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... WANDS WORTHI PETTY SESSIONS. SINGULAR Tl1ITH CLAIM. On Saturdev Ur. Sanituel lDay/, a gentleman residing at Wandsworth, appeared belore tile Bench to answver a sum- mons issucd against hilm at the instance of the Rev. MIr. 130r- rodaile, vicar of W'aodsworth parish, to show cause why Ie refused to pay the sum of six guineas, being the amount of tithe due to the Rev. Gentlemen for two years' ...


... CENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT.-FRIDAY. OL]) COURT. [Mefore :Mr. J0stice 1IrSANQIU)r and Mr. Baron At.Oioasos]. UCIHINRG A k'Ol{EI) NVILL. Thin I t~ ~k F~a'i, ged 5:3, was indicted for febl- niously tte r ng n forged will ?? nto be tire will of John Collins deceaseri. Hewa lsochrged nith thle forgery of tile will. Mr. ADonirrersraviig stated the icts uthtie case to tlhejiry, Mr. Frederick Cox, ...


... The prisoners from Hiorsham were conveyed to Lewves in vans, be. werhre they arrived about eight o'cock on Saturday mornin,and. aws were handed over to the 'custody of the keeper of the Hou~se of' W Correction. On the samneafternoon tle Sheriff's cortegd went osit* no to meet Their Lordships. Mr. Justice Park, having preceded his Learned Brother, Mr. Justice Littled-ale, left his own carriage ...


... A mecting of the Magistrates was held yesterday at the Sessionschouse, Clerkenwsell-green. B. Rotch, Esq. in the chair. The report ot the visitintg magistrates for the House of Cor- rection and the New Pristn having been read, illr. FN LER moved 1 hat the reports of the flanwell Lunatic AsvI em should be furnished to the different parishes in the county. TIhe Jworthv Magistrat(e in a short ...


... NORSI!UVIEIMaLAMD ASSI5ZES. CFOoMN C OUIRT, NO N D Y, A uG usr 4, i835, At eleven o'clock ins morning, she Rlight Hlonourable Jas. Lord Abinger entered tile court, aiid after the usuiil procla- utation against vice all(] immorality hall becn read, the uoll ow- ig genilkine sit ere sworo of' the Grainl J1 ry -M Bell, Il q. ?? foremiani ; tbe ?? Fl. 1. Liddell, JEsliutin; ,Sir I' Iioris H ...


... I NISTI PRIUS.-Br:FOuE LoaD AIINGEn. I BOND V. MIESYER. This action arose out of son e slanderous expressions whbich the defendan t had niade use of respectirng the plaintiff', who is a publican in Manchester. lle ?? h1fimt or Stealineg a top-coat, selling it, nal thite appreprin- ting the mosey to his own use -Mr. A LEXANDER wtas retained for the action, and Air. CIIESWEL.L for the de- fence. ...


... FLAW IN'EL~IGENCE:. IIOUISE ()F LOR]iS.-APPE:AIS.--A\e tsDNat.L1 Al At'iali;r iiATS() (Cacti' ti) 1.A\N C\At5ON N'D ornies.l In this case Sir \i s Si. EI.LTI' and Mr. FM'NE L~ appeared for the appellant, who pleadedl i tto feeea pa spec ie and Dr. L'IublrNtots and ,lr. Ie e-ln flor the responident. Sir XX er. loria Ta -tilted the nature ot thc ('one, *vhichl wac an appenli froml the C ourt of ...


... POLICE INTELLIG EA CE. MANSION-HOUSE. A young man named Wl'illirrr JHltonr, who, although no morethan eighteen yearsofrgs isamarried lman, was brought before the Lord Mayor ?? Lorrester, the officer, cltarged with having committed a forgery upon the banking-house of Williams and Co., of l3irehin-lane. ?? Saturdav last a young woman named ormma Litchfield, who it was tiscertained afterwards was ...


... LAW INTELLIGE.7\CE. C, HO LSE Vi' LOHI)S-API'LALS.-J iii tirOAT. I Before the- Earl of Suit v-se tie-, Lords I s rHue' I3eur,tt?r, and other Peers.] tO I SOC ?? Mliii I. slit (lotte-S ?? it. Several leers attended to lieai' this important jiidjnient, 's wit ii'li tail bee ii daily expeeti d since its iii tc'rropiion on \l on- a- lay. A tnongst them sm i's the ltd it] 1uee-s of Ormond the j* ...


... DURHAM SUIMMER ASSIZES. I'llUTSllalh JIt y 0. These assizes commenced ;esterda.y (Thursday), at noon, sehen the Right Hon. Sir Nicolas C. 'inidal, knight, and the Right Hon. Lord Abinger, the Right Rer. the Bisho)p of I)Durhtm, the High Sheriff (W. L. Wharton,Esq.), and C. J. Clavering, &c., took their seats on the bench. 'lsh lollowing gentlemen were then sworn in as Grand Jurymen:-Hon. A. ...


... POLICJ? INTELLIGENCE. MAN -? [oN- 1 01) i- E. (to ?ataid.ry ri gehitiemair, reiro liii not mention [rio name publicly, applieri for' :r warrant to approitetid - - J ...


... POLICE INATELLiGBECE. MAR Y-I.A- 3BON NX. A ynung iaial, named Jo nI W'illiam s, wearing a tattered suit of block, bitt whose maniierand address plainly indicated that 'cheerles- poverty' had not alwavs been his portion, was placed at thle bar, before .Mr. Shutt, charged with riesti- tution. Fioni the e idence of police constable Ward, 203 S, it appeared that on the previous night, as lie was ...