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London, London, England

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... 3¶I1RlDER AT LAS TWIK. ()n Tluesdaly an inqsast was held at the Plumiet Ward Ariais, lEestsvirk, on thec body of' 1)'illipm ltadlcy. g The 1irst witfl(s-i f5,inillc~d was V illisin Way, a in. boulr', ssho deposed that on M\onday lie ss as at; work fo~r r Mr. 11ownl of lEastvickl- hall ,mosshlogti 11w; VNi limostCake. lireiid, and thiomals )ar by, thc prisoner, were with w tole> - iossiag, the ...


... BOW-STREET. M GAMINoG-?I1OSE PnOsrcoriots.-ln our paper of the 9tb Al inst., in reporting certain proceedings which took place at this office, on the tender of bail for the appearance of George Fc Maugharm, who stands indicted for keeping a gaminig-house, we at No. 60, in the Quadrant, at the sessions, we were inad- A vertently led to state that Air. Ezekiel NIchols of No. 1I Cleveland-street, ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENvCE. -4- MANSION-HOUSE. An old fellow named Pike was brought before the Lord Alayor, charged with having stolen two salmon in Billings- gate-miarket. 31r. Goldhalt, the clerk of the market, stated that the pri- soner had been supportiig himself for tile last twelve years by plundering the salesmven; for the purpose of doing which the more comlpletely, lie Nsore under his blue ...


... MANSION-HOUSE. Yesterday a ladies' boot and shoemaker, named Cohen, was summoned before the Lord Mayor by a lady named Lee, Iunder the following rather odd circumstances:- t Miss Lee stated that she some time ago ordered a pair of boots at Mr. Cohnci'd shop, which is famous for neat fits. Ihe Boots, the upper parts of which were made of certain stuff which is generally substituted for leather, ...


... DKEADFUL ACCIDENT IN A COAL-PIT: SEVENTEEN PERSONS DROwNED.-We have to record another instance of the deplorabla 16os of life in a coal.pit. On Friday last, about eight o'clock in the morning, as the workmen in the employ of John Fletcher, Esq., at a pit called The Aullart Hole, about fbur miles from Bolton, on the banks of tic Irwell, were at their employ, the watt burst in from the bed of ...


... -4-- VICE-C'IIANCELLOJVS COURT.?XXEtlt?l?t?D.iY. NOti iON ?? ( lit'ii2tiN AND tiC ii. Mr. Ksicii'i ,with SIr. lIACtIN, mosed to ?? sit itijuoC- thn which had heen obtained iii this cause to restrain the defendant from publiidiiig a work bearing the title of ?? lie ('uquet, aiid oilier 'I iiles. by the lIon. \lre. ?'Oi'tOil, being, iii fact, a epriiit of certaiti tab> ?; rattan hr that lady ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENV CE. ii- ,in MARLBORO UG H.STREET. ast On Saturday Mrs. Bowleys, a fierce-looking little msan, was or charged with having committed assault and battery on the an person of Dr. Crane', his lodger. ut The Complainant said he and his family occupied the prin- h cilpatohe edfnatsou.Lst night, or early in d the mornu ting, thewinmates wr dc'lintstubdb) r nesn ig ce- ung at thedr ...


... IHOMEL CIRCUI'I.-HEIRTFORD, FRiIDAY. The business of the assize for the county of Hertford com- meliced here yesterday morning ; the coninission having been opened onthe preceding day. Sir. Justice Littledale delivered the charge to the grand jury. The names of eight irisonerS are down for trial one of' the case is of lmur- derer. The busines; in the eA isi Prius is light, only eleven cauass ...


... ASSIZE I NT'lELLiGFNCE. M IDLAND1) ?? V:-WNolrTtIat]rTOY, \VaosEsi)A\. I h( .( omimission for this county wnas opened yesterday by Sir Stephen (Gaselee, at three in the afternoon, subsequent to which the Learned Judge proceceded to hear divine service at AII Saints IChurch. Thei business of the assize cotnimenced this morning before Mr. Justice \aglihan ol the civil side, and Mr. Jostice ...


... LAW NOTI.CES.- This DAY. VIXCE CHANCELL.OR'S c'VURT, I.INCOLN'S-INN. Sittings att ten. Es parte Gireen, petition by order-inl rr Cointminsioneri of St. John-Atsorney Genleral e Corporation ofw Eneter. further iixrectijnns -Same v- Sanne-Same v Sam~e.-Muggeridge v Slug~geridgeb ly oardar-itreastssater v W~alker -Hramlet V Sherxnao-Aieaamider Patifull-Grant v 'ai'l~ong-Ewmtnl v Obballestotr-LDay ...


... LAW iNVTELLIGENCE. ROIIS' COuRT._THuttsCIAY. rileI AlTTN'EY-FNERAL VL. (,lI.Fi. In this case, whieih hadl been before the late Master of tile Rolls, a testator, who ws a ir member of the East India Corn- patty, devised a sunm of £3,000 East India stock, to his ex- ecittors in trust for his wifte for her life, antl after her death to be held for thle benefit of Christ's Hospital. Sir('AtslttcS ...


... LAW NOTICES.-TRIm DAY. VICE CHANCELLOR'S t.UURT, LINCOLN'S-INN. Sittings at ten. Seal I)ay,-Siotltons. ROLLS' COt'l'l CHlANC'ERY.LANE. Sittings at ten. Consent causes, and petitionS. and motions. COLItT OF REVIEV. AtJIovlNxn BlANKttt'rT PETITIONs.-Exparte Neirinck: re Nel- tith , part hea;rd-1;x irte r dalfrlrd D 1C ?? Johnson re iirown-t. pm te Lt eaf ?? Stone re WVhitehbed- Exajtrte Worl re ...