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Morning Chronicle



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Morning Chronicle


... icerY, vare. VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT.-TuECSDAY. St. Mrl BA51iL MONTAG~U took Isis seat within the bar, having dird. been recently appointed a King's Counsel. ship ALUK'.TWAl. M~r. KNIsrm'r, with Air. Roy., moved for an attachment dly 6agains the defendant for not putting in his answer. Tihe de- fendan.t vias resident in Scotland. Under Lord Plunoket's 17 I Act he0 had bheen served with a ...


... LA ' .INTELLIGENCE. VlCE.(CHlANCELLOR'S COURT.-WVEDNESDAY. cou POLBIEROU MINES. c SETiASE'tti ?? (ARINE. v The Vicr-CiiANcEI.1 o11 this morning granted an injo Xl tion to restrain teefdatodhs agents from interfering I with these mines, and the moneys in the handsoat'the kanikeri, sor Messrs. Wlilliams, lDeacon, and Co. ;and to restrain the de- tl fendant from hindering the present Directory. ...


... CROW N ('lii. 01.-4 Before Mr.J tsttrc icl ?? cia Thulea I Walsonl, aged 27, a malmie, was placed at the bar, chacge('d with having miali iously stabhicd Thomos Thorn with a bayonet, at (Chathamn, on the 31st .lay, with intent to (ti him soaine grievotis bodily hlrinc. lhe prkonecr, tw ho pleaded Not Guilty, was un~defended by counsel. IThe prborier, on tile night in question, wa. piaced ...


... POLICE INTEfLLI CENCE. AI ARLBO RO UG IIST IkE ET. ASAUett'LIT IAlIAiRDINARN.s Oil Saturday two persons,, tiamed Jainies Tke ter and R~obert .5ieet, fin thte ?? at' A1r. Little, a. ?? wine-mnerchant fin Princes-str'eet, Leicester-sqliari, ?? brought before M\r. Contint, charged by an individual named 'Thormas D owden, the husband. of a milnet and tiress-maker, No. 17, A Iheuarle-,treet, Picca- ...


... -- M ARLBOROUG H-STREET. EMiBEsr ENIENTi - Edtcard Robinson was yesterday brought before Mr. Dyer for re-examination, charged with having embezzled sums of money to a considerable amount, belong- ing to his master, Air. Wabshett. MIr. Waabshett said he kept the livery-stables in Titchborne- stceet, under the firm of Seymour and Co., and the prisoner, since January last, had filled the ...


... LAW INTELLIGNATCE. HOUSE OF LORDS-MNIONDAY. [Appeals before Lords BIROUGHIAMM iNnl0, and TINTURDENJ SIR WILLIAM hAILLIFI ASN DIIIEJIS V. TIHE EDINBURGi011 ii. iAS (COMPANY. This was the rehearing of a case of appeal from the Scot- tish Courts of Session that was argued a few weeks ago before their Lordships, bien anl arrangement was agreed on, which not proving katisfactory to the parties, an ...


... 3¶I1RlDER AT LAS TWIK. ()n Tluesdaly an inqsast was held at the Plumiet Ward Ariais, lEestsvirk, on thec body of' 1)'illipm ltadlcy. g The 1irst witfl(s-i f5,inillc~d was V illisin Way, a in. boulr', ssho deposed that on M\onday lie ss as at; work fo~r r Mr. 11ownl of lEastvickl- hall ,mosshlogti 11w; VNi limostCake. lireiid, and thiomals )ar by, thc prisoner, were with w tole> - iossiag, the ...


... BOW-STREET. M GAMINoG-?I1OSE PnOsrcoriots.-ln our paper of the 9tb Al inst., in reporting certain proceedings which took place at this office, on the tender of bail for the appearance of George Fc Maugharm, who stands indicted for keeping a gaminig-house, we at No. 60, in the Quadrant, at the sessions, we were inad- A vertently led to state that Air. Ezekiel NIchols of No. 1I Cleveland-street, ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENvCE. -4- MANSION-HOUSE. An old fellow named Pike was brought before the Lord Alayor, charged with having stolen two salmon in Billings- gate-miarket. 31r. Goldhalt, the clerk of the market, stated that the pri- soner had been supportiig himself for tile last twelve years by plundering the salesmven; for the purpose of doing which the more comlpletely, lie Nsore under his blue ...


... Yesterday a Court was held. I'he Couit was not opened imil a tuestioni relatiseto the (Cab and (mnibus Bill now in Parlianient wasldi-posed of, and Alderman Copeland was so oini inced that the matter ought to have been discussed in public that he left the Court and (lid not retuin until its dloors were opened to the public. OIFfICIAL INA'II'ENTION. dhlmernan '1ll(MAS WOOD rose to observe upon ...


... IMIDDLESEX SESSIOiNS, CLgRKENWLL. I These sessions opened yesterday morning before 13. Rorcs, Esq., Chairman, and a very full Bench of magistrates. COUNTY DAY. The minutes of the last Court having been read, and sane other routine business disposed of, the Report of the Com- mitte for Gencral Purposes was rend and agreed to. The quarter's account of expenditure was stated to be £7,312 16s. 7d. ...


... MANSION-HOUSE. Yesterday a ladies' boot and shoemaker, named Cohen, was summoned before the Lord Mayor by a lady named Lee, Iunder the following rather odd circumstances:- t Miss Lee stated that she some time ago ordered a pair of boots at Mr. Cohnci'd shop, which is famous for neat fits. Ihe Boots, the upper parts of which were made of certain stuff which is generally substituted for leather, ...