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Morning Chronicle



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Morning Chronicle


... LA JV INTELLIGENCE. \ I(.l~f ?? ?? S COURT l-F!IIDAY. al~l IC- 11iNiEI ?? INNY. th, This cause, in whtich extensivc West Indian estates are in- teolved, has orritpiedl thel('ourt for two davs. Sir Wil Iiot I orne's reply'ic to ,e teaord on WVednesday neot, as the dav of ?? too fat advanced, when the defendant's case closed th is bo slay, knt the l earned ( 'ounlsil ' arguments to be heard ...


... POLICE INTELLIGEI\CE. MANSION-HOUSE. ti A pauper, named M1arlq Walhic, who belongs to Bi- D shopsgate parish, was brou6ght before the Lord Mayor, t and charged by Mr. Booker, one of the parish ofieers, L tnder thc follo wing circusnstantes:- cL The defendant, who has been long addicled to dram- n drinking, hans been for a considerabde time all himate of the work. R house, her ...


... I LLaW NOT1C.ES.-TflS DAl'. COURT OF CRAINCERY, ESTMI't l3~fore the L~ Sittings at Barrington it re Barrington, part eard-- ar v ilshr dt tor- der--(reene v Tiowle, appeal- i itsire, dit- Bowen v Marris, ditto and ?? v % Morrssonl dttO mtd petition. ROLLS' COURT, AV'i.MTll' )STER. Sittings at tetl. Brucev (ltirltooa, ?? v Iolliltot- gers' Cotttpanv-- -Maund v Turner--Attoriey-(Jeneral v ...


... ?? ?? I COU RT OIF CHAM ANERY..-SAT.'vu AY. Th'l 12 efore thle MASTiA1i of the lto],,S~ aol Mr JuSt ito BOSAN. 1ong zto III]r, sittitig as ?? tointrissiotirrs.] hoorr E:\ yPAIIfI: litxiiN. 00 Ir Nir. \X'atcIr;I tippliid it tder tit! :,JcIutd 4thI of Wi]liarn Th21 ?? fora iotrider directing, the re-paoofltit Ouit ?? tile bru~1t Suitors' Fuldol f a anal of, Severno poeaiiit atid a fractionl, ...


... LAW NOTICES.-I'Plis ?? COURT OF CfHAN(Eity, M ESTMINSTEt. ?? at ?? the L Cint M'sC ?? °ttOead-d v teaie, mootiilo for jud1lelilent ?? v Hienn: or 4AtO-0 1reNn N o i, cupic i elititll, by ord ctli re hlutcher, 2 dint - iortiinerv 1Vtst by ?? v Atrolbus, cause, by order. M1tOt bv date, 1835.-Feb. 2i, tiilurnl v Lyster, part he: eb. 2, Perils Ferris; Feb. 21, Ditto v Foley; Maccttl ac. '101 v ...


... LA W NOTICES -Tmis DA Y. VICE-CHA.tCELLOR'S COURT. Best v Halliday, to be spaok ?? v Noel, petition bh ?? tlourmelin v Sheldon, ?? v Hepworth, ditto -Graves v llelphin, ?? V Dunbar, further df rectious by ?? vSanden, ?? v Jones part ?? v Batlry, ?? same v Evans, ditto- Walrond v Codrlngtlon, ?? v Ferrier, further direc. tions and ?? v Brotherton;-Cra0Wlty v Crowley-Palne v Falder, further ...


... LA W INTELLIGENCE. tri V'ICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT.-~THIJUlSDAY. de SMITH V. 5IDNEY'. a1 Mr. KNIGHtT, with Mr. TuolrNER, ?? oto this morning, upon thle notice which his Honour had onl a at previous occasion required to be given, to restrain the dt tiefetidants from proceeding to a stile of the lienish Spa re Estate, at Norwood, according to their advertisement Pc for to-morrow. The defendants ...


... LA JV INTEL LIG IgX( E. r VlIC it-HANCELIL t;S (COVIZT _T lL iri.NAtIII ?? 51X lt.! IS Ills Ho~ratcr griantel atl injunotri r .. ?? ,leiil(daat froun pulblid ing tigithogrihlii Iri: I her sonr, and Lady Goiwer arid hi- ihlsdiz , Mlr. K};N rrilc liT i 6)r :)1 ?? . ; . ., feridrans, mrigaogeos If llliriih Sps,, property inoie lot, (sI idrlirsed tsrtI i , .s . i alleged swolrl be urore prejdirifi ...


... POLICE INT'ELLIG!ENCE. I BOW-STREET. ALLFer House S1FNT..Tiihfl Arlndel and Benjumin Swao, the latter a horse-dealer residing in the neithbourhood of Spitalfields, and the former a * coper in Smithfield-mar. oet, Were vesterdlay placed at the bar before Mr. -lails, charged on suspicion of feloniously receiving a horse, the property of Mr. 11enry Strange, a horse-jobber at Houmnslow, shich had ...


... NORWIVICH BRIBER Y CASES. To Tnz EDITOR OF THE MORNING CHRONICLE. Sin-As your paper of the 30th lilt: contains a state- ment wholly at variance with truth, respecting an affair in which I am personally concerned, I must rely upon your justice to give insertion to my defence against what I can- not but regard as an unfoundedcalumny. Thestatement of which I complain occurs in an article headed ...


... LAW NOTICES.-Tffs DA r. VICE. CHANCELLOR'S COURT, W ASTMINSTER, Sittings at ten. Kay v Marshall, to be spoke ?? v Irving, by order-C rr v Carr, petition and mutions. ROLLS' COURT. WFSTMINSTER. Sittings at ten. Motions; after which, Edmounids v Acland-Dolben v I)olb- Pinder v Neale-Irolett v W ynnc-Attorney.General v .h Holden v Fetcher-Delanny v Delann;y-Rhoades v Jay. COURT OF KING'S BENCH, ...


... [13efore 13. Rorci, Esq., Chairman.] A T'1 N N I - - ?? o .as 31oslei/ was indicted for assaultinig William Martin. 'Ihe case, as it proceeded, pre- *wnted an extraordinary specinien of a roguish and audactolls tenanlt-at-will, Mr. CiLAtitsq appeared for the prwsecution. It seems that a gentleman of property at Pentonville had the misfortune to accept as his tenant for two hiouses in Ilerines ...