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Advertisements & Notices

... CORRECTED TO AUGUST 1, 1835. In ISmo. price Os. TH E PARLIAMENTARY GUIDES a Concise History of the Members of both Houses of Parliament, their connexions, pursuits, &c. &c. By a' PARLIAM ENTARY-AGENT. No Elector should be without this invaluable little volunie.-Sun. This is decidedly the best which has ?? Sun. This Guide is really what it pretends to be.-Atlas. London: A. H. Bally and Co. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W ANT P1,A CES'. AS 1300K-KEEPER or CLERK ia Wa-Vs A bouse or Coanrting- houue, a Y fair Mat ofr' tile country, AA years of age. The pslien 1,t is s ,'oul hunt, snd perfectly unilerlnd ,o. 1 ke~ep:ing n sinogleenltry, has beentor the laostin oeyar, counitry, atI doe, not so much regsind Aug soigh -a 0 a ilt ?? rI sitnotion. 'rhe rosltreptal rer-tt 3 I p.1st Inaqid, to ?? TI, ot Air. floshett', ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHPIN WNELLIGENCE. Oil 130MBAY, and will land Passengers at the a otrerre goods on bowel after tbe 213th inst., and J. ~ , ~, cci ?? Ist if' Sepoeneiber. the tine leak :1 1M S lItlE, burden I .200 Tons, P acx a PtaEatv, IIC.S., Consiccaicer, FtIci P aprt D~ock. Thies ship has splendid aind te cnar as~sengers, and carricA an experienced it it p -a) aptIV ?? NTIA C Rio, 4, Leadlen .eat , I icei ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S~HiP~PINU~ JINELL~IGENCE.~ Olt C'ANTON, to sail positively on the 25th 12 2o cr12 s,,prior fust-saill ig Ameoricanr ship, AUREILIU'S, A. I., BIW , . .torts-C(Hp;'r,'d .2nd copper.3fsstened, TOO , (2t'222'2.22 ARII2o 2, Commander; ?? 12121.. Hats elego,,t accomomodatiotis for piot 12I~-~2 fl' fi1 girt -r j'.22222., apply to the C'onmlo,2,ile (;e-912. 1222 andlo 222 Co., ine,,htshl( 1254 Cvie- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. ROYAL ACADEMY, Somerset-House.-No- tice is hereby givert to the Members sond Students, that the ANTIQI-E ACADEt51Y and the LIIBRARY WILL OPEN ou Mlolnday next, the :id instant. H ENR IIONARl), n.A., See. Amusements of ?? Spletdid Establishment do not depend ilpoti the wveather.-AMr. W. 1B. Williars; Bliss Taylor; atid Miss Rosins, t'ollihs, tlle Ilfiamt Violinlist. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. fOI( I30MHA'? nil 'HINA. t vail in till II' ill'. I Ti cccii, cr1 ci. cc. .'li iiccil'.cic cacic A ti-c'. ?? ?? ? \1cl II \ icr ?? ITTiTI liiilit ?? lii I Cc''iccr, iT ' i I' ?? t .i;c cdi it ri' cctpc i'.i.r ?? iii (ccci' Trim,.', ?? ci's ?? ii; (iicc.ltIiT ?? \PIlA?'. I )I1IE(J', to sail from Itort?- TE oatt I . .ccTiip ?? I i,t r.cTc' avccilccn.' cc ?ci I 'I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,PppING6 ~INTELIUGENiCE. ) j.oMI3AYk, jind Will lqnd Paqsengers at the I Iece g~ss on board alter the2 II inst.. aind ')Itiln ?? 1st (Id Seitelosler, tlnrlitse 'Teak s~ls ' ( Bi M li 151,iurden ,S,Vsrei'Pns, FA SNat''rIps li'.Commander, PoS'Eact lsk. This ship i hs splendid and, Pos- ar rsengers, and carries sinl experienced rvl pIvTi'IsP aII Iy to J M N TH iAflihitR, 4, Lead en a -Fr.k, yC. . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRIT I T I S H 1IN STrl' I TIJTU I ON,' PALL MIALL. ?? Gallery, with a Selection of PICTTRES by ANCIENT MIASTERS; i alld nearly ONsE HiUNDRET) PORTRAIT'S of Distingu-ished Persons in the. Reign of Queen Elizabeth, in enamel, by the late Hi. Bone, Esq. R.A. IS OPEN daiily, from Ten in the ?? until Six inl ihe Evelning. !'Admioon iS.-- C'atlozlwt, IS. :- - WILLIAM BARNARD, Keeper. - ELEPHANT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORTANT TO EVERY FAMILY. E. and T. TAYLOR'S GINGER WINE is so strongly J recommended by the faculty in all spasmodic complaints, and as an excellent stomachic (more especially during this hot weather) that no family should be without it. The greatest care is bestowed in the selecticn of the most superior articles, of which it is made, by the manufacturers, E. and T. Taylor, 17 Molbers, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CIVIL AND RELIGIOUS LIBERTY. T! E FRIENDS of the above are most earnestly requested to 1 Meet at the Jolly Gardeners, King-street, Hamumersmith, On Monday Evening next, August 3d, to Devise and Adopt the best Means of Assisting that Veteran Reformer, JOHN GALE JONES. The Chair to be taken at Half-past Seven precisely. DORCHESTER VICTIMS AND WHIG TYRANNY. A PUBLIC M1EETING will be held at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. Netv and Secondhand Household Furniture, PIano fortes, &c.-By Mr. BULLOCK, at his Ituools, 211, High Holborn, THISd AY, at One exactly, OUSEHOLD EFFECTS (a large and good H asoerblage) consisting of an excellent full size modern bedstend, Ith danask furniture, and fourwlindow cortalus several other bedsteads, with bedzs ard bedding, rosewood aud mahogany chairs, tables, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fl 130 HXAY -ill sai~lilon tli25thi of August, I_,e ,, n , lt 'lF - o ast thete;tlh. we et Tfhi IiS Shift) I:til Ulattllail SpaCiOlIS c i ro'ni CI-FT til r iad carries alletie lil' ?? V I (tilt ?? i lily~ or fitslagI' apply t0 tihe * '7 N I' (cii ge-ttr ui.0itbardlstrert in t Sir ?? _0 rdr, 'i c ' i ils rtr.T a t 1dt'll Co., ;- .10\ BAY, mid Will land Ptlksletngl.'r at the ' ~TI Iectt'j~ tilt ...