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Brighton, Sussex, England

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... VI These Sessions commenced on Wednesday, at the C6unty Hafl, ot Lewes, before the Earl of Chsichester and WV. Seymour, Esq.. di The Earl of Chficlsester charged the Grand Jary, a'sd after some ir unimportant observ'ations; in speaking of the Willingdon rioters, n. he said it might be nccessary, in relation to this charge, to explain A what thle law was. A riot hsi law was an assemblage of ...


... BENCCH OF MAGISIRATES. T1, liRSnDY, M1ay 5th, 1835.-Present,-CA or. FtJJ.rEn, R.N. a l'illium 3ristowe, against whom a warrant was granted on it Monday Ior ill-using his wife, Mary Biristow, was brought up tor st examination. The poor woman, who appealed to be labouring cs under a severe contraction of the hands and arms, stated that sin C returniog home the previous Sunday morning from ...


... 1ORRIBLE MIURDERS IN FRANCE. A cass of extiaordinary depravity came qn at Hesse-Rhenane (Mayetice), on tile 22d of March, and occupied the Court four days. It was the trial of two woenen charged with having poisoned their husban(s, and snc of themt with having poisoned her faditer, viother, three children, arid ier ?? Toll and his wife Regina Hlof, working people at Abenheim, were entitled to ...


... The public mind begins to recover from the affriglat occasioned by the extraordinary preparations made by the Government for carrying on this trial. The fearless behaviour of the prisoners themselves, who appear to regard their sufferings as a mere pre- liminary to the triumph of their principles, cannot fail to make a deep impression on thleir countrymen, who see arrayed against them the ...


... BENCII OF MAGISTlRATES1 THuRSnDAr, Alay 14, 1835,-P ?? 1). S( oor, Plart., Capt. Fem.eIg R. N., aid .T. IIAI,, lEsq. A woman named Boftilg applied to thie lcinch flr advice antler the following cireumstanevc5. Ihe applicant had smle ?? sintc rceeived a letter fiom Mir. Furner, solicitor, Bond-street, requining pavmncint of fl (i. alleged to be due to Mir. Calndle, surgeon, together with 3s. ...


... LEW ES. On Saturday night, the horizon was illuminated by another S incendiary fire. Society seems reduced almost to the verge of ( dissolution in this part of thc country. Unions are cvery where I forming under the new Poor Law Bill in the hop6 of relieving I tile rate-payer. Associations are also forming, and subscriptions I enterod into, for the purpose of protecting property against thie ...


... THEtSODAY, April 30th, 1835.-Present,-Sir D. ScoTr, tart., CAMXT. FULLER, H.N. and JoIN HLL, Esq. - Ford was charged with a misdemeaner, in having exposed her female infant, on the night of the 17th December last, at the door of Mr. Ancell, Old Stcyne. Mr. S. Clarke stated the case for the prosecution. The prisoner was married on Sept. 21st, 1034, to William Forl, and lived with him till the ...