... ACCIDENT TO LORD SUFFIELD.-On Tiesdavafternoon, as his lordship was riding down Constitution Hill, St James's Park, on his way to the House of Lords, his lordship's horse stumbled and fell, threw his lordship, and rolled over him. His lordship was picked up senseless, and bv the kindness of some ladies who were passing and benevolently gave up the use of' their carriage, was immediately ...


... PRIVY COUNCIL. SMITH V..1.ELLY-JUDG5IENT.-The Lords of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council met at fbur o'clock on Friday, for the purpose of giving judgment in this important appeal, the decision on which has been looked forward to with great interest. Lord Broughaam delivered the judgment of their Lordships. The point turned on whether the conversion of the parties to the Roman ...


... POLICE INTEfLLI CENCE. AI ARLBO RO UG IIST IkE ET. ASAUett'LIT IAlIAiRDINARN.s Oil Saturday two persons,, tiamed Jainies Tke ter and R~obert .5ieet, fin thte ?? at' A1r. Little, a. ?? wine-mnerchant fin Princes-str'eet, Leicester-sqliari, ?? brought before M\r. Contint, charged by an individual named 'Thormas D owden, the husband. of a milnet and tiress-maker, No. 17, A Iheuarle-,treet, Picca- ...


... LAMENTABLE S UICIDE OF CO UNT OBERG.| It is onr painful duty to record the death of (Count Obe rg Equerry to It e King oft I allover, who toermintentoI his existence on \eeilnessday mliortiing lby 5sthbliing ilf ith a ldaggor Frot circunistancees which liuve coite to ?? knowledge it uppearm that the dceceised lleft his lodgiigs in St. .ames's- street, oil Wednesday moroing at an early hour, ...


... On Sasturdav all inquest was held at the Reid Lion, I'rineal- treCet, Westintitster, oll the body of MattihewN Graves. azcd !8an old soldier, who ?? reported to have died fromts inju- ries inflicted upon hitsi by a priN ate of the Coldstreasu Foot (iuardis. From the evhilene of the deceased's wife, it ap- thaton the evening ?? Inst ?? public-house, Broadway. where he siuet a private of ...


... . ?? -.1- vs ?? -irssllret. -( The Midsummer Sessions, for this County, at commenced on Tuesday, at Winchester. The Court fo opened at half-past twelve o'clock, in the Grand Jury - Room, before the Chairman, Richard Pellew, Esq.- a Among the Magistrates present we noticed the follow- AK ig :-Sir Harry Burrard Neale, Bart. Sir Thomas D Baring, Bart. A. A. Daniel, Esq. Sir Samuel Ray- T ...


... LAW NOTICES.-Tmis DAY. COURT OF CiANCHRY, LINCOLN'S-INN, Sittings at tela. [Before the Lords Commissioners.] In re Kay, lunatic petition by ?? Blake, ditto. MOTIONS BY I)AT.-Feb. 2'i, liO., Maclean v Marling, part beard -May I1, In re Jordan. APEAT.S.-MUR5rOVe v Newton, by ?? v Kelsail-the Same v the Same, ?? v Woud, ?? v Gra- ?? v Marris-the Salmle v Clarke, cause. VICE CHANCELLOR'S COURT, ...


... RAPE, MURDER, ANI) SUICIDE. The co!nty of Chester has an uneniiable notoriet for the commission orf crimes of tirt! niost revoltinrg character. Tile following exhibits at pi ture of deprasity aid crime whieh it is shioc' king t) conteminplate. A mairl iulrricadi in vears-ri bowlo -lrcadled sinner wsith grown up children. iares his o wIhoise, his wife and family, in the dead of the night, andl ...


... COU~rT OF CH-ANCERY.-SAsRDAY~s. II The Loirdls Commissioners to-day were Sir CHARLES PeRt'S and Sir J. It. 1305A NQUFT. On thernetion oftlhe Solicitor-G eneral (Sirlj.1M. Ro T.rv, tie I usual order was made for closing the Accourntant-General's Office front the 27th ?? to the first seat before next tern,.i Al .1I0'rAo;Uit and Mr . A NDERllO mvd 'speivlyt in the matter of Alaberly and of ...


... .tO-UT -OF-CrANC7RY, DUBLIN. (This article eamne toa Jate for our last publication.) Teatrenes a. Tennents; Saane-a Robert Terent, a Mi nor; .ee to. William Em'ner'so 'Teaent and William King, Tennentt, Miinors. M1TINES OZE AS SETTLED BY COUNSEL- Declare the will of tbe ...


... LAW INTELLIGNATCE. HOUSE OF LORDS-MNIONDAY. [Appeals before Lords BIROUGHIAMM iNnl0, and TINTURDENJ SIR WILLIAM hAILLIFI ASN DIIIEJIS V. TIHE EDINBURGi011 ii. iAS (COMPANY. This was the rehearing of a case of appeal from the Scot- tish Courts of Session that was argued a few weeks ago before their Lordships, bien anl arrangement was agreed on, which not proving katisfactory to the parties, an ...

Anglesey Quarter Sessions

... Anglesey Qua~rter Sessions. se Te ?? of the P'eneo for the bA) id County of Ainglesey, were held[ at the. Shire Hall, oil In B~eaumaris, on 1:'Tuesday last, before Joita W~illiamso, II, n- lSqt. (chairmnan,) WV. Saparrow', Esq. John Price, Esq. hit in V. IBulkeley WHighs, ?? the Alev. Alr. 'thlonmas, &c. Ct .t- 'A'llo Chairman .addressed the grand jurl,' at consi- the I derab Ic length in ...