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... LAW INTELLIGEACE. COURT OF CHANCERY.-FaiDAY. [Refure Si, C. Perrs and Sjr J. 10asA Notc:r,) ?? V. AtiNOS. This was an application on the palt of Alderman Atkius to have certain partnership 6ooks and papers removed from the Master's office to his house at Walbrook, in order that he might have greater facilities for inspecting them. 'l'he AIdermian had twice before made a similar application, ...


... MANSION FIOUSE. A young woman of very respectable appearance, the wife of at (Jerman mechanic, was brought before the Lord Mayor, charged with having attempted to commit suicide. One of the officers of Billingogate stated that on the pre- ceding evening the defendant ran in a state of distraction among the barges, and was in the act of flinging herself into the tide when she was grasped l y ...


... NORTHERN CIRCUIT.-TiURSDAY. CROWN COURT. ,Abraham Ogden , aged twenty-lour, and James Melloin, aged twenty-one, were indicted for having feloniously ravished Ion Harding. l)r. MOaRON and Mr. Prf:r. appeared for tie prosecution. anri Mr. AairsariRt(; forthe drefrznce The facts of the case have already been published in Tihe Chronicle. lhe prosecutrix is a girl only fifteen years of age. On ...


... ASSJZE INTELLIGENCE. W ESTERN CiRCUIT.-BODMIN, TUESDAY. CROwN' COUIlT.-E[Before Mr. Baron GvrcnI.] SMUGGLIN6. Five persons named ulsetis, Wells, Carpenter, Perde, and Heath, were indicted for assembling armed with dangerous and offensive weapons for the purpose of' landing, running, and rescuing uncustomed goods. It appeared from the evidence, that on the night of the 28th of MIiay last, a ...


... LA TV INTEnLLIGEiNCE. I lOUSE OF LOR1)S.?APPEAL?.-'FitiflAY. 'tilt I NIIF.OStIY OF ?? V.1115 FAt FIT? itt' toy-jr SNt AND OUtIVEONC 01 Ct VtiOit. ihie appeal arose Out of proceedings taken by the r??pond- tilts in thu ('ourk of ?sasioii, applying for litters of suspen- sioti a nil interdtrt, to determtuo W tat her per-ottO holdlit e a degree of na-ter in torgery front the Ilnivereity of Ula ...


... -- ?? -c- LIVZ:E:POOL ASSIZES. . I I I .. .. -I - ?? - I [Continued from our lost.] Firidasy, August 21. ?? AT ELTONt, NEAn Bluny.-Jeine? Blao. loew c geu40 -'was' indicted for the wilfiul 'murder of Pris. cilla Barlow, his ~vife;, by stabbiing her wiih a knife. The' prisoner, who tihore a silk haldker chief roamn his head, ?? raeqjiet mild laol;,ri ot at all in accorddnce' with 'the f ...


... OFFENCES, ACCIDENTS; &c. DrErADEUIL OCCURltENCEc.-On Wednesday morning at a quiarter before eight a dreadful shock, as of an earthquake, was heard in t e vicinity of Honunslow * it was soon ascertained to have been caused by the explosion of the large gunpowder mills belonging to Messrs Harvey and Curtis, which are razed to the ground. Several persons who were standing within 100 or 200 yards ...


... PtLICA INrE'LLIGENCE.l UNl()NliALI,. }Lxi RSti~lil l~itlY Si ta. 'o esterdlay \r. Lasaa Nathlan, tirthoi of an E:ssay on tu~e liasore and I heory of' 2r\Snic, anid Coinposec- of the llebrowv mlelstiiie'! appeuaid on the airthority ot a 50 lmillO1 graliteil Sgarn4I ini on1 the comrplainat of I .ordl Lsangford, svsia chargedl himl on1 ?? of ?? ng Ilririws- Iul pasened, 01 othlerw^ise dlisposedl ...


... bILNUULAR CASE IN FR'AINZt. (Abridyed from the Gamette dee TribunaufJ) The public mind has had scarcely time to recover from the strong excitation produced by the trial of La Ronciere, when another cause celebre, if possible still more extraordi. nary in its details, and more tragical in its result, is about to be pleaded before the Court of Assize at Paris. Stephen Prosper Bancal, a surgeon ...


... OXFORDJ CIRCUIT C 1TNMOUIH.-FRIDAY. [lI fore Lorsd 1)I. sx.] IiDER. I~slo ard Mor gan aged 58, was inlicted for the wilful mur- der of John Reece' o; tihe night of the 30th of July last, near Chepstow, in this county. Mr. Pmititsi ani Mi stNVA o'SBY conducted the prosecu- tioli; Mlr. 6FAVes uend 'Mr. TdALBiOT, defended the prisoner. The prisoner is a haulster, the deceased was a ...


... GLOUCrSEtRSH TRE A ASSZfES Georgo'CAiveft;, charged with assaulting Tholhas ?? and' Laurfelkt'lyers on tire tringers highway-ar Lechlade, ron the 14th of May, and taking from them eight sovereigns anrd some silver and sundry goods, their property. e Thomrtasr lyes, tile prosecutor, was the first witness ex- I amined, who suid-I am a farmer, living at Langford, in -Berkshire'; on the 14th of Al ...


... ASSIZE INTELLIG-NCE. HOME CIRCUIT.-LSv s, W1EDNxsi1AY. CROWN COURT. [Before Mir. Justice PARO.] Richard Shepherd, a footman, who was convicted yesterday of thice burglarics, vas called up for judgment. The Learned .tt'Ol5. aving put on the black cap, observed, that evidence bad been disclosed against the prisoner, which in the course of a long life, lie hardly remembered to have seen equalled. ...