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Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... FBXALE BOAR BEVG SCHoO, AT DUNSILLY, NEAR ANTRIM. CONDUCTED BY Mrs. and the mllisses MARSHAX.LL. SCHOOL will RE-OPEN after VACATION on MONDAY, @7th July. t The situation will be fork particularly eligible for children deprived of theirparen rthose indelicatehealth; . offeringall. theadvaritages osafe and comfortable home, combined with the opportunities ot a useful and well con- ducted ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Eatablghes 1020. FROM LONDON, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Hair Cutter & Dresser, I Peruke and Scalp Maker, 4c. 22, CSTLE PLA E, t (Opposile the Donegall-Arms, Belfast,) C ETUJRNS his grateful acknsrwledgmevits to his Friends and the Public in general of Belfast and its a vicinity, for the kind support h4as received during the Nine Years he has been in busine/s here, and begs leave _ to announce, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3r@UI IN . fbO EGAL TfEET. To be Let, or Interest in Lease Sold, rPnHE HOUSE No. 69.-These Premises are well I adapted for a large family, being completely fitted up with every requisite for comfort and convenience. The front and back Parlours, with or without part of the Yard, could be converted into a large Warehouse and Office; or, along with the Store in the rear, it would be an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ]MEETING THIS DAY. - ROYAL Belfast Aeademical Institutions. TnHE ANNUAL MEETING of the PROPRIE- I TORS of the ROYAL BELFAST ACADE_ MICAL INSTITUTION will be held in the COM_ MON HALL, on TUESDAY next, the 7th Julyat ONE o'clock, to receive the Report of the Joint Boards of Managers and Visitors, and to Elect, by Ballot, a Vice- President, in place of WILLIAM SHARMAN CRAWFORD, Esq. who vacates ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -AU3CTION. For no me Consumnption or Exportation. AUCTIO1Nf jHALT, 7, CASTLE-PLACE, BELFAST. To Builders, DrugZgo-ists, Painters, Oil and Colour- men, Ship- Chaszlers, Wheel- fWights, Inkeep- ers, Shopkeepers, Private Families, and Others. To he Sold by Auction, On WEDNESDAY, 15th July, commencingat I I o'clock precisely, A LARGE anml Exceflent Mpk of PAINTERS' COLORS Ground in -l9mprising ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TESTIMONIAL To the 1Rev. 1Fleteber Blakely y. 7HE SUBSCRIBERS to the FUND for presenting' T a PUBLIC TESTIMONIAL to the Rev. F. BLAKE LY, on account of his zealo continued, and efficient exertions in the cause of IsLIGMoUs LISERTY, are requeste tomeetin tbeR 1U .C v trUUmcU UJh the Comrnmissioners, COMMERCML BUILDINGS, on FRIDAY next, the 10th instant, at TH REE o'clock precisely. (280) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... by ~ RYA Belfast Academieal Institution. MIDSUMMER EXAMINATIOVNS. SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. T HE CERTIFICATES given by the Board ofr! aIL Matore, for General Profloiency td God Condort, during the Srcion, were awartded ii, the thewin oriil'r :- To Robt. M'Conwell, Wm, Gilera. E Ed. K Rellhv; and Pre. ronius to W m. Hemphill. Jos. Orr, J. H. Wauigh Thos. Moore, H. 0. Johnson, Michael A,,drews, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * A 1rish Sehools. REV. ROBT. WNVI-xG. N SUNDAY next, the 5th inst. a SERMON will 0 be PREACHED in Dr. HANNA'S CHURCH, ROSEmARY-STREET, at SEVEN o'clock, by the Rev. R. WINNING, when a statement will be given of the efforts now making for the REL:GIO) S INSTRUCTION of the NATIVE IRISH thr/gh the medium of their own Language. / After the Sermon, a COXLECTION will be taken up to aid in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Nsew ruebec YTeltaw Mike Timber, dLe. TkOIkAS COIR.flTĀ¶' CO. RE at present LA NDI1ING the Cargo of the Brig HENRY, Captain Jobbing, just arrived from Quebee, consisting of- 450 Tons YELLOW PIVE TIMBER, of very best quality, and large dimensions; 20 Tons RED PIlVE T'IMBER, do, do.; 20 Tons OAK, of prime quality; 2000 Pieces Brigit SPR UCE DEALS and BATTENsB and 1 ?ieet long; Pipe ansd Hogshead ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ..AwcTioNSSl. - AUCTION. Quebec Pine Timber, ae. HE SUBSCRIBER will offer for SALE, by It AUCTION, on THURSDAY next, 23d inst. at TWELVE o'clock, at DUNBAR'S-DOCK, the Cargo of the Brig ELmDON, Capt. HARVEY, arrived this day from Quebec, AS UNDER, 230 Pieces, containing 310 Loads, 14 a 22 inches, New Yellow Pine TIMBER; 1875 ?? DEALS, 12xtic 3 t New Bright 270 ?? BATTENS, 12 x3X Spruce; 2474 ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE GRAND JURY of the COUNTY of DOWN T will be Sworn on MONDAY, the Sd day of August next, at TEN o'clock precisely; the Commission will be opened on WEDNESDAY, the Fth August, at TEN o'clock; and the Civil and Crimi# business immediately proceeded with. . NARCISSUS BATT, SnEein?. July 25, 1835. (377 BELFAST BROWN.STREET SiWDAY& DAXILY SCHOOL SOCIETY. T HE TWENT'Y-FIFTl NUAL MEETING of this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To the Medical Professions. aN eligible opportunity now presents itself to any A Person desirous of commencing the practice of his Profession in a bustling Country Town, with a flourisbing and respectable Neighbourhood attached. The Advertiser is resigning (for which satisfactory reasons will be adduced); and the Purchaser, in addition a certain introduction, may have the S T O CK, DRUG , ...