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... SUtDDEN DEATH OF DR PINCAIRD.-Thiis gentleman was suddenly called a few days ago, from his own drawing room, to attend a female patient in the parlour. He had been with her but a few minutes before the servants were alarmed by a violent ringing of the bell. On one of them going there, the deceased was found upon the floor apparently in the agonies of death. All their efforts to restore the ...


... LAW NOTJCES.-TMiS DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY, WESTMINSTER. Sittings at ten. (Before tbe LODSs CozlilsisitowiRR.j MoTIONs r r DsTre-Jaisuary 1, 135, Johanlmngv. Hawes; Jan. 24, iardman v Ellamnes-Richacds v hiuiburt; Feb. 10, Foord v Jenkins; Feb. i18 Angell v Westcomb; Feb. 21, Ferrisv Ferris, March 21, Ferrl; vFoley;* Ayril 27, Montara v Hail. Arve~w~sI-Elmsleyv Young, tro ?? v Harvey; ?? v rowle ...


... CENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT..-hFRI [Before DMr. Justice PARK. Mr. Justice 1,rLEDA1, siol l Racoanenli.) THE WOOLWICH MURDER. Putricic Carroll, aged 32, was indicted, for hag, ie thle 27th of April, witb a certain iharl) instrunitat Io., a bm onet, did feloniously, andi withl nalice Iirelient stab, ltnd pierce one Elizabeth Browning, in th~pria, Woolwich, and did thereby inflict divers mo)rtal wi ...


... LAW NOTICES.-Tsis DAr. VICE.CHANCELLOR'S COURT, WESTMINSTER. Slttiogs at ten. Morgan v Hgowell, to be spoke to; Exparte Edwvards, petition by order; Woollams v Baker, further directions and costs; Store v Lee, to produce will; Williamsont v Ellis; Ellis v WIlliamson, part heard ; Parker v Downhio:y Same v Sante, rehearintg and petition, part heard; Aulley v Fletcher, tetitorrer; PIll's v ...


... THE eyes of all nations of Europe are turned to this state trial; and many governments are waiting in silent anxiety its eventful issue. The number of prisoners, amounting to eighty, we believe-their crime is charged as an attempt to overthrow the government; the number of witnesses, between eight and nine hundred ; their judges, the Peers of France; their prosecutor, the King of France; and ...


... LAW NOT1CES.-THrs DAY. ZANKRUP'TCY COUBT, gASINGUALL.STREET. BefortMr. COmmietdoner WVLLlsss.-GB H.Dvindge, ofthe New. cutBlackfriari-roid, printer, at eleven; nudit-R. Alderson, of Crawford-streti blzry.lh.bonne ltnm- dr;pe slveydtaideiud Before Mr. C91mnlisaloner Feree-Cil. Baynes, of Mltcham, carpenter, at ten; ?? Dick, of Hanover-strest, Dana- ver.square, tailor, at eleven,; ?? Vaughan, ...


... SHERIFFS' COURT.-TurSDAY, MAY' 5. [Biefore J. BvitcOI.L, Esq., Senior Unuer-Sheriff.J IiPORTANT TO TRADESBIEN-SINGULAR POINT UNDiER1 THE STATUTTE OF IMiAITATIONS. COOi'EAL V. GRlEEN- This was an5 ?? brought to recover the sum of 161. I6s. 6d., for goods sold and delehcred. The de- fendant had paid into Court 7/. 7s. in satisfactiofl of tile dubt, and piealed the general issue and notice of set ...


... COURT OF COMMON PLEAS.-FRIDAY'. [Sittings in Banco.) SCALES V. 5'tNRBRtTON. In this case an action had been brought by plaintiff against the East London Water-works Company to re- cover the sum of 5,0001, for laying down a large quantity of leaden water-pipes, according to the terms of a con- tract entered into between the parties ; and a counter- action had been at the same time brought ...


... MANSION-HOUSE. COMMITTAL OF MURiPHY TO NEWcsAT.-Yesterday being the day appointed for the examination of the bail to be offered by 31urphiy, who stands chargzed with having aided Foster to escape, knowing that that prisoner had committed fhrgerv, Sir Claudius S. Hunter attended with the Lord Mayor for the purpose of ascertaining the effl- cietocy of the securities. After the lapse of a ...


... MANSION HOUSE. A German Jew, na-meds Jqrow, summoned two officers Of the ttri Sagogtse for hating urged on other Jews Ito I~att arid otiserwiso molest him and his wife. \Iyers ottid, in the phraseologyv of the foreign Jew, that a lzretst prejudice was raised againmt him by the defend- W~its. who ac-eased hisin of havlog been nasturalized In order to hare a vootiexacilse fornttlas-kius hint.. ...


... BONW-STREET, brought to this office on a forimer day', ott a Olhary o virag embezzled a lctterl containing a OovtrL o ?ba conie into his possessione in his capacity Of le1tter carrier it the General Post-office, was yesterday broughit ap fr final exatminationl. It will be recollected that the lefter it, qleortii ea despatched by Mr. Spong, a nu rsery-nman at tilkeriv~ Ie, . ii, ler who was ...


... COURTW7 OF BANKleUPT(.YY.-t'vEsr)Y' [Ilefore Mr. Comituissiorer ManRIVALE.] JOSEPH GLOSSOP'S BANKRUPTCY. A nicediwiii of the credlitrs miniulr tfill fillt isle0l a'rainst .oseaph (,Ircsip, Into the lessee of the Victoria Thentre, wvas beld to-tia, for the furthlr proof ohiebts,and the final ?? of the bankrupt. Several disputed claims having boen dispogod of, Mr. .4vnor.m appeared as Couns'el ...