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Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorgan, Wales

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... DOMESTIC INQUISITION. We pursue our extracts from the Secrita Monita. They are an admirable commentary on the Society's motto:— Au defaut de la force il faut employer la ruse. The latter is the weapon now wielded with some success in this country. CHAPTER 5TH. Article 3rd.—But far greater efforts must be made against those, who attempt setting up Schools for the Education of Youth, in ...


... TO THE EDITOR OF THE GAZETTE AND GUARDIAN, j Qui non defendit, alio culpante Hie niger est. SIR,-I have read in one of our county papers, which appears to me to rejoice in every occasion of vilifying and degrading the Church and its ministers, a letter signed A Clittrehmrin, (?) containing three assertions, two of which I know, and the third I b, lieve, to be false. The first is, that in ...


... BRECONSHIRE. MAROUIS CAMDEN.- Ie inhabitants of Camden Town are about to erect a noble column of granite, to commemorate his lordship's sacrifice of his pension as one ofthe Tetters of the Exchequer. A company of Agriculturists have taken the great forest of Brecknock, (a few years ago sold by the Crown) consisting of 16,000 acres of land, which they intend to stock with Welsh ponies and sheep ...

[No title]

... The Queen has graciously signified her I tion of honouring the annual examination of I children of the City of London National Schools 3 her presence at the Mansion House, on the *27t'1 I May next.. The Duchess of Kent will give full dress part,y | at Kensington Palace, in addition to the 4th of on the two succeeding S'ondays, the llth and of the same month and a grand banquet on the 24 being ...

[No title]

... CAMBRIA JONES'S .BELIEF.—This is my belief, that God is perfectly happy from His perfection in wisdom; and that man, into whom He breathed a portion of Himself, can only be happy and great, inasmuch as the spirit which was breathed into the clayey mortal when it became man, an immortal and living soul, holds refreshing communion with its parent fount. What the ocean is to the rivers, such is ...

———1—ram———re——— CONTEMPORARY PRESS.

... CONTEMPORARY PRESS. (From the Times.) Onr persuasion was, that thr Peel Ministry would be a reforming Ministry,—that they would give (what they have themselves not been forunate enough to lbeet with) fair play to the Refom Rill, and to every principle of goo4 government, of which the country has anticipated the enforcement through its free and natural operation,.—that they would briusr ...


... Master Hughes, the celebrated Welsh harpist had the honor of playing, by command, before his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant, the Countess of Mulgrave, and a select party, on Saturday evening last, at the Viceregal Lodge, Phoenix Park, who expressed themselves astonished and delighted at the exquisite performance and splendid execution of this extraordi- nary and gifted ciiild.-Dilblita Evening ...


... SHIP NEWS. CARDIFF. FOREIGN REPORTED INWARDS. The Mansfield, Phillips, and the Mary, Brewer, from Guernsey, the Aletta, Slagter, and the Amicus, Benis, 'from Rotterdam, the Tryphena, Harding,from Rouen, the JjhanaCatherine, Rdbe, from Nantz, all in ballast. FOREIGN ENTERED OUTWARDS.-The Wilhelmina, Wall, and the Concordia, Scheweikle, for Bremen; the lloelfina, Bolhuis, for Amsterd .m the ...

bkeconshire. -

... bkeconshire. BRECON.-Conrt of King's Bench, May 8, in the cause the King v. the Brecknock Navigation Com- pany, the rule for a mandamus was discharged. We are authorised to state that in the event of a vacancy for the county of Middlesex, Wood, Esq. of Littleton, (eldest son of Col. Wood,) will questionably be a candidate.Morning Post. We have to apologise to our friends at Builth for ...


... CHIT CHAT Con-,c)',atory-We are happy to inform our readers, thotigli to the great injury of newspapers, that mur- der is on the decline. The Statistical Society in. forll1 II that in 1817 the murders were 81; in 18.33, 4i ...