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... The investigation was resumed on Friday (the fourth day) when seve'. ral witnesses were examined, who deposed to the quiet of the town before the military appeared, and to the extreme violence used against the peo- ple. We can only refer, however, to the evidence given some weeks ago berore Mr Roaf, much of which was repeated, and to the few extracts which follow :;Mr Simkiss: Is a medical ...


... Y Sf- I EN'; LRAOIIDINA\lY CAS17. : ; The follovving rhostextraordinary charge agninsv p i'f Y /fl fixed for trial bieore tile Court of Assizes for Tlarn, D thc itth i instant:- A beautiful Yotng w q man, of thle name of Elizabeth Lonicaa FaramOrnd Ilied lalejy in Vfalence, i;n thl! IPth year ot her age. In conseqilence of rem W: hia h l)egill to spread abont tile town as to the eatise of ier ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY.-DUBLIN, JuNE 6. IMPORttANT CASM. The Re. George Dryer v. Auosrice Bbshe. -Mr Warren, ti.C. toved it pur lsance of the 12th and 15 sectiois of 3 aind 4 Wittiamn IV. cap. 119, on petition andaffidavit of the pleintiCf, Rector of the union of Ardrahan, county of Gal- way, for tbe appointment of a receiver over the estates OF the defendant at Cloughiallymoris, in sai~i parish, ...


... LAW NOTICES.-TEIs DAY. VICE CHANCELLOR'S COURT, WESTMINSTER. Sittings at ten. Ray V Maeshall, demurrer for judgment ?? v Halliday, for ?? V Strong, ?? v Noel, petition by ?? Hourrmll d Sheldonl, ditto-LathO1 v Hall, ditto-At- torney.Generil v ealford, by ?? v Berkeley, dittov- Fightv Senstley, p frt ?? v Evans-BarrY V Crunditt- vevose Mor. -is, ?? r Ferrler-Porter v Brother. ton_ arsh lI v ?? ...

COURT of the DEAN and CLERKS of ST. PAUL's

... COUTR f tPltA DEANaud CLERKS of ST. PA UL's. --O- f ~~S ATURDAYV. r lB f'f- Dr. l'ir.iaioar.] jx~r~orit- i .--BIa(ii 13u ciiim-T nlhis aas an action at the instance of Captai llelciel: of tile Etna, against l)iana his vvife, lo compel it raititution of conijugal rights. It w%,as resisted onl the part of the lady by a plea, that, owing to cer- tain antenuptial iiregulaiitie. oln the pilat of ...


... LA JV INTELLIGENCE. \ I(.l~f ?? ?? S COURT l-F!IIDAY. al~l IC- 11iNiEI ?? INNY. th, This cause, in whtich extensivc West Indian estates are in- teolved, has orritpiedl thel('ourt for two davs. Sir Wil Iiot I orne's reply'ic to ,e teaord on WVednesday neot, as the dav of ?? too fat advanced, when the defendant's case closed th is bo slay, knt the l earned ( 'ounlsil ' arguments to be heard ...


... COURT OF KING'S BENCH.-June 16. . THE BING V. TIHE TEOPRIETORS OF THE ALDION NEWSPAPER. - The Attorney-General stated, that lie was instructed .to move for a 'crimirlal information against the proprie. tors, printers, and publishers of the Albion and Star newspaper, for a libehupon Lord Viscount luwraton. On the 8thv of June this paragraph appeared as a leading article :- A great deal of ...


... POLICE INIELLIGlECE. GUILD HALL. A poor Irish woman, whose name was not mentioned, applied yes- terday to Mir. Alderman Lrinson for his advice how to recover a lost child. Mr. Miller, the assistant overseer of St. Sepulchre's, stated that on the 3d of Mlarch a poor sickly bor, about three years old, was dropped at the door of the workhouse, sad the usual means were taken by advertisements and ...


... POLICE INMELLJGEIACE. MANSTO N- 101'SE. T'Gna DANOBROUS Seven hit, es5EL.- ronsO- quence of the accidents which have lately occurre d on the hames en account ef the lapid rrrovements of the steam vessels up and do n the river, the Loan MAYOR summoned before him, in his private room at the Mansion-house, the water.bailiif, the harbour TmTaster, and the other authortties coinnected with that ...


... COg PLEA8-LO°DON, Jest I CAM.., C6 6.BramR v. *mEiLE.-Thihs 'wats an action brought by the RBev*. Mr. Biieb, agaimiit the Rev. Mr. Neele, for criminal wnveariionmirh the plaintiff's wife. Mr. Thessiger. apeared .fr tlie~ylaintiff, Who was a clergyman, the sonfaf Alderman jtrrchl and Rector of Hackney. In thebegidningof1829 hertarrred thedaugh- terof Mr. Lushington, keeper of a respectable ...


... LAW INTBLLIGE.N CE. - r, ROLLS' COURT.-WEflNFSDAY. the This being the last day of Term, his HONcOUt the Master Of the the Rolls heard motions, none of which were of any public v~ interest. VICE.CHANCELLOR'S COURT.-WEDnNESDAY. Mr. Coos'en addressed his Honour at the sitting of tlte Court, and said thtere was a prisoner in Court whose case was utt verv different from that of' the Welch prisoners ...


... TRE LA TE MIUIRDER IN ST. GILES'S. id C'> cIxNVi'S Isii ce'. - ?? inquest ai'serribic'd yesterday, in I tile :il iddlesex H ospital, before A~ir. Stirlitig, to itnquire 010o 2-the circrunistantceA of' the death (if Helnry Pedevy, svhich re- .Y cnittlyitook p lace in Sal utat ion-c~ouri, St. U iles',i. (Considqr- able ditholc tv had beeti experienced in getting the witne; le. ig to conic ...