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... IT appears that some policemen, or persons connected with the London po- lice have been sent to Stow-on-tlhe-Wold, in Gloucestershire, in consequence of a murder committed there some time ago. On the 25. of Moarch the following me. morial was presented to the Secretary of State, from the people of Stow. The affair of the murder was brought to a conclusion; but the policemen remain there and ...


... LAMBETH-STREET. ExTRAORDINARLY -CHARGE OF CHILD.SFI.LONG.-On O Monday Esthrer Tye, a maocuiline.looking female,, was Gel broh eoe Mr. B~UeaELL, on a charge of unlawfully de- chi taiiig half a sovereign tire property ot Henry Batt. The prosecutor stated that about one o'clock an that day, while he Ij and a firend of his, who were then In attendance, were returning from En Smithfield Motrket ...


... TrlE LORD MAYOR AND THlE COURT OF COMIMON COUNCIL.. IOnl ridaylhust the Aldetmen of the City of London as- sembled in consequence of' a aummona issued by the Lord M1ayor upon very peculiar busincss. At two o'clock there were 20 Aldermnen prescut. They sat not as a Court of Aldenn en, but at a maeting of the Civic N~agtistracy. Thie City Law-Officers were also present. 'The L~ord Mayor ...


... LA TW INTELLIGENCE. COURT OF CAIANCERY.-TittIC5[UAY. Tbp Lords Commisosionrers, the Viee-ClianeeIlor and Mr. Justice Bos~atuqrrc, iat this nmorning for about tirsnty minutes, in the course of a hich theY disposed of the lnatie Petitions in the paper of the day. Their Lordships then re- tire ttheir pivate toest for ithe prtrpose ofhemroirig a petitiotn, the facts of whic h the parties were ...


... LAW;-NOTICES-T~iIs DAY. CiOURT OF KING'S BENCH. Sittings at half.past nine. LoN.nom COSISroN JtURIEC.t-edldiq v Eseudier-WVilkinson v Prca'TilsonI v Sir J. Key-Prestofn v Samae-Hitchcock v Nelson- Glindon v Donlo-Ashley v Kirbey-Heale r Wiilson-Mtstill v Pasyne-Gatllt v Earl t ?? V Palmrr-Dor, dem. Holton, v Giles-Sarol, v Castle-Twycross v Pork. The last Is 42 on the list. COURT OF COMIMON ...


... ACCiDEIXT. To LADY CASTLEMAi-xE.-~Satarday last, Lady Castlemaine was walking in the demesne of' oydrum, accompanied by Miss Edgeworth, . whenherfoo. hppeingto tri~e gaist a clump of' wood, she was preci- pittedforar- wth uchvilene tather leg was severely fractured.- ALL.EGED MIURDER.-Afl innest was recently held at Bolton, Lancashire, on the bodies of Ellen Boardmau and her infant child, who ...


... MANSION HtOUSE. BILL STICXING EXTRAORDINARY.-On Monday, a mat in very shabby attire, named John Peacock, was brought before the Lord Mayor by a police- man named Parish, charged with having stuck upon the walls of King William street a placard calculated to excite the people to acts of violence. Parish stated that tat a quarter past seven 'clock on that morning he observed the defendant stick ...


... CENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT..-hFRI [Before DMr. Justice PARK. Mr. Justice 1,rLEDA1, siol l Racoanenli.) THE WOOLWICH MURDER. Putricic Carroll, aged 32, was indicted, for hag, ie thle 27th of April, witb a certain iharl) instrunitat Io., a bm onet, did feloniously, andi withl nalice Iirelient stab, ltnd pierce one Elizabeth Browning, in th~pria, Woolwich, and did thereby inflict divers mo)rtal wi ...


... MANSION HOUSE. A German Jew, na-meds Jqrow, summoned two officers Of the ttri Sagogtse for hating urged on other Jews Ito I~att arid otiserwiso molest him and his wife. \Iyers ottid, in the phraseologyv of the foreign Jew, that a lzretst prejudice was raised againmt him by the defend- W~its. who ac-eased hisin of havlog been nasturalized In order to hare a vootiexacilse fornttlas-kius hint.. ...


... LAW INA'L aGENCE. COURT OF KING'S BENCH.-~TUESDAY. ?? at GuIlidhall, before AiCr. Justice COLERIDtinA and Common Juries.]a TILSON AND FRIESTOV V. ICEy, BART., AND DUTTrON. Sir F. Potl~ofE (with ~vhina was Mr. HOGGINS) Stated I that thisi was an action to recover the amount of a bill f I wvoik and labotur performed by the plaintifl'n, as attorneys. The business had occupied a long period of ...


... CENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT-TUESDAY. p;, OLD COURT. C [Before ?? it.] B NV. Poore was indicted for having- feloniously adminis- el tered, on the 2d of April, alnd at divers other days and tc times until the 4th of April, certain pernicious drugs to , Mary Anne Brecedy, she being at the time with child, with ti intent to procure miscarriage. e Asecond count charged her with using divers Instruments ...


... CENTRAL CR1MINA4L COURT-S4TURDAY. OLD COURT. [Before 31r. Banron I'AnIKs, Mr. Justice PARY, and Mr. Justice .TrL7SDAL).] CASE OF FOSTEIR AND MURPHY. Clhrirtophiur Cl'ourl.s oIster, 3.t, and .Jonas King AMurply, 29, were inldicted, theformier lor forging a prowtissoty note for tho pis went of fiSi., with intetnt to defraud ?? 'rryc nd unothvr, and the latier fur felonious! soid swfirbly ...