... ASSIZE INTUELIGENCE. WESTERN CIRCU.IT.-ExrtcTE, ?? [Before Mr. .tustice Cio-AiiDGE.] 'I IIIAL OF 11E. 11Y JOHN? HIONEY', FORA TFIEL MU'PDERk OF HIlS WsIFEX All the avenues to the court wyere crowded at anearly hou vs ilh Per-sonis anxious to obtain at eight, ifntabaig fte trial of Honey,. The interior ot the court wass filiod with re- spectably dressed india sluoW, af great portion of whom wet ...


... 0,TwI~C w A Court Martial was- held on Tuesday se'niniglit,li -o 'wich continue~d tosit, adjourning from day todav, untlithis day ?? al (Fridelyl, san hoard His Nolajesty's ship .Viatory, ini this Harbour, oy ho a~ on' Liaeuteesmuc deorge Charies Stovin, late in I.Sinrneand oj Thani 7 the AlgecInd, on 'cliirgz~' of'repeated acts of drunkenness' 4th Nit - anurid niificei-like conduct, ...


... The prisoners from Hiorsham were conveyed to Lewves in vans, be. werhre they arrived about eight o'cock on Saturday mornin,and. aws were handed over to the 'custody of the keeper of the Hou~se of' W Correction. On the samneafternoon tle Sheriff's cortegd went osit* no to meet Their Lordships. Mr. Justice Park, having preceded his Learned Brother, Mr. Justice Littled-ale, left his own carriage ...


... CItOIVN COU~irNI0NDAY, AUG. 3, PETIT JUay-Mr. William D. Henderson, foreman; M essrs. John Riddell John Russell, Win. Vint, Patrick Hramill, John Patrick, William Hunter, John Mionrgo- mery, James Moore, Franci.i Dinsmore, Robert Greer, .arid Francis M'Laug.l ill. Draniel MKEntaggarqtand David Keernan were indicted for the murder of Alex.'Beggs, in the parish of Finvoy, on the 10th Dec. last. ...

[ill] [ill]

... 2 z:'i ? , 7 . . ?? Z5 Thle ( ollmissioili of' Assize' iere oneed on Tm-t- ?? os, ;t hofli Court I couot, IDofgvlfoy. Ii. 111 Ar. IloIi 'eit'd SI'pOnlt rireiNLI it, \\''iPifn'1 ?? %v v iou uck, ;liii tws ncot by H Igli fleiclov, ?? if, lf''yrc y gwivi, tite ltoclcm fetlc'iis of ?? flmrvy f ohvi ?? of D~ofgiic Lii Iili~crii, coti it lied11l IIC Us0cuail cni'i.,go ef'etleniililtqs. le itiitiis- ...


... eOUNTY OF ANTRIM ASSIZES. FRIDAY, JULY 81. PETTY JURY.- MeSSrs. John Smiley, Foreman; Wm. Simpson, Alex, Smyth, John Jackson, James Black, David Wilson, James Woodside, Alex. Stewart. Robt. Rowan, Robert Wright, Robert Galt, and Miles Atkinson. Daniel M'Keer'er was indicted for assaulting Hugh Guth- tie, at Belfast, on the 19th April, and taking from him a pocketbook and other articles, his ...


... GRAND JUIIY.-Cnol. (oriolly, M.P Foreman; Sir James Stewart Bait.. Thomas Brooke, Robert Alonigomeery, John IlarvPeA James Sinclaiv, AI idrew Fereuson, WvhraTI7s ilpheit, Thomas D. Bateson. James Johnston, Thomnas Alexam r, B. G. 1-rimphries. W. K. M'Clinrock. William Fenwici Francis Manr4ield, WilliamN Murdock, John Cochran. John Beers, Henry Stewvart. Charles Colhoun, Thomas Doherty, Esqrs; ...

Carnarvonshire Assizes

... CarniUrvonfhire Assizes. m'r. Serjeatst 'Taddy, thc otliciating, Judge, in thle we5 ?? of -Mir. j ustice l3eoanqu et, arrriv ed in C ren a rvon Sir oul Thursday evening,, and intnnedtiatelY pioccedced tot tabc Sh[ire-hiall, attend,.d by jollt isl MorIganI, ,sliigl rif- Sleiland opened thle As'siecs. ITIe C ourt was then Ir's adjturnsed until eleven o'clock tile next morning. per On Firvly ...


... ASSIZE IiV\TlELLIGENCE. fHOME, CIRCUlT.-LEWXES, MONDAY. 'Tle business of the Artise for the 'outlny of Sliis-K corM- invttted here thii morning, it ti n o'clock, the(' Coitlmlistofl having bcen openedI on 6aturdaty. Mr. Juatite Littledlale presdes t Nii I'ilia, agil _N.r. Juistice paik in tihe Crown C~oult. 'fihe calendatr is comparatively hevy no!cnls thle names of 35 prisoflCn;. Se% eal of ...


... EANSINGTON PETTY SESSIONS. Yesterday a gentlemall, residing at Kensiugton, was charged be- fore II. tCoi1i1 and F. I Atuow, Fs'qrs., swith the followilog loffence John Turner, a private in the third company of the 2d battalion of the Coldstream illards, was on duty onl Saturday forenoon, at the Greenbhouse, opposite the entrance to the apartmenits of th1 Princess Sophia, in tKeslongton.garden8 ...


... bILNUULAR CASE IN FR'AINZt. (Abridyed from the Gamette dee TribunaufJ) The public mind has had scarcely time to recover from the strong excitation produced by the trial of La Ronciere, when another cause celebre, if possible still more extraordi. nary in its details, and more tragical in its result, is about to be pleaded before the Court of Assize at Paris. Stephen Prosper Bancal, a surgeon ...

Derbyshire Summer Assizes

... ? , 4 - :? .. - 006--,ft- ? ? '4O I -, ?? .. --bi , A.In -0 -7 i. .? S ti Airt-, Itto tr o 9 -I slgpprwe give the proceedings at these Aakme k' TeTedy enow complete, the Report. i . i NISIsIPRIUS COURT, WEDNESDAY, JULY 29. Defere Sir~ ST.EP.HEN GASELEE,, Ksstrn. STANNEY Vr. !IGGIN5JOTTAM AND AWOYHER. t This action was brought to recover dam ages from tho' defendants, HIgginbottom -and Cooke, ...