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... t.. IIl ias H0OME CIRCU'IT.-CttoYnON', MoNI)AY. Eng- NISI PIiUS COURT. cotl- MU, NtF ?? WATIIRLN. g tile IThis action wvas ?? by the plaintiff, thel holder of a Idid promissory tote for £426, of which the dlefendlant was thle vents maker. 'Il'fie defendant pleaded tltat no consideration had thley been given for thle note. thter. Mr11. l'I.Ar' and M1r.WVi' or swonin conducted the plaintids'. ...


... HOMlE CIRICUIT._CnoYroN, AlONDAY. CROWN COURT. [BEFOTE TW. JL'STI('E PAIIXE.1 Sorah Gt ffi ls, aged 26, was indicted for feloniously steal- ing from Naomi 'I'uffrey two half sovereigns and one shil- F llng. lr. I)'NIIAR prosecuted,lMr. CIiBsiEisI, defended. F The facts of this case have been recently before the pub- lie. The prosecutrix was an interesting girl of 17 the daugh- ter of a currier ...


... HATTOX GARDEW. George Samuel Inwsood was charged with having committed forgeries to a great amount on his father, Joseph Inwood, Esq., of Euston square. It ap- peared that the prisoner is an architect, and until lately moved in a fashionable circle, but a change in his conduct became visible soon after the death of his wife. He formed an acquaintance with abandoned women, and at length corm- ...


... Or L'RDER OF THE RE TI JUHIV WVALSI, JUN. Some doubts appear to hang upon the circunistances atteonlitig upon the death of this lev. Gentleman. The inq iest was sitting wvhen the last accounts wvere received. hie follol ing is an extract from a letter in a coittempo. rary journal (Reoyisler) :- Cailow, Sunday, August 2. From dll the evidence that has been procured up to a late hour yesterday, ...


... P'OLICER J.NTELL./,/ye1 MANt?10N 1101 I A lOtifl? ?entI, T ill, flouted 'ii. lietote thu l..on,1 .711?i?,ir l? ?? n it.' ?? n? p ?? ii antI Noeli, iitiler the illill Lloyii, 0 Ito -tid lit 'il teeji - n for the bat tt?i ots ?? .r?, he a:ioit ii. ilope-ail that lie Isa- ii die .\l.norii one e'n'loek ye'.tliilii?' ?? itli ?? i lie Iteatil a treat utile. I poti tititi '0 ?? p it ttao,'d, lie aao ...


... ASSI7E INTELLIGENCE. Ii OME ClRCUtIT -C(IROYDON, Fiitmx. CIVIl, StIl, CNefore Mr.Justice LITTIJ.:DAIE: an1d :I Comoinill Ju ry.' IO(iI.IC'. U)N-NOP', A SI NCF OFP 611lSOI'M This action was brought by tile pliltli~tir to TeIOSIV' ; S,.I5llS Ti~~s lictilldtilitt :,Si>ignlee ol 3tr. ('lossop. thirteenl pictures, whlich the defendalnt, o a, IoigO of trhilleit ;late of te ICIictoria Thbeatre, ...


... CENTRAL cRIMINAL COURT. OLD COURT. These sessions, the tenth under the new Act, cosenced yesterday. At ten o'clock the Lord Mayor, the Recorder, ICommon Sergeant, Sheriffs, &c., took their seats on the bench. The calendar contains the names of 240 prisoners, of whom 164 have been committed from Middlesex; 40 from Lon- dor, 24 from Kent ; 14 from Surrey; and 8 from Essex. 'The following is a ...


... ASSIZE INTELLIGfNCE. OXFORD CIRCI1 .-GtOcCI FR!DAY. [Before Lord D:NIAsN and a Special Jury]. OJWLLIS l. NEAIE, [LERE. TIhis was an action for a falie M.turn to a writ of mandarwis, requiring thle defendant, who is Xicar of Iiodington-curn- uiavcrtoi in tlis county, to restore the plaintiff to his office of ur~ii-cleik of that parish, firim which hle had been removed uv thi delendant. Ihe ' ...


... PJOTIXST AG(AINSTHfIEA1?IN.VG 1E VIDE9NCE AOAIN'ST THE MUNICIPAL CORPORA- 7'J'iJ BILL. I) rs';I' lar ?? Because weconsidertire pwosiiions oft Iis I ilI, ldvic i.t ricithler aprivate hill ,ora i31 io ?? penal- ties, bht o. e of : general and remedial nature, as not aflord- ilqg nlay na~oll for thp admission of evide-tce that woulid not lihae applied eqlallly to at great numhier of oither L ...


... EXTENSIVE FIRE XY'vBkRfICAN.-On Friday evening, soon after nine o'clock, a fire broke out at Messrs Dewick and Sons' printing-office, in Bar- bican. The office was situated behind the houses on the north side of Bar- bican, and communicated with the street through a narrow gateway. Some gentlemen alighting from a cabriolet first discovered the fire, and gave imime- diate alarm. With the ...


... I NORTH ERN CIIICUIT LilVERIPOOL-)lo\DAv. Ilhe first IlsSiZe uduhr the new arrangement, hy which the business of South Lanrashircii henceforward to be transacted at Liverpool, and that for the north at Lancaster, wasopened onil Monday in the former town. The judges, Chief. ustice I ymila and I oyd binger reached the town on Saturday evening, and so greait %RS the attractions of their first ...


... -liSiON IIOUISE. A voting tian. in the employment of Messrs Chater nnd Co.. statiolier.s in Ct rnhill, was brought befboe Aldermen Cowan and Wilson, charged w;ith1 liavin'r acted indeent in the presence of a female on the preceding nm- it.- The baetendant protestea niost soklemnl that, the accasen tas inistakei,, andI said lie had a i ife and to childreu, anid that lbe bad beell in the servicc ...