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Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... )o CORN AND FODDER, CATTLE, AND NEW GRASS.J To lie ,oid. liv pblic roupt, at DEEUIA\F(. on '1'lirsiav 7thMayq, INE HIC'KS of CORN and FODDER, one PARK of NEW N GRASS, a verv handsomel 4Year old MARE, trained to all ' kinds olWork. would carry a very lheavy man, or answer for a Gig; Rr and aI youli gCOW rn alf. '0 Theiroup to begin at 11 o'clock, andl credliton speurity. a- ?? ROSS, Auctioneer. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tery. .1- ~CHURCH ACCOMMSODATION. HP T ,HURCH of SCOTLAND haive now resolved to mak o a T .] vigo tous effor t tbr its exte nsio l, so as, if possible, to overtak e Ike the religiolls wats Of our vastly increased populatioln. W 'ithout nl- r I hiding to the nimerous districts il the Highlands, which are in a X deplorable state of religious destitution, the conditioln of thousands, e. in this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TrAB. To be Solt], by Auction, in the E xchalnge Se leroomi, Leith, on Tiusilay, 1'th instaut, at 10 okcloe!, 43118 PACKAGES CONGOU. 21113 , BOHFA. ,, PEK()E. 1014, ,, TWANKAY. 220 , CAPHR. 174 ,, HYSON. t10 ,, GUNPOWDERT. 25} * ANICOI. 10 ,, CAMPN)T. 10 , IMPPRIAL. Total . .. 000 Paclages, being th0e Nntire Cargo of the Ship Isabella, James Robertson, Comn meander, direct fion Canton. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 1TVP 0XT& MrEIX vT E liSPFCOTFULLY itilniattl the artrival of their Purchasses for .BI Elhe S1U ,1211;1 ER IIADIm, cliret iilily ai by one0 of thtn-ni. Selves, ill IA0')G~1tN,-c0IklIiSIi1)g Of S ?? CLO)THS, Iin all tI - p)rm-ail n I Culours, C ASS! M EAU S, and lF Nfcy' SITUrFF, fill- TUlOU~ioi'IA I211 a CuoicE SELECTION' Of rF`SlIIoN.A 1ILl. AVAISTCI)ATr (NS. Hi: 20111.111'e:M '.1s CLOTH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PANANIM11 WELLS. TILLI AMi LES1LI l, begs to ilitimaite ?? this wrill .knowvn V 1:tennisPlace is now remia vfor the ?? Lo~lzers fot tlt Seasonti ; niol it)OffiiT Ili Mo11(st Sincere sIlI( 'rupectfitl tihiioks to lisi former Loilier.s anil Visitor's tor tilp' ?? I'tlpa tltlotinae'withil which hei hoe beven favotirid, a conltinuanttce of'which lit' hopes to mlerit by thle ft lihfutl discliargv ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PHILIP & TAYLOR, 40, UNION STREET, (Up Stairs,) OST respectfully ?? their Friends and the Public, that J M 0i thev have added to their usual 1iio.\rNSE StOCK, very ex- V ?? vs PuIchases, of every descritption of Godls, dlipted for tie F . , tid thev have the satisfhctiou to ndd, thait the Articles they q ?? note oil lh1itd will be toliotld to surpass, in qali ty andi lplpal. Y tolle, evr,,v ...

Advertisements & Notices

... litILNE, FOULERTON, & CO- Futo inform thai' 1ete is t' lti h !ion'pi to handit }jthttir late purchases of CLOTHS, CSt dlEFANCY I FFS ir SttMIFT' Tittwsuits, tttd Vt:srls, INDiA, and hitITlSH SILK H-ANDKEIUGHIEItS, all of which10 IcIve her( rattt v slctedl Ib otis of their Partittrs lin Lanotdoit, ticet tudt le i tii pl 3ann~tcnnig 'osctsin ERIg1ansi. (,E~NTLEMlENTS CLOlTHEIS, and SERVAN'TS' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fly. WILSON nil MISS . RB TSNVery; espouttlilly a gl ratefulllv atck nownl'd g thel distintguisls'd patrolia go, tlley wvere honanl i-e by Oin the evenii (ip f t nitl . Bali, and their s'xit nine1 giatfirttol atthesisititd aproal ivenl to thn-ir Pup1ils anld all liii arificatgi' t ttit5 decide appoval~ I, vassul'5 thelir Patrons, their ei-1xtittnti to plealse will alnvays iiltt5'o~l ith' ...


... re/a ii r 1I: IntI it i ;t I/ilt, C0%TS lto cn Id' v ;,ati Ip hi; 'lllIsLIC- DIN N Ali ill 1/in (it/?T 1-ho Sli.,.see,. toi Ft fiAT\ the iel/ Y'Nilly Cut-! it o0/c'~c, I. the ;e so.iie!0~itil of ?? Jleefil q li/if -,ON'5 hot mi. a 211 ?? thle 6IIy Mcniteri hus kiiidi oilt ?? ii ?? iv-. Ni. rue/h, to hr hadu at 11is )LjO~'s lotri Non Sari ii/'i ya~~ If~ tc 7t/i, (it it0, A. M. D-11- Of-' SALE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lI tit: idlLI'T' Elo tilt'z I lsvtsi . ?? O 0 ?? Eli LP l I U V, ti. 1411i ! ?? 'l'U11!vp Os.l Ito p~lt tions MIOLASS ES. crol' it oirl. 4 bc.',c'n , J'ilay 20, 111,35. 'I lSEIA1~P119AND LEVATH'lER CUT')' 1.3 ?? if \Susia'ts~iIsu 'tr SIt 1) tt'tt'i fE(LP2o4 StII 1iIt VvI-cI'N' low rikvces lo' cash. TheL foillowizcit ist !;S ist'u 01 I IS Itc C Itt I -.I tp blw 3t a s ~ lb. Hit .slitClintf, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rlIOWERS. SE ED WA~-RE l1OUI' rSi`, ?? UNION STBEIA T. A. M''iitSN ie A-4 ilAT1'iF T titi' the iiintv .1tisafa'1tori't' :lo'tle Ii'd ?? hie Ilitf 1 -rt' ted i'i'tfrin thet A.\'!i'ti-ulwrl'' ot' Alivrietlishlie, (whoil pil'. dkla. ?? ert ttilke allitotitlic,, that lie till bav' to liilii, iii' tilt ill- ot' ihis A'zrivu't -it''5 Fritni., and Mowil'rl' itt. '1 v1,: Xi'. F CS ovy:'V c'ci itbos ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TURNPIKE TRUSTEES. Nxn- OTICE is b1!hel)v Livcn, that a UENERAL MEETING of In. OTICNPItE l TRUSTEES fol ABERD EENSH IRE, will )r,, be held wit itin the CoUI t- Hotsrs of A beIdee, oil FltlDAY, the re- lo1th dlay of June iext, at livo o'clock aftmenlao, for tile 1itl'rpose of (St silu:tioitilg, on tbe applicatioll of tbe '~riustees and Sithscribers, on )rd the lmon, Petel'lhCad, ?? Fraseul ...