... FRIDAY, JLYe 10. EXTRAORDINARY CASE.-Thomas Ellis was opposed by Mr. Cooke, on the part of Thomas Blaird, Esq., of lippax Parb, Yorkshire. H-ie was undefended. This was a retnarkable case. The insolvent, toho underwent a length- cited and rigid exominatios, had been ?? a publican. Itl lay, 1034, he dissposed of his peblc-hoese, throug ilire agency of a broker ralnted Williate Freetby, and soon ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENV CE. ii- ,in MARLBORO UG H.STREET. ast On Saturday Mrs. Bowleys, a fierce-looking little msan, was or charged with having committed assault and battery on the an person of Dr. Crane', his lodger. ut The Complainant said he and his family occupied the prin- h cilpatohe edfnatsou.Lst night, or early in d the mornu ting, thewinmates wr dc'lintstubdb) r nesn ig ce- ung at thedr ...


... ASSIZE INTELLIGNACE. ed ?? 'as ?? CI RCVIT.--Cti.%srw'ottn, FnraD . ed ca6OIWN ct Itl'. he [Before Sir .Triu As A SAN PARsK.] mi- .iaorh Mliller, a wretched looking old woman, agedl *a th- yeats, WiS place(l attthe liar, chargei-d with tic wiilful mul-d.-1 ?? as anillegitimate female child,oiily 11 weeks old the dauthlter ii in Maria, Miller, her daughlter. Ml ari M iller wau included a. It ...


... IHOMEL CIRCUI'I.-HEIRTFORD, FRiIDAY. The business of the assize for the county of Hertford com- meliced here yesterday morning ; the coninission having been opened onthe preceding day. Sir. Justice Littledale delivered the charge to the grand jury. The names of eight irisonerS are down for trial one of' the case is of lmur- derer. The busines; in the eA isi Prius is light, only eleven cauass ...


... POLICE INTERLLIGE'ACE. BOW- STREET. VD Saturday a pemon namied &;omr:afes, resitling in 13rook- plac~e, Ikegentea-park, was b~roughlt up upon sus.picion of beiney concerned wsith the Spuairdan Sanm]artin in the luate robberies at hotels. A gold wateh, atolen froml lMr. E mery at thc (Craven llotel, was accertainedl to lhave been pledged by tbe priso)ner, who, in hir. defence, stated thlat he ...


... BEVELEY BOROUGH SESSIONS. The S1ssions for the Town and Liberties of Beverley were held On Monday, at the Guild Hall, Beverley. In the course of the Sessions the following Magis- trates were on the Bei ;- Jorn Vincent Thompson, Esq. Recorder, J. B. Arden, Esq. Deputy Mayor, (in the absence of the Rev. W. R. Gilby, Mayor,) John Myers, J. B. Bainton, Cornelius Coliett, and John Williams. Esqrs. ...

Published: Friday 03 July 1835
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2754 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... JURY COURT-July. 16. lo-the cause n whicll-.Jaiie Henderson Smeine James. Gtcrge, Syqt~ejiad Peter 'MIFarkine Synie, children -of Joht'Hia ?? brew~er in Alloa, and Alexander MI FrlaflP ..of, Thoirhill, their tutor, ad lifeni' are puS -l I' e1 ?? 6e .W SI, Mrs Mar- garet ?? MirWallace, and others, are defenders 9tb ?? stieioeathii day cat s on for trial before the Lordl~isitice. Clerk and a ...


... POLICE INV71L LIGEtA CE. -4- MAI1N LA.SIONNE. RII4VAIII4I, To Fnnnesnss.-tfr. t'nilnnns, a' har, ?? Nn,. 12, lieorgc'ut reel, Feice. jninlc C, atteanieni at this ofin n tiispnttc a ritanins risatie in' line tireonrtn and tntrttceni. i'elnnv on ny I several Mary.ia.inannse ettgntee'tnIntlniisilInelIlS. I ft etnycared troon line rennielt e I nat ott Snnturday, nine pin lto' htt.ttncy ...


... l.A If' NOTICbS.-Th1S D.4r. * ICEt CHANCXILIOR: ; t1tRT. LINCOLN'S.INNs tiiltingt' at ten. (.races v Hiceks; exceptions by ?? Forbes; petsi, by ?? v' Resett; ?? v Collinr: ditto-mi, . IDe langes; ?? v Powinn, ?? v Benonett. producer ?? v Itavirn; fiitthvr direettoun byorder-HIluto.+ v Kenvon ?? ?? ditto anid ?? mewv v Ilarrin further drleectlons by ?? v Strong; dilto- l.athiiin v Uali; ?? v l ...


... c I IC H ES F E R. | On A\londay a Court of Inq1uiry *as lr.ll a, the Ullirot filal), in iths plae, on a Sttit lenotiti)g beticeen oil. Agate,; aillor * 1 Filbotit t i d li. Ii'sl priok a lbaiier (itt Bofg:or, 1.r l:%r ds sold anl deliveleo l. 'ylto dlebl wvas clearly pillved to the tlli, . an8 a \iun!ici giritl lor deltt antl costs. On 'I'ol sdayv a man nained lBiacon, v ho %%s aservant or ...


... -4-- VICE-C'IIANCELLOJVS COURT.?XXEtlt?l?t?D.iY. NOti iON ?? ( lit'ii2tiN AND tiC ii. Mr. Ksicii'i ,with SIr. lIACtIN, mosed to ?? sit itijuoC- thn which had heen obtained iii this cause to restrain the defendant from publiidiiig a work bearing the title of ?? lie ('uquet, aiid oilier 'I iiles. by the lIon. \lre. ?'Oi'tOil, being, iii fact, a epriiit of certaiti tab> ?; rattan hr that lady ...


... LA TV INTELLIGENCE. 110;tSE (OF LORDS-APPEALS--WEOI rsoAY. Flefore Lord BROUnHAM End other Lords.J L-OlTOND T. 'NTFR .550 OIttERS. This was an appeal brought on behalf of the New Fife Banking Company against the trustees of the late Andrew l'hompson of Kinloch. It arose out of an action raised on the liability of a great number of individuals who were part- ners in the Old Fife Company, for ...