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... ASSIZE INTUELIGENCE. WESTERN CIRCU.IT.-ExrtcTE, ?? [Before Mr. .tustice Cio-AiiDGE.] 'I IIIAL OF 11E. 11Y JOHN? HIONEY', FORA TFIEL MU'PDERk OF HIlS WsIFEX All the avenues to the court wyere crowded at anearly hou vs ilh Per-sonis anxious to obtain at eight, ifntabaig fte trial of Honey,. The interior ot the court wass filiod with re- spectably dressed india sluoW, af great portion of whom wet ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY..WEIDNESDAY. LBefore Slr C. Pitys aed Sir J. BOSANuUET.1 BERKELEY v. SWINOURNE. This was an argunment on the construction of a -ill in an amieable suit, the question being the proportion in which the chidren of two sisters were to take the fund in court, Sic W. Iloaxz, Mr. SWANSTON, Mr. WicriAM, Mr. KlN- ;ntesl v, Mr. Lo ixisES, Mr. MATHESW, and Mr. BARILOW vere heard for ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY.-TiiURsDAY. (Before Slr C. Prpys and Sir J. BOSANQVET.] STOCKEN ?? STOCKEN. Mr. KiNrEnnsEY and M1lr. DUcKsWoRTHs were heard this morning on the same side with Mr. WmiAii, on behalf of the respondents. Mr. JAcon having replied, 'I'leir LortosnipS desired th. papers to be handed up, in order that they might look minutely into the valuations, be- fore they gave'judgment. L.EIOII ...


... POLICE' INTELLG.EA'CE. LA M B ETHI- ST RE ET. EXTOAORDINAnIY CIARCEe OF TELONOf.-V esterday Francis Maglilililz lit aman tlrecsel in tile galb of a mechanic, was brou-h hoe:\r .ILc ypwie consuible Robert roghlt b~rto -Mrlt. Walker, by psi ?? l hr Camp 'oni 11 i37, ?? de 101ioil~gl. arfge:- .lNI. IlotryPlti, a stilliltr,, of :3t, souttsampton-billdings, Chancerly-lane stated tiht sofli years ...


... MlANSION HOUSE. John Owen, a big red-headed Irishman, summoned a publican for being in possession of a spaniel, which the said John Owen swore he had owned for several years. The complainant said that as he was going along the street, he saw the defendant followed by the dog, and immediately recognized the animal, which he had lost aboutayear andalialfago. Thedefendantdeclared that the dog had ...


... MARLBORO UGH-STREET. AMiss Maria Mitchell and Miss Adelita Coin, a brace of dingy nymphs, were charged by the police with having been discovered squabbling in broken English, and fighting to- gether in the Hlaymarket. AMr. D)5iin: Well, Aluria Mitchell, what have you to say to this disorderly conduct ? Aliss A'litcihell (sobbing): Pis lady alnivss front me when she see me in *Ic llaymarket. ...


... LAW ArOT1jGES-Tmjs DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN's-INN. Sittings at ten.Pnl lunatic etto Mibivard r Atkins, motion by ?? re Penell, by ?? v Bro n, petition by order. APEFALS.-Newton v Lucas, ?? r Cnrviho, ditto- Itenson v Beon, dijjo_-;'otts ' Osu ?? of St. Alblins v (ds;iii, ?? v Tlbe Earl of rlacclesteld, ?? v Doniovan, ditto %'ICE-CI1.!SCELLORS COURT, LINCOLN'S.INN. Sittings at ten). ...


... YORKSHIRE SUIMMER ASSIZES NISI PRIUS COURT, THURSD)AY, JULY 23. HIARG11AYE it. tiILNES..-NIir. CnESSIVELLs and Mrl.13ArNESe ap.- Pearred for the plaintiff~; and MTr. AL ErX AN Den, Mr. iI II LV. I!D, and Mr. II-iaLi. for the L defendant. Mrl. Bl AINES opened the plleadings, wvhiclr set forth that the defendlarrt, being the teniant of the plaintiff, ale takeen away fr-om the garden a great ...


... .DEVQ-N ASS IZ ES. Wr,1)iqESDAY._jMr. ]taon, Gurney having flutished, ?? prius, ?? to try prisoiters5 ?? t r. bus kbura desired to ra hi Lrdhip's attention to an afifdavit; he hfeld,.- from George Avery, 25, who can read, which italed that lie htad I.Ily boon conmmitted for trial ont the preceding Monuday, charged with Ihaving, onl tile nighit of the 4th of April, 1834, near a cottage, in ...


... GUILDRI-ALI, IFRIDAY, JL-Ly 24. BEFOllr LORD AIiNGIER.| IV RI;iT i. Ii1CiIARDSO0N.-Counsel for the Plaintiff, Mr. DLMra. ItIUI:Ni: ?? Mr. CUrTINGITAN t for the Defendant, ler. SasntANT ATC:I::!ILY and Mr. iL ANStIARDn -This was an actian for comtpentsation brseghlt by the plaintn, WhOo is a corm-iniller, at Leeds, tigainat the dete-tidutit, telso is a horse dcaler, at Yorh, firan assault upon ...


... The prisoners from Hiorsham were conveyed to Lewves in vans, be. werhre they arrived about eight o'cock on Saturday mornin,and. aws were handed over to the 'custody of the keeper of the Hou~se of' W Correction. On the samneafternoon tle Sheriff's cortegd went osit* no to meet Their Lordships. Mr. Justice Park, having preceded his Learned Brother, Mr. Justice Littled-ale, left his own carriage ...


... A mecting of the Magistrates was held yesterday at the Sessionschouse, Clerkenwsell-green. B. Rotch, Esq. in the chair. The report ot the visitintg magistrates for the House of Cor- rection and the New Pristn having been read, illr. FN LER moved 1 hat the reports of the flanwell Lunatic AsvI em should be furnished to the different parishes in the county. TIhe Jworthv Magistrat(e in a short ...