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Advertisements & Notices

... HUNSLET ,Aoj LEEDS. 'Po WOOLLEN, WoRSTED. COtTON, FLAX, and Ilk'-'i1' ?? Hotel, lin Leeds, onl TJ'hei-sds, Pihe A'kvtlllt Day ?? Jstl6, 11M., precisely at Thrtee 0-cluck i tile Al ttt'llt0ll, inl the ?? or suth other Lots Is 1maie he agreed u1p11 lat the 'rime of Sale, by Mrv. JQI-IN HOLMES.2 1-IU NSL rT EST ATE11. Lot I.4 L that valutable FRE~EHOLD CLOSE of LN D, situate oil tile W~est Side ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '~TOBELM-1Er And ?sAns he etered upon inmmediately, A N Old-established and wellaccustomed BA. A KE itS SHOP, with a commodious Dwelling House above, and a good convenient Bake House, and other suitable Requisites attachesi, situated near the Bull Ring, in the main Street of North Shields. The abovr-mentioned Situation is one of the best in the Town, and the Premises are sufficiently extensive ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FRE E TRADE TEA. _11XIHARDMOXONY, 70,,H-1101-8TREET, and rkPA1L~fS&it8ZT, Ibeg-.I iost r..sileetnttllo to state, that he has just received a v~erv SUI'E 111iO SUP311'Y,.of TEAS, direct fr'eem Cata tori to Londsu, wvhetre le.bhawrecen tity selerted - tewhich, foe' Quality aiz. i'rice, are nut to. be equalled I In tshe West of Engiami. PP IL sinigle Trial will prove thoi:!aet. 11. M1. caolla : ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T6NERAL SUCCEDANEU6for FILLING DECAYED TEE'rH-.-Mons. MALLAN and, SONS. Surgeon lDenti.-ta, No. 32 Great Rf sell street,.Iloomnhury, rortinU to restore Decayed Teeth with their cele- brated 'MNEAL SUCCEDAN BUM, applied witot heat or presquire. Also fasten Loose Teeth, whteirsn rmaeO from the use of calomvel. Arti- fiial and Natural Tehfedfrmoetacmpteset, withbost wires or other ligaturges; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (IOES GWYNNE'S SAUCE, for FISHr, CoLD C0?J MeA,!, GAsi1N, STKAKS, &C. &a.-..:ThAs Sauce bavingrig- cently obtained great celebrity, th piorietor, who has bad anetnielocal sale, is Induced V offer It m ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AtUCTIONE, BY AUCTION. New Pine Timber, Deals, &e. HE SUBSCRIBER will offer for SALE, by J AUCTION, at DUNBAR'S DOCK, on THURSDAY, the 2d JUlY, at TWELVE o'Clock, the Cargo of the Brig Hope, Capt. DOnkin, arrived this day from ST. JOHN, N. B. consisting of S0 Tons Yellow Pine TIMBER; 20 ?? Black BIRCH, 17 to 18 inches square. 412 Pieces DE S, 18tOX 9 X S 1238 ?? .9 x 769 .9 x3 9391 x g 3 188 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NvOTICE TO DIBTOZS AND CkflDaTORS. Lb Persons who stoodi indebted to THOMAS A RID1EY, lateof Allendale lown, in the County oF Northumberland, diceased, ave requested immediately to pay their respective Dcbis to Edward S. Holgasoen, Innkeeper, Allendale Town; acul John Clarke, of Lonkley Lodge, near Allendrale Town, being the Persons appointed by the Execiu- tors of the said deceased to receive ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * 0 be LET, ant e etered o r, ?? IL those very desirable PR E[GISES, sitetate in the parish of lrimsbury, and only separated front Danbury by the Clerwell and Oxford Canal, late in the ?? Of Mrxr- Tomiins and M rr. Jootn ?? house comtprises reakfoat, (lining, and dr aiwing ro oms, parlours, with marble chinney pieces, sitting room, 3 superior bed rogms, and 4 others; water and other closets, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r'I-N'Z A R T:S. It T. FOItIfFi. 1vl'ORl-tIAI ?? Ict~s to inittociti' to I'm-cl-S A.T,, andi thel I'ttlttlC ill PTeILTI'rl , tiatit.: cii ci xc'itid a miniulier ofA NTtN(,S for ati iidjriiial 11.. ?? 01cii5 i.~ itll~im~lt to tll!he thtemc otyl is hands, lie .-lispiist oif thelm, %vocc ith others, h. .ibi'pii. iii ?? pcittli ?? from'ci stt-1ii o1 tn'( filuiet l'civitilt. Ill li''icfd (d cub, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rival PUBLIC DJOTICE.-MRTRAORDIMJARY ]BARG-AINS. traeTH many recent failures in London have enabled the Proprietors of COD71,rERCE HOUSr-, 159 and j2 airYly. T160, Queeni Street, Portsc-a, to poichase for Cash, enormous quantities of the following GOODS, which ,ulwill be offered to the Public to-moarrow, and ?? the week, at prices which cannot fail to excite attraction.- cl ,n, Theifrst lot is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RlOYAL 'Selfdast Academieal institution. SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. T I E MIDSUMMER EXAMINATIONS will IL take place in the following order:_ JV',ESDAY, 17th June, English, Natural Philosophy, .EA and Chemistry. TaURSDAY, 18th do. $ English & Ancient Geogra- I phy. FRIDAY, 19th do. Mathematics & Arithmetic. SAkTURDAY, 20th do. Writing and French. MONDAY, 22d do.Greek aid English Composi- ,IO-SDmY, 22d ...