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Morning Chronicle



London, London, England

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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... SHppING INUTTLLIGENCE. ~R MADRLAS, to 5ail positively on the I1at of 0 i ~reorably line foat-saing Ship A;iA, sii'totis Registir, Ta o paea srancg, it, IIN,. Colmncrider, ToVAt 1cc rol 'This shrjp c's very sctperior accom- ?? cilg f eot 2 ioc-hO~ Ii height bIceteec' 5 rd .arce S~ ~,t~iiittd Surgeoc.- For freight or paisarge L.15OiO 2'Chanfree-alley, eirto the (Commndnuer. F I.A'AYI l{-CO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INPPN TELIAGENCE. -LC TADirect, 'ivill leave the Rive(r ?? tiorn-th p-inchvri onII tine ?? of AII.ZIst iITUIIANA, tonI-ni1 61- tor,eu ii. '1MBAIRATT CororInmnnRI'rI, ,itt rat tsr' ?? freight or pi'4na e p' It. in he Jer~rtirriiehnretr or. Wini ?? couirt. C'ornnirifl or tn, CHARIir.n ~L( 1 A I)IEAT, to Sail the 1 St of 'n-n ' Innn I the Cope of Good Hope, the Yf~ole.Sost India, Compnnury's Ser ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r rd ofINTBLLIGENCE. Ltable C~N`A DIRECTF, Will positively sail lei N. rE E lN. 0 torns. P1f1AI -jtT M¶.C.S.Commander. 079s ltda ?? freight or Pansage. 'apply to Edi, ~~Fa 1 Slttla An-tin. friar'S John Thacker,41, IkI ?? JIatlges fiAROPER~, 4, l,eadenlhxll.Otreet. n ~ ~~~ln asegn~at the Ward' ~~ osively sail on the I1st of September, the Ward FiI Po *at n Is,.F-NGHA, SIF. burden 1,5000 Tons. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. Lnibrary of valtrlttl~ uitolift, Wardriabe a! Fo reig and Brltish tine'], C httaan G ss,(iattd pialnofort, by Stotlart, Hoosehonldl For- niture, And Etfft i's, of thle late flig~ht Mllari c 101. A. Taylor, MY.I.-It 110. J. alitniIt. 11011NS()N, nit ttw Premnises, in Wlttte- halI.gardinfs, ?? IS 1)tA'Y, Julty 2i4, and4 fnlowilig Its, 'it TwVelve, liy artier at' the Fifecutor; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sIPPING INTELLIGENCE. y, itl eave London 25th Jth', fonti, ISt Astersl1 (dewl weight or. board ;l71 l 11 m1i'll. 17.117 *1Tor7, a he Wes Inall Doli- 'liti. ship has excellent ~ ~ ?? f tttl I.;;rivs a Srrrg-ttt.- F-~pusaige ** ~t*771' 577y it Mlessrs. C'rawftord, Cotlv'it, aird 'ore N . Itler Oretr, I, B-ierhin77 bre , ri ~ 10WAY 1d il jositivelv sail on the 10thi Iassmlers lit Ceyhlon arnd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PORTUGUESE LOANS.-By Authority of ller MIfost Fsithfu1l Aljroty's Governmelt, aitd il confortlitf w1ith the ofio-ial nostice * the IIItth of April lost, plrpoiting thlt tle holo:ie osf tile 'Three per Cent. Stovk, not apptlied to tihe converslion OI tise SiA per (Cet. Loan of 1:14, wooI to beaopplieui to the cosoversiool onsi tedcttsiptiot o f other portions of the Posrto'guese deht, ;it the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sfIr~ NTELLIGENCE.] ?? sail positively from Graves- rc n- tier Ithb needl from Poretsmcouth oct the 15th July, tI CTs! MlARt IS OF HASTINGS, 500 Tons, Jeec' CAt.5KnOV, COM111111der d ce, oia 1Itvpott Dock.-For freight or pas556e apply y ; t'r Wer: lirhIen.Jaene, (orcehill tee Messrs. Creecford, ftIe, 01il Broad.,trect ;or for passatge onily to Captain ' r,I ?? Agency, 1i, Cornhill, and 14, St ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. LAST WEEK. ROYA f, AQADEMY, Somerset-House.-No- it ci' it tint itre EX H I FIiti iN itt the ROYAl. ACA- ?? ir Ii II NAJtI' ClOSE iii .srrorduy rent, ttre loth inslatri, at Sc' cit itt lot I. titer ?? every dire from Eight o'clock titi naven, One Shilling Cutatogne. One Shilling. HENRY HOWARD, E.A.. See, Eohiittrcn see rar1rresteit to send for thetr Works no Wedirenilay, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ¶l CAN-IO0N DIRECT, under positive en- i o st ie 1t C!AIugOst, sad wisll ODI receive Goods thi' d, iit'''ru. Cii~CI S:t~iC c~f E Iirdesi 79 Taols, . JCSI ~T CK ?? .(.Icounmansder, 11.1ICCI sport th .-ta Seight (Cr passage apply 5, 9 4 leI'IveiihCII sjtrtet; ..iessri. FC. and C. E. A01 -Clr juno's larlw'r, 4, 1,'aileohall street Al-til inars; h Ie,1 tC' ?? yerSI lat Ce)lli and Con, the B0MB~'~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , ppI~G INTELLGENCH. ORB.13Y the last shipping day being r ll .jandI Po, ttivcI y to eallI from Forts mouth on the &l.Tth ?? OF' 1ASTINGS. 5,0 Tons. OTO lt CLt Kr'N. ?? E0-:It ?? ?? freight or passage atpply- ehti' 'x llirviriile, Cornhill ;to Miessrs. Croerford, C'skl2 '6irondistretet ;or for passage only to Captain ;I'i~~;ltdlA~nY gency, 16, Corithill, and 8, St. Slartin'tt- MAI)R~~ dfl~lCAL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tUiLIC AAJUSkMEAIS. LAST WEEK. ROYAL ACADEMY, Somcrset-House.-No- t'r?ttV riven that the EXIflytITIliN of the ROYAL Ac s. it ?? .. ,. 1 I ,? A LI. V C LI.) '1 .? to Stuedoy neril, the 15th Itosearit, Itt 5?v?it ?? lv; ?? Corey doe from Eight o'clock till Seven , One Shilling; Catnloeor I) or ShIlling. I1FNR HO WAR!), itA.. See. Fxhltojtora are requesteol to aettd tior their ?Vorks on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. Modern Household Furniture, Forty Doen of III ~t ~w Co Sherry, flucellas, Constantia. sod Champagne, a Phaeton wvlth C Poily ?? Harrsefs, two Organs, two Pi1ano-fortes, &,.-By Mr. I3 rLLOCK, at his Roonts, 21l1, Hi1gh Holhboro, THIS 11AY, at (Ile,A AVariety of genuine EFFEC TS, incluhdingA and second hand HIOUSEHOILD FURtNITUII, fin rose- nex wood and nialhogatty card, ...