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... CLAXrIMS O L1fl'RART DEP. (From a Coorespontdentrof d'e'.S'til) Itahad long; been suchta novelty in England.( hough of frequent occurrence in ?? other couniribsin Elurope) to firftt literary merit rewarded- or encouraged by Kings or Ministers; that tie nation was' equally gratifierl and sur. rprised a few years ago, when. the late King George IV.' directed that ten gentlemen of distinguished ...


... LAW INTEL LIGENCB. ROLLS' COURT.-FntAYv. f lis Honour the Master of the Rolls to-day proceeded with his cause petition paper. c T1IELLV'SON ?? WOODFORD. Mr. PESiBsnTON appeared for the petitioner in this case, s Lord Rvendleshain, who prayed that he might be at liberty to pay into Court the sunm of £5,500, the amount of certain rents with which he was charged under en Act of Parliament. By an ...


... C N )CL 0o HI [.LA C A i A T C \AITO\I | 'II8 A \1~4 d { la aswllc -+1+nI ?? .- . ?? . I . Ts he flblowbigdoeument contains thle ansvvo~ cm ?? II( Isallt, Canton local authmorities Concerning. t~il, late dispute :~ [Iti 1Communiicationfl rii tile (Governor (to thle l- cy M. toies) or- the purpose ole 5n50usding thlat -a c ermil lion latcoloe red reply ( i.e. ai rn ply iii the lmperiii I ...


... C ORO.NER:,' INQl SI-I' S. STIEAM-Botlf Arrtm:ts-\ titit r (l Yesterday evening al inqtcst %,as held, by adjournment, at theo Town of Ranesgate publiv-dolle, \\ Vpping Old Stairs, before ilr. Baker, (coronel, on the bod y of LuLar olesserer, a German tailor, aged *24 years, who was drowned by the swell of tile steamers, uopsettie g a boat in which lie was comling to London from Git r'l titll, ...


... LAW NOTICES.-T.u's DAr. COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S-lNN. Sittingsat ttenf. In re Dyneley, lunatic petition by ?? Chambers, In the natter of Chamber-, bankrupt petition' part ?? v t1kelts, motion for ?? v Walton, motion for judgment. CounRT OF KING'S BENCH. Sittings at half.pnit nine, ?? Comi j~mta.RItlitchlcock v Seguerrs-Moore V Hart-Scrivenler v VorleY and another I-wnororevbSobirohe ...


... 4ccI2gmT M' WnU wnaNS WriLDi nine o'clock on Friday morning, 12th. instant, an Liest wa9 taken before G. W. Cram and George MIvers, sqrs-, coroners for Newcastle, at the Turk's Head Long ltooln, on the bodies of the five unfortunate men who wlee 1illed by the falling of some of the buildings w1hichl fornmed part of the extensive works now being carried on by 2t1 I Grainger in the Nuns' Field, ...


... HORSHAMI. (FIIOMi AN 0CASIOSAL COalRESUONDENT.) The petition of Thomas lroadwood, EEsq. to unseat the present worthy representative of this place has failed in its effect, in a mannerpreciselysimilar to that whichwe predicted long since. We know not what credit llr. Iroadwood may assume to himself for entailing on Mr. Hurst the necessity of defending himself from the illiberal and ungenerous ...


... POLICE INT'ELLIGE'NCE. MIA ll,130ROUGHl.STIBEET. DI)AGR~EEall:NT or Doci,ots.-On Sat~urdav lfr. Sioane, of tile well-known firm of Sloane 'and CoIrornmonger-lane and Argyll-place, appeared before dIr. Chiambers ind Mr. Satinders to answer a charge Of assault brought against him bya person of thle name of Alullins,, tile proprietor ,of a rival !. Aedical Establishment, lately, Set lip in ...


... EXTRAORDINARY CA SE. )II as )TO CAPTAIN JAIMES WRIGHT. in Si-I am iimch surprise lat your nosertion, that there is at no such person in l1laddox-street as -\lr. Charles Dawes : for id your informilation, I beg to say that 1 have been IsI the same IC hb Sc ere) siNeT 1819, aiud lkept dhe post-riflfce. I think you *n could not have given youiself such trouble as to warrant your *n letter to The ...


... POLICE IN7ELLIGEIPNCE. GUIIDHALL. Mr. Beesons, the owner of some extensivestables in Long- lane,, appeared before Sir Peter Laurie, on a summons for damaging the weariag apparel of Margaret M'Lean, the wife of a mechanie, by throwiing half a pailful of horse's blood over her. The blood, which had been taken from a horse, I was thrown through an iron grating, about ten feet above the pavement, ...


... CE. , (N'TRIL RIMJINAL COURT.-TUE£RDAY. OLD) COVET. ' Before thle F ciii it ol.]1 Tlulst'ss lsroiml, egds 353, a soldier, was indirted for tin Itssetilt 0f1, tin farnoitts onto ire upon U wel le n Israel, his ownv dlaughter, uniter the agte of tenl yeats. 'Ilie c!hildj lppemessd to have been grossly neglected. She fimd never leen at aI ptlic of w~orship , nor at school since she wias five ...


... COURT OF KING'S BENCH,DUBLINlt-IONDAY, Mar9aret Hainea, v. Re?. .1. Keenarn, P. P. and others. The traversers in this case (the particulars of which were gi'v. sone tirii ago) were brought up for judgment g r Judge Burton said it was the decision of the court thatathe Rev. John Keenanuarnd the Rev. Thomas Brady, should each he fined £20, and be bound themselves in £100 each, and their ...