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... The investigation was resumed on Friday (the fourth day) when seve'. ral witnesses were examined, who deposed to the quiet of the town before the military appeared, and to the extreme violence used against the peo- ple. We can only refer, however, to the evidence given some weeks ago berore Mr Roaf, much of which was repeated, and to the few extracts which follow :;Mr Simkiss: Is a medical ...


... LAW INTBLLIGE.N CE. - r, ROLLS' COURT.-WEflNFSDAY. the This being the last day of Term, his HONcOUt the Master Of the the Rolls heard motions, none of which were of any public v~ interest. VICE.CHANCELLOR'S COURT.-WEDnNESDAY. Mr. Coos'en addressed his Honour at the sitting of tlte Court, and said thtere was a prisoner in Court whose case was utt verv different from that of' the Welch prisoners ...


... LAW INTEL LIGENCB. ROLLS' COURT.-FntAYv. f lis Honour the Master of the Rolls to-day proceeded with his cause petition paper. c T1IELLV'SON ?? WOODFORD. Mr. PESiBsnTON appeared for the petitioner in this case, s Lord Rvendleshain, who prayed that he might be at liberty to pay into Court the sunm of £5,500, the amount of certain rents with which he was charged under en Act of Parliament. By an ...


... C ORO.NER:,' INQl SI-I' S. STIEAM-Botlf Arrtm:ts-\ titit r (l Yesterday evening al inqtcst %,as held, by adjournment, at theo Town of Ranesgate publiv-dolle, \\ Vpping Old Stairs, before ilr. Baker, (coronel, on the bod y of LuLar olesserer, a German tailor, aged *24 years, who was drowned by the swell of tile steamers, uopsettie g a boat in which lie was comling to London from Git r'l titll, ...


... POLICE IN7ELLIGEIPNCE. GUIIDHALL. Mr. Beesons, the owner of some extensivestables in Long- lane,, appeared before Sir Peter Laurie, on a summons for damaging the weariag apparel of Margaret M'Lean, the wife of a mechanie, by throwiing half a pailful of horse's blood over her. The blood, which had been taken from a horse, I was thrown through an iron grating, about ten feet above the pavement, ...


... COURT OF HIUSTINGS. There was some difficulty on Tuesday in making what is called a Court of Hustings at Uuildhsll. The Court, it is well known, is one at which business is never transacted, but the authorities think it is necessary to observe the form of adjourning the llustings from time to time, in order to pre- vent any imputation against them of having by neglect vio- lated the charter. ...


... OLD COU1rT. [Before tile REconnEoa.] 7T1omas Wlalker, 14, was indicted for stealing a truck of the value of £2, the property of Thomas White. it appeared that the prisonerwent to the house ofthe prose- cutor, Mwho wvas in the habit of letting out trucks for hire, and obtained a truck in the name of a person named Bayliss, wvho weas a customer. The track having been handed over to him, he did ...


... POLICE INTELLLIGENCE. MANSION-HOUSE. Yte~terdav Sir Claudlius Stephen Hfunter sat for the Lord Ba Mtayor, who wats absent on account of a domestic calamity. seal A Scotchinan of respectable appearance applied to the oaf' Alderman under the following circurMtane~s: an( Having learned through nol ailvertiseitent that a shopitan was weanted by it stationer, &c., in Smithfield, the applicant nec ...


... X COURT OF KING'S BENCH, MONDAY. THE KING v. ROBTsoN.-The defendant had been convicted some time ag6 of publishing a libel reflecting on General Darling, formerly Governor of NJew South Wales. He was now brought up to receive judgment. Mr. Jus- tice Littledale, as senior p wisne judge, passed sentence on the defendant. He observed that the defendant had been an officer for a period of twenty ...


... MELANCHOLY ACCIDENT.-A most melancholy occurrence happened in this town last Tuesday morning. About five o'clock A.M. Miss Charlotte Stewart, daughter of Captain Stswart, half~pay, went, in company with several young ladies, to bathe at the Broad Meadow, and having unfortunately got into deep water, she sank. She was not got out for halfan hour, and life was then ?? .llcprter. - - ...


... LAW NOT)1CES.-THis DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY, WESTMINSTER. Sittings at ten. [Before tle Loans CnstsMtSSIXo.1S.] Potter vFox, to be ?? bv,,rl, .DIOTIONS By D.Tr.-April 27, 1:i4, Montara v Hall, part hcard- May 7, 135, Andrews v Walton-Mlay I1, lItS, in re Jordan. ArraALS.-Kelsallv Kelsall, ?? Same v the Same, caaiii -Wheat v Grahtam, ?? General v Harris, ditto. VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT, WESTMINSTER ...


... LA W INTELLIGENCE. VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COI'RTI.-iT'i'sn yr. Mr. K'.tcnii moved upon notice for an injunction, to wehil hie understood no objection at present would be marde. A1 lady of property hadl thought proper to settle upon ?? intuilt children ot a reapectable professional gentlenran it unim of £E53 000 stock. Out of delicacy at second professional g('ileL- man Was employed for thle purposc ...