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... MARY-LA-BONNE. CAPTiJlP ?? MVF. ,l:BEN.AM I IS D'IeSIAstLI.-On Satur- day. abiout ten o'c'loc , Mr. Betj~ain 1'IZsraeli wnas brought in a conch to this o lffic by Collard, an officer of thl (mt ilstihneitilt. It appeairsthhat Mtr Bennett, a friend of M1r. O connell's family, hnd ade an affidRvit, to the effert thit a breacih of the peace was coitemplaed by Mr. rD'Israeli, who interided, is fie ...


... CENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT.-MonAy.I These ,sessions commented to-day. At, ten o'clock the Recorder, Mr. Sorjeant Arabin, thei Common Serjeant, the Lord Mayor, and the ether officers of the Court took their seats onl the Bench. The calendar shows a total of 262 prisoners in custody, of whom 170 are committed from Middlesex, 33 from London, 37 from Kent, 13 from Sarrey, and 4 froin Essex. Thle ...


... POL ICE. MARLtBOROUGH STREET. Hestry Bares and John Hamtilton, a couple of low-looking fellows, were on Tuesday brought before Mr Conant, for having created an ob- struiction in one of the Conits leading to Leicester square.-A gentleman; named Godwin, stated that at about eight o'clock in the evening his attention was attracted by a large crowd, which had assembled round the defendants in a ...


... ,EXTRA4ORDiVARY UASE. + The following most extradrdittnar dhase a'ains a priest was fixed for trial befor'e he(:ouit pl Assizei' for Tarn, on the 8?th instant- It; m i t: A beautiful young ifeman, of the ?? Louisa Faramond, died lately in Valence, in the 18th year of her age. In consequence of rumours which began to spread about the town as to the cause of her death, the authorities, ...


... VICE-CiIANICELLOI'S COURT.-WEDVnESnAY. PARnKE ?i)7. DOWN~INt(1 Thle onlv pc-,nt orally public interest arrootg the several quet of att tiisu,.wd ins tb~q case, related to -n right to dower. Mir. WAKNIFitELD With Mr. LycnCS, and Mre. Riiarn~tsi, in sup- port sif Ott wvidow's cloimt to dower, stated the will of her husband. Mr. W'ard, tohltreby lie devised his freettold messuage or tenement, ...


... ,,LAW NOTICE-S.T-hs JAr. #OURT OF CHANCK&Y_ LINCOLN'S.INN. Sittings at ten. ?? tht Lords Commlassiofl&5.] AnDJa*UAVab LUNATIC PVTA ?? Biagden re Blagdeu -Nerle re Biegden-_oiyoge re icr-'tip re'rharp-srosvne re :'unn-s:asted ye Ie Reuip.-.CWitt re Blewoitt-Gauge re Chamber.-Otroom re ?? re Welch. Nr~. Pertrxnsos..Expart. Johnson re Mason-Toyoam re Cousins-Eimer re ?? re Gray-Salt re liart- ...


... CORONER'S INQ (UESTS. SUICrIDE OF A PERUVIA.N MERaI IANT.-.Last evening, at seven o'clock, an inquest was held at the Bell and Crown Inn, Holborn, before Mr. Pavine and a very respectable jury, ol viewv of the body of Don Miguel Gudollk, aged 24, a merchant of Peru, in South America, who destroyed himself under the following circumstances. The jury, having been sworn, viewed the body of the ...


... MANSION HtOUSE. BILL STICXING EXTRAORDINARY.-On Monday, a mat in very shabby attire, named John Peacock, was brought before the Lord Mayor by a police- man named Parish, charged with having stuck upon the walls of King William street a placard calculated to excite the people to acts of violence. Parish stated that tat a quarter past seven 'clock on that morning he observed the defendant stick ...


... EXTRAORDINARY CAsE.-The following most extraordinary charge against a priest (which must however be received with considerable suspicion) was lately fixed for trial hefbre the Court of Assizes fbr Tarn. A beautiful young woman, of the name of Elizabeth Losisa Farmond, died lately in Valence, in the 18th year of her age. Rumours began to Spiead about the town as to the cause of her death, her ...


... LA TW INTELLI GENCE. V[CE.CHIANCELLOR'S COURT.-TUESirAY. `llIS ?? 0WIT.IJAISON. This case hoe reu hici 1 Court for seceral daspat and vwas coniteu Ceil ihis afternoono! 'Ite suit related to a Breverv whiich r-as tarried coi at Stockwocil, iu Surrcy, by three brothers of 0te unrtue of Eillis, its co-partnership). On 1h In'I thl of Nlwo r'bi~r, I khe partnecrship accou nts wnere takes, uopon ...


... CENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT-TUESDAY. p;, OLD COURT. C [Before ?? it.] B NV. Poore was indicted for having- feloniously adminis- el tered, on the 2d of April, alnd at divers other days and tc times until the 4th of April, certain pernicious drugs to , Mary Anne Brecedy, she being at the time with child, with ti intent to procure miscarriage. e Asecond count charged her with using divers Instruments ...


... CENTRAL CR1MINA4L COURT-S4TURDAY. OLD COURT. [Before 31r. Banron I'AnIKs, Mr. Justice PARY, and Mr. Justice .TrL7SDAL).] CASE OF FOSTEIR AND MURPHY. Clhrirtophiur Cl'ourl.s oIster, 3.t, and .Jonas King AMurply, 29, were inldicted, theformier lor forging a prowtissoty note for tho pis went of fiSi., with intetnt to defraud ?? 'rryc nd unothvr, and the latier fur felonious! soid swfirbly ...