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... d THE WOOL VICH MURDER. le Patrick Carroll, the soldier, was put upon trial this morn. ing for repeatedly stabbing with his bayonet, and thereby occasioning the death of Mrs. Browning, of Woolwich, on ,s the 27th of April last.-The prisoner pleaded Not Guilty. The evidence offered against the prisoner was exactly the same as that produced upon the investigation before the M1a. e gistrates at ...


... COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, MAY 16. JERtROLD Wr. Mo0ss1s AND W1NSTON.-This was an action brought by the plaintiff, the well-known dramatic writer, to recover compensation from the lessee of the Haymarket Theatre, for a play called Beau Nash, or the King of Bath, which was represented at that theatre in July ?? pleaded that they had paid Mr Jerrold 501. for his play, which was all they considered it ...


... -4 MANSION-HOUSE. Saturday 11' Bunn, a pauper of Aldgate parish, was brought before the LoiD MAYORI, Undcr the following circumstances :- Philip Johnson, a pauper, who works as a cobler in the work-house, stated that the prisoner occasiosally worked with him. On Thursday the prisoner disappeared froom the room, onn at the same time a watchwhich was kept in an open drawervanished; when the ...


... MIANSION-HOUSE. p The case of Mr. Crofts, of Bucklersbury, wlho, it will be recollected, obtained a licence at the London Sessions, has cxcited a sensation amiongst his fellow-citizens. Although the Bench of Magistrates consent to grnit a licence, the privilege to sell wine aud spirits canirat be acted upon, except thesignatures of four of the Aldermen who acre present when O it vas voted are ...


... CENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT.-MonAy.I These ,sessions commented to-day. At, ten o'clock the Recorder, Mr. Sorjeant Arabin, thei Common Serjeant, the Lord Mayor, and the ether officers of the Court took their seats onl the Bench. The calendar shows a total of 262 prisoners in custody, of whom 170 are committed from Middlesex, 33 from London, 37 from Kent, 13 from Sarrey, and 4 froin Essex. Thle ...


... The public mind begins to recover from the affriglat occasioned by the extraordinary preparations made by the Government for carrying on this trial. The fearless behaviour of the prisoners themselves, who appear to regard their sufferings as a mere pre- liminary to the triumph of their principles, cannot fail to make a deep impression on thleir countrymen, who see arrayed against them the ...


... COURT OF COMM'ION PLEAS.-Tu~snAY. ISittings Ill Banco.] ANothing of the slightest Interest catme onl before this Court yester- lay, their lordships having been occupied the whole day in hearing muotions of no importance. COURT OF KING'S l3ENCH.-Ttw.sDAY. [Sittings in Banco.] T1HU KING V. THOMAS UAtiN AND THIOMAS AUSTIN. This was an indirtment ziggtinst the two dlefendlants o m assanilting a ...


... SUtDDEN DEATH OF DR PINCAIRD.-Thiis gentleman was suddenly called a few days ago, from his own drawing room, to attend a female patient in the parlour. He had been with her but a few minutes before the servants were alarmed by a violent ringing of the bell. On one of them going there, the deceased was found upon the floor apparently in the agonies of death. All their efforts to restore the ...


... LAW NOTJCES.-TMiS DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY, WESTMINSTER. Sittings at ten. (Before tbe LODSs CozlilsisitowiRR.j MoTIONs r r DsTre-Jaisuary 1, 135, Johanlmngv. Hawes; Jan. 24, iardman v Ellamnes-Richacds v hiuiburt; Feb. 10, Foord v Jenkins; Feb. i18 Angell v Westcomb; Feb. 21, Ferrisv Ferris, March 21, Ferrl; vFoley;* Ayril 27, Montara v Hail. Arve~w~sI-Elmsleyv Young, tro ?? v Harvey; ?? v rowle ...


... CENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT..-hFRI [Before DMr. Justice PARK. Mr. Justice 1,rLEDA1, siol l Racoanenli.) THE WOOLWICH MURDER. Putricic Carroll, aged 32, was indicted, for hag, ie thle 27th of April, witb a certain iharl) instrunitat Io., a bm onet, did feloniously, andi withl nalice Iirelient stab, ltnd pierce one Elizabeth Browning, in th~pria, Woolwich, and did thereby inflict divers mo)rtal wi ...


... LAW NOTICES.-Tsis DAr. VICE.CHANCELLOR'S COURT, WESTMINSTER. Slttiogs at ten. Morgan v Hgowell, to be spoke to; Exparte Edwvards, petition by order; Woollams v Baker, further directions and costs; Store v Lee, to produce will; Williamsont v Ellis; Ellis v WIlliamson, part heard ; Parker v Downhio:y Same v Sante, rehearintg and petition, part heard; Aulley v Fletcher, tetitorrer; PIll's v ...


... THE eyes of all nations of Europe are turned to this state trial; and many governments are waiting in silent anxiety its eventful issue. The number of prisoners, amounting to eighty, we believe-their crime is charged as an attempt to overthrow the government; the number of witnesses, between eight and nine hundred ; their judges, the Peers of France; their prosecutor, the King of France; and ...