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... LAWT INTELLIGENCE. VI.CE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT.--TituresuAY.g T1his being the King's birth day, the Vice Chancellor did noti in his Court. ROLLS' COURT.-TleURSDAY. His Honour the tlaster of the Rolls did not sit to-day, in cease- quence of its being the King's birth-day. COURT OF KING'S BENCH.-Tnul!SDAY. [Sittings In Banes.) PERRIN V. WEST. InI this case a rule had been obtained calling ots thle ...


... THE eyes of all nations of Europe are turned to this state trial; and many governments are waiting in silent anxiety its eventful issue. The number of prisoners, amounting to eighty, we believe-their crime is charged as an attempt to overthrow the government; the number of witnesses, between eight and nine hundred ; their judges, the Peers of France; their prosecutor, the King of France; and ...


... VICE CHANCELLOR'S COURT.-FAwDAV. NORTON V. CHORTON. Mr. TuRNER n~oved for a special insjunct ion, on the part of the Hon. Mrs. NORTON, to restrain tbc defendant from publishing a book, with the title of 7'he Coquette, and other Tales and Shtche/s, is prose anti verse, by thse Hons. Airs. NORTON; or republi shing anys articles of hers, in the Court Mlagazine, except by the sale of that ...


... POLICE INTELLIGEACE. 0 ~~~GUILDHALL. A swarthy young main, named Antonio M1'Donald, was brought before Mir. Alderman Lucas, charged with being a common impostor. Tue complaint was made by Mir. Sparks Mioline. of Lower Tlranes--strdet, who statedi that the prisoner was Iin the habit Dof going ahout the country pretending to be a foreigner uncrble to speak English, to be remarkably pious, to ...


... MR/E'TIlNG OF THEE MIDDLESEX MAGIS. TRA TES. Yesterday being countY dlv, a meeting of the Magis- trates took plaae, to dispose of public business, at the Scs- sions House, Clerkenwvell ; B. Roteh, Esq., in the chair. STATE OF THE COUtNTY PRISONS. The Report of tile Visiting Justices stated, that on the 22d instant there were 941 prisoners in the House of Cor- rection-viz., 703 males and 2;3 ...


... POL ICE. MARLtBOROUGH STREET. Hestry Bares and John Hamtilton, a couple of low-looking fellows, were on Tuesday brought before Mr Conant, for having created an ob- struiction in one of the Conits leading to Leicester square.-A gentleman; named Godwin, stated that at about eight o'clock in the evening his attention was attracted by a large crowd, which had assembled round the defendants in a ...


... ,EXTRA4ORDiVARY UASE. + The following most extradrdittnar dhase a'ains a priest was fixed for trial befor'e he(:ouit pl Assizei' for Tarn, on the 8?th instant- It; m i t: A beautiful young ifeman, of the ?? Louisa Faramond, died lately in Valence, in the 18th year of her age. In consequence of rumours which began to spread about the town as to the cause of her death, the authorities, ...


... EXTRAORDINARY CAsE.-The following most extraordinary charge against a priest (which must however be received with considerable suspicion) was lately fixed for trial hefbre the Court of Assizes fbr Tarn. A beautiful young woman, of the name of Elizabeth Losisa Farmond, died lately in Valence, in the 18th year of her age. Rumours began to Spiead about the town as to the cause of her death, her ...


... POLICE INTELLIGEA CE. MANSION-HOUSE. A Jew', namted Bonseca, wats charg'ed w.ith having fri. lowed a gentleman and ?? to rob him. A policeman observed the prisoner anid asother manl attemypt to pick~ tie pockets of several gentlemnen. InI one instance the prisoner contrived to whip wit a. pocket. handkerchief, and hand it to his companion, who cot away under the bellies of tile homses asdi ...


... ADMIRALTY COURT.-FRzDAY. [:Bcfore Sir JOHtN NicetoL.. THE TEIITIS TREASURE. This was a question of somle interest in cases of civil salvage performed b) officers and crews of King's ships, and it involved a construction of a point of law which has not yet received any judicial decision. The proceedings were conmsenced on behalf of Capt. Dickinson and the other officers and crew of his ...


... LA WV A' OTICES.-Tlns DA Y. VICE.CHANCELLOR'S COURT, WESTMINSTER. Sittings at 10DloTIONs. ROLLS COURT, MVESTAIINSTEII. Sittings at tel. The Blaster of the Bolls will take petitions, of ?? about ItO Ap pear on the paper. tour OF lING S BENCH Sittiiigs at eleven. Mt oot.esttx ( ?? JURIESo-ilann v Longlid others-l1,rstott v ])ean-Slk r Huamphery and ?? v P'arber-Biggs v Burleton.-The Court will ...