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... GUILDHALL. Yesterday John Stockwell, an Irish lad, was brought before Mr. Aldcrman Ansley to compel him to produce a sovereign which had been given to him by mistake. A ?? inamed Measrs stated that hie hsad business at the Heralds' College yesterday, aod left hslsioroc in the care of the prisoner while he was absent for a fews minutes. On his return lie gavehis a feu helfpcnce for liii trooble ...


... LAW;-NOTICES-T~iIs DAY. CiOURT OF KING'S BENCH. Sittings at half.past nine. LoN.nom COSISroN JtURIEC.t-edldiq v Eseudier-WVilkinson v Prca'TilsonI v Sir J. Key-Prestofn v Samae-Hitchcock v Nelson- Glindon v Donlo-Ashley v Kirbey-Heale r Wiilson-Mtstill v Pasyne-Gatllt v Earl t ?? V Palmrr-Dor, dem. Holton, v Giles-Sarol, v Castle-Twycross v Pork. The last Is 42 on the list. COURT OF COMIMON ...


... ACCiDEIXT. To LADY CASTLEMAi-xE.-~Satarday last, Lady Castlemaine was walking in the demesne of' oydrum, accompanied by Miss Edgeworth, . whenherfoo. hppeingto tri~e gaist a clump of' wood, she was preci- pittedforar- wth uchvilene tather leg was severely fractured.- ALL.EGED MIURDER.-Afl innest was recently held at Bolton, Lancashire, on the bodies of Ellen Boardmau and her infant child, who ...


... ,,LAW NOTICE-S.T-hs JAr. #OURT OF CHANCK&Y_ LINCOLN'S.INN. Sittings at ten. ?? tht Lords Commlassiofl&5.] AnDJa*UAVab LUNATIC PVTA ?? Biagden re Blagdeu -Nerle re Biegden-_oiyoge re icr-'tip re'rharp-srosvne re :'unn-s:asted ye Ie Reuip.-.CWitt re Blewoitt-Gauge re Chamber.-Otroom re ?? re Welch. Nr~. Pertrxnsos..Expart. Johnson re Mason-Toyoam re Cousins-Eimer re ?? re Gray-Salt re liart- ...


... CORONER'S INQ (UESTS. SUICrIDE OF A PERUVIA.N MERaI IANT.-.Last evening, at seven o'clock, an inquest was held at the Bell and Crown Inn, Holborn, before Mr. Pavine and a very respectable jury, ol viewv of the body of Don Miguel Gudollk, aged 24, a merchant of Peru, in South America, who destroyed himself under the following circumstances. The jury, having been sworn, viewed the body of the ...


... MANSION HtOUSE. BILL STICXING EXTRAORDINARY.-On Monday, a mat in very shabby attire, named John Peacock, was brought before the Lord Mayor by a police- man named Parish, charged with having stuck upon the walls of King William street a placard calculated to excite the people to acts of violence. Parish stated that tat a quarter past seven 'clock on that morning he observed the defendant stick ...


... EXTRAORDINARY CAsE.-The following most extraordinary charge against a priest (which must however be received with considerable suspicion) was lately fixed for trial hefbre the Court of Assizes fbr Tarn. A beautiful young woman, of the name of Elizabeth Losisa Farmond, died lately in Valence, in the 18th year of her age. Rumours began to Spiead about the town as to the cause of her death, her ...


... COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, MAY 16. JERtROLD Wr. Mo0ss1s AND W1NSTON.-This was an action brought by the plaintiff, the well-known dramatic writer, to recover compensation from the lessee of the Haymarket Theatre, for a play called Beau Nash, or the King of Bath, which was represented at that theatre in July ?? pleaded that they had paid Mr Jerrold 501. for his play, which was all they considered it ...


... -4 MANSION-HOUSE. Saturday 11' Bunn, a pauper of Aldgate parish, was brought before the LoiD MAYORI, Undcr the following circumstances :- Philip Johnson, a pauper, who works as a cobler in the work-house, stated that the prisoner occasiosally worked with him. On Thursday the prisoner disappeared froom the room, onn at the same time a watchwhich was kept in an open drawervanished; when the ...


... MIANSION-HOUSE. p The case of Mr. Crofts, of Bucklersbury, wlho, it will be recollected, obtained a licence at the London Sessions, has cxcited a sensation amiongst his fellow-citizens. Although the Bench of Magistrates consent to grnit a licence, the privilege to sell wine aud spirits canirat be acted upon, except thesignatures of four of the Aldermen who acre present when O it vas voted are ...


... CENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT.-MonAy.I These ,sessions commented to-day. At, ten o'clock the Recorder, Mr. Sorjeant Arabin, thei Common Serjeant, the Lord Mayor, and the ether officers of the Court took their seats onl the Bench. The calendar shows a total of 262 prisoners in custody, of whom 170 are committed from Middlesex, 33 from London, 37 from Kent, 13 from Sarrey, and 4 froin Essex. Thle ...


... COURT OF COMM'ION PLEAS.-Tu~snAY. ISittings Ill Banco.] ANothing of the slightest Interest catme onl before this Court yester- lay, their lordships having been occupied the whole day in hearing muotions of no importance. COURT OF KING'S l3ENCH.-Ttw.sDAY. [Sittings in Banco.] T1HU KING V. THOMAS UAtiN AND THIOMAS AUSTIN. This was an indirtment ziggtinst the two dlefendlants o m assanilting a ...