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... The prisoners from Hiorsham were conveyed to Lewves in vans, be. werhre they arrived about eight o'cock on Saturday mornin,and. aws were handed over to the 'custody of the keeper of the Hou~se of' W Correction. On the samneafternoon tle Sheriff's cortegd went osit* no to meet Their Lordships. Mr. Justice Park, having preceded his Learned Brother, Mr. Justice Littled-ale, left his own carriage ...


... GLOUCrSEtRSH TRE A ASSZfES Georgo'CAiveft;, charged with assaulting Tholhas ?? and' Laurfelkt'lyers on tire tringers highway-ar Lechlade, ron the 14th of May, and taking from them eight sovereigns anrd some silver and sundry goods, their property. e Thomrtasr lyes, tile prosecutor, was the first witness ex- I amined, who suid-I am a farmer, living at Langford, in -Berkshire'; on the 14th of Al ...


... VICE.CHANCELLORWS.COURT, LONDON, FRIDAY, AUG. 21. I NJUNCTrION, aX ARTEr. -Alr. Girdlestone, jun. moved for a special injunction, exr parte, to restrain a defendant, at named Sheard, from cutting through certain embankments in the river Isis. The plaintiffs, Drewitt and another, were the lessees of a mill supplied with water by a stream issuing - from the Isis. Some of the defendants were the ...


... 0,TwI~C w A Court Martial was- held on Tuesday se'niniglit,li -o 'wich continue~d tosit, adjourning from day todav, untlithis day ?? al (Fridelyl, san hoard His Nolajesty's ship .Viatory, ini this Harbour, oy ho a~ on' Liaeuteesmuc deorge Charies Stovin, late in I.Sinrneand oj Thani 7 the AlgecInd, on 'cliirgz~' of'repeated acts of drunkenness' 4th Nit - anurid niificei-like conduct, ...


... LEIVES. At the Adjourned General Session for this County, holden at I Bri ghton on Tuesday last, Sir Richard flunter, Knt. of Brighton andTPat1ching, David LyonEsq. of Goring, and Robert Pedder, Esq. of Brightoni qualified as Magistrates, and took the usual oaths. rihe Levies I aces take place on Wedhesdiy (to-morrow) and following day, and fromn the liberal subscriptions which have been ...


... (Conscluded from our Lost Papes'.) Jamres. Lieauis ton, who was coisvicted at the last assizei of couptatleitinsl I ins asentenced to seven jears'tresotts R~iAchrd Shepherd, convicted of breakioglitd enteigthhos of 51r.l'.ettsp. ot Osirngdeas5, aod ste-aling various artice fpae iad on thsree other indictments likewise, fsad; sentec ldat pgssed uposs hito, and the Judge gave hun no hopes of a ...


... BENCIU OF. RAGISlRA'TTES. THMSDAlAV, August ]3th, 1#35.-Present-Sir 1). Scnrr, art., Captain Fsr.rr n, W. Scvizoun and .. HALLt, lsqrs. IT'itlianin Jlslding, a flyman, appeared to ?? a cihaige of furious driving, &c., whereby hel had ineurred a penalty ol five tioulmls. Wise stated that, on th eveniung of the preceding Thursdlay, the Ill'endant drove through the New 0Ioad at a very rapid rate, ...