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Morning Chronicle



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Morning Chronicle


... COURT OF REQUESTS, CITY.--WEDNESDAY. Fdwasid eloynehanl, a cast clothes dealer, in Cutler-street, was sumfnoned before the Commissioners by a Jew named Abraham Levy, for £1. 18s. Gd., for some materials used in I manufacturing balloons. The plaintiff stated that he occasionally met the defendant a on the clothes mart, and exchanged dress commodities with him to oblige the customers of each. ...


... LA W INTELLIGENCE. COURT OF CHlANCERY.-SATRD'nAY. [Before the Loids Commnissioners Sir C. ?? l'crc'i and Sir I1. S. BtSANQt'tT.j This ivtis an application oan the partroflMrs. Nhilhelt Isl tatli' off hi', file at hill tiled Isy Air. Bnckhardt against the executosrs of ilt,. tire Captain Nisbett. Mr. Itachhardt clainled to lie a crediitor lpon 11,. testator's estate. Tule Allister rejected his ...


... SHERIF'FS COURT:-rHtURSDAY. B13efore J1. l3ue iikisz, Esq., Senior Under Sheriff.] i ODINC, AND IITiOAMI)liOOD 1. CCRITIUiDE. Thir was all action brought to recover the sum of £16 odd, for goods vold and delivered. 'I ne plaintifis ale the eminent ale brewers, and the defend- ant a formier. In 183t3 the ale and some beer were supplied to the defendant: the ale charged at 489. and the beer at ...


... I LLaW NOT1C.ES.-TflS DAl'. COURT OF CRAINCERY, ESTMI't l3~fore the L~ Sittings at Barrington it re Barrington, part eard-- ar v ilshr dt tor- der--(reene v Tiowle, appeal- i itsire, dit- Bowen v Marris, ditto and ?? v % Morrssonl dttO mtd petition. ROLLS' COURT, AV'i.MTll' )STER. Sittings at tetl. Brucev (ltirltooa, ?? v Iolliltot- gers' Cotttpanv-- -Maund v Turner--Attoriey-(Jeneral v ...


... LA I EL ICGEN'CE. I COURT OF KINfl'S BENCHI.-SAT1RDaAY. r Sittings before LOLA Dj1NMAN and a Comninon Jltry.] 'Mr. Pr.Arr (With whom was M1r. NVIGlHTMiAN) statedi that this was art action of trovcr brought to recovur a N\ewfound- ,and dog, which wlaq P toreat favoutite of thle plaintiff, and which was lost itt. thle following uainner: -ii the month of April then plaintiff, who was~ a ...


... ?? ?? I COU RT OIF CHAM ANERY..-SAT.'vu AY. Th'l 12 efore thle MASTiA1i of the lto],,S~ aol Mr JuSt ito BOSAN. 1ong zto III]r, sittitig as ?? tointrissiotirrs.] hoorr E:\ yPAIIfI: litxiiN. 00 Ir Nir. \X'atcIr;I tippliid it tder tit! :,JcIutd 4thI of Wi]liarn Th21 ?? fora iotrider directing, the re-paoofltit Ouit ?? tile bru~1t Suitors' Fuldol f a anal of, Severno poeaiiit atid a fractionl, ...


... POLICE IMlELLIGENCE. MANSION-HOUSE. Teun CENTRAL. CRtIVIVAL Cour.T-On Saturday tihe Lord Mayor said that complaints had been made to him relative to the manner ill which the New Criminal Courts' Bill was carried into effect, niod he thought he cold not select a more appropriate place than the Jlstice-room to attewer the objections In, the public being so deeply concerned in the question. The ...


... POLICE INT'ELLIG!ENCE. I BOW-STREET. ALLFer House S1FNT..Tiihfl Arlndel and Benjumin Swao, the latter a horse-dealer residing in the neithbourhood of Spitalfields, and the former a * coper in Smithfield-mar. oet, Were vesterdlay placed at the bar before Mr. -lails, charged on suspicion of feloniously receiving a horse, the property of Mr. 11enry Strange, a horse-jobber at Houmnslow, shich had ...


... LA I' INTELLIGENCJE. COURT OF CHlANCETZY.VONIDAY'. In [Bofore the Lords Commissioners, SirIC' pfeeve SirL. SsssD- be VVELI , and AMr. Justice BfOSA'.QUkT.j e 1:NrARTE CHiM LIPS IN Pr5 CIIAV'E7115 bin The whole of the Commissioners of the G3reat Sea! sat this I nising, ?? ls~oonent, for the PUrpose Of finally ler diecidin th ogcnse qeto fte lidity of the ComInnSsio oftsktpc SUdin the year 1825 ...


... POLICE INTELLI GENCE. MANSION-HOUSE. CHJARSGE oF FoanGEy.-Clai'Ies HenrVy Gracey was charged with having committed forgery. George Joseph Ford, a person wcho stated that he was the keeper of a shoe warehouse at No. 1, Field-lane, deposed that the prisoner had contracted a debt of £6 with him, and had mentioned his expectations of a bill from Glasgow, upon re- ceiving which he should pay the ...


... LA W INTELLIGENCE. COURT OF KING'S BiENCi - :l I .I [rSittings at Westniilster before LordDCNIIAN anu a C. VIIART Ati) .NiMINR r. ry..kcF ANt ANITIIFI, Sir WNi FOLLETr and MIr. Cunrwoot appeared firile t ,h Mr. Hciwhyle and mr. T' NMIALIL for the defendlants This was an action broiltnet bv the plainftids, as :asigYIe . tate and effects of 2r. Mliers,under a connitssioi Hssued er .. and his ...


... LAWTV INTELLIGENCE. COURT OF KING'S BENCI.-FRIDAY. ?? in Banco.j Tae XKINO V. yJ,.VZSTXR. Mr. CRANDLESS applied to the Court t. direct the rocogniances of the defendant's bail to be estreated, as the defendant had not ap- peared to receive judgment. The defendant had been tried and con- victed in this Court, and had been admitted to be at large, on his bail undertaking he should appear to ...