?? v P'arber-Biggs v Burleton.-The Court will ...


... MURDER AT WOdL~W1cr-Tire Old English system of'sruffering sol. diers to carry bayonets with them through the streets, and during private inter course, has again been illustrated in a most shocking way. A Corporal Carrol han just stabbed a poor wvidsw, the keeper of a public-house in Wool- wich, by way of settlement of a dispute that had arisen between them. He thrust his bayonet into her ...


... TrlE LORD MAYOR AND THlE COURT OF COMIMON COUNCIL.. IOnl ridaylhust the Aldetmen of the City of London as- sembled in consequence of' a aummona issued by the Lord M1ayor upon very peculiar busincss. At two o'clock there were 20 Aldermnen prescut. They sat not as a Court of Aldenn en, but at a maeting of the Civic N~agtistracy. Thie City Law-Officers were also present. 'The L~ord Mayor ...


... LA TW INTELLIGENCE. COURT OF CAIANCERY.-TittIC5[UAY. Tbp Lords Commisosionrers, the Viee-ClianeeIlor and Mr. Justice Bos~atuqrrc, iat this nmorning for about tirsnty minutes, in the course of a hich theY disposed of the lnatie Petitions in the paper of the day. Their Lordships then re- tire ttheir pivate toest for ithe prtrpose ofhemroirig a petitiotn, the facts of whic h the parties were ...


... COURT OF COMfMION COUNCIL. Yesterdav a Court swas hcldl for the dispatch of bnsines'i. It was very fully attended. and thc spaec below thes bar %isas crossdshd. IDuring thie sit tiog of thle Court much interest wsas c~i deiitlv flet bv tile strangers in thc waians interlocnt ors' discussion whieli took pilace. Bb~; l R EACHI OF PR IVILIECG . hlatmediatcly after the s ery slimt minnite of thle ...