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... I hE } LATE AT'i'EMPY' ot fhe LING FS ItIE. I [FAO.t GA.IAcGN ANi S55 ?? oy '111 4'ri.] The funeral of the vittitni of thle 2;'4r tuh will take place to-morrow, August the 5th. The prnression itill set nut front the church of St. Paul tint) pro(eel tip the ]hue St. Antoine t( tile Pliav dle I la, i ii,,. then along the whole line of thle Boule ards t tile chr crh of La Ma. doleine, and thence ...


... On Tuesday morniag last a case of assault was brought be- fore the magistrates of this borough, arising out of one of the most singular cases of abduction it has been our lot to record. It appears that a Mr. Ade, holding a highly respectable situ- ation in the Custom-house at Liverpool, had placed his onily dauJhter, a child about ten years of age, in the care of Mr. R 'ripp, a retired ...


... POLICE; INTELLWEtIVhCE. M AN SION- HO U' SE. A Jew clothasman was summonedl before Alderman W~ilson for has ing detainled a number of soldsiers' coats, whichl he hasd been ertiployed by anothler lew e loiliesnl an to putt in repair for the oulttit of some of the vulunteets in faveur of the Q.ueen of Spain. li'i neutempleinant stated that he hal engaged initli the d~e- fendant for the ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENG, : I MANSION- HOUSE. AFFAirt or HONOtsR.-OU Saturday a gsteronsoi, named Lauvence, was brought before Alderman Wll.eun ,who sat for the Lord MAityor) by John Forcesti~r, ifl)., a warrmnt for havig atemted to provoke Capite, i i~> of thle Biuckingl amshire Eamtlladlasan, to fighli' P CaptainiHopkins said that thle defer,~:io 1aiacted as purser on board thle Buckinghamerihite ...


... ASSIZE IiV\TlELLIGENCE. fHOME, CIRCUlT.-LEWXES, MONDAY. 'Tle business of the Artise for the 'outlny of Sliis-K corM- invttted here thii morning, it ti n o'clock, the(' Coitlmlistofl having bcen openedI on 6aturdaty. Mr. Juatite Littledlale presdes t Nii I'ilia, agil _N.r. Juistice paik in tihe Crown C~oult. 'fihe calendatr is comparatively hevy no!cnls thle names of 35 prisoflCn;. Se% eal of ...


... EANSINGTON PETTY SESSIONS. Yesterday a gentlemall, residing at Kensiugton, was charged be- fore II. tCoi1i1 and F. I Atuow, Fs'qrs., swith the followilog loffence John Turner, a private in the third company of the 2d battalion of the Coldstream illards, was on duty onl Saturday forenoon, at the Greenbhouse, opposite the entrance to the apartmenits of th1 Princess Sophia, in tKeslongton.garden8 ...


... The following are the reasonsr given by certain noble lords against hearing the Corporations in their defence. Rlea- sons are generally worthy of attention, at least, which is all I can say of the fol- lowing, and so saying, lea e them to the better judgment of the reader. PROTEST AGAINST HEARING EVIDENCE AGAINST THE MUNICIPAL CORPORA- TION BILL. Dissentient:-I. Because we consider the ...


... HOME CIRCUIT.-CROYDON, FRIDAY. 'TIhe Learned Jul)r' s commenced the business of the assize for the county of Surrey here this morning at ten o'clock. The calendar contains the names of 50 prisoners, hut the offences are almost all of ordinary occurrence. 'le business on the Nisi Prins side is rather heavy; 55 causes are entered, four of which are special juiies. CROWN( COURT. [Before Mr. ...


... lUILD HALL. E'XITeAORDIeNA Y ('AsF.-Yesterday a respectable-looking young mall, nimed Charles Marsh, ?? brought up in cus- tody of Lock, the Smithfield officer, charged with embezzling i5 lOs., which lie had received by virtue of his employment, as a clerk to Mr. Dulhield, of the carriage repository, Alders- gate street. Dlr. Dutheld stated that he -took the prisoner into his ser- vice about ...


... COURT OF CHiANCERY.-MONDAY. EX PA!TE CHAMBERS IN lUE CHAMIBERS, A DANKiRUPT. All the Lords Commissioners sat to-day for the further hearing of the arguments in this matter, which is a petition to supersede thse commission. Sir W. FOLLETT, Air. ThIPIri.E, and Air. ALEXANDER were heard four weeks ago in support of the petition. After theirarguments the further hearing was appointed forthis day. ...


... MIDDLESEX SES SIONS. ?? 1101 SL ?? I'l \. Yesturday-fonv 1?i ttel', Jet ii l.Iay, :ndi .1lZh vr/ a rQ Sec indi(cted for keepiiig a cotmlon ?? in St. .1113 parish, \\ estmiinster. The two ln-t-niinied an iiwt reid (iii tilir names being callod, but John Rutte], commnitily ktitltl . Count Rlutter, did not. tIr.. Aioiln's vvishled to know why John Ratter was niet then'. 'The recognizance Va ...


... MAESION HOUSE. -A yonag woman of very respectable appearance, the wvife of a German me- olse, was broaghthiefore the Lord Mayor, charged with .havipg attempted ti, eonnanitsn66Iffte, 1,y a desperate attempt to drown herself. The neighbours o ithe hest terms-of the defendaut as a wife apd mother; and when eia JMVZralced to what was this lamentable paroxgysm attributable, sai fhat her hnsband ...