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Advertisements & Notices

... W ANT P1,A CES'. AS 1300K-KEEPER or CLERK ia Wa-Vs A bouse or Coanrting- houue, a Y fair Mat ofr' tile country, AA years of age. The pslien 1,t is s ,'oul hunt, snd perfectly unilerlnd ,o. 1 ke~ep:ing n sinogleenltry, has beentor the laostin oeyar, counitry, atI doe, not so much regsind Aug soigh -a 0 a ilt ?? rI sitnotion. 'rhe rosltreptal rer-tt 3 I p.1st Inaqid, to ?? TI, ot Air. floshett', ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHPIN WNELLIGENCE. Oil 130MBAY, and will land Passengers at the a otrerre goods on bowel after tbe 213th inst., and J. ~ , ~, cci ?? Ist if' Sepoeneiber. the tine leak :1 1M S lItlE, burden I .200 Tons, P acx a PtaEatv, IIC.S., Consiccaicer, FtIci P aprt D~ock. Thies ship has splendid aind te cnar as~sengers, and carricA an experienced it it p -a) aptIV ?? NTIA C Rio, 4, Leadlen .eat , I icei ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. Netv and Secondhand Household Furniture, PIano fortes, &c.-By Mr. BULLOCK, at his Ituools, 211, High Holborn, THISd AY, at One exactly, OUSEHOLD EFFECTS (a large and good H asoerblage) consisting of an excellent full size modern bedstend, Ith danask furniture, and fourwlindow cortalus several other bedsteads, with bedzs ard bedding, rosewood aud mahogany chairs, tables, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHPIGINTELLIGENCE. ?? BCOMBAY, and(1will land Passengers at 111C r Cap c, wil not ri goco-cida s oncuoard after thc' 2rtih Icat. ?? d c ccciii rail tm(a ic- 'ccc -c dir, ct ,Cc sepftc'mcer, Ileifcc'ls 'uick WI . i-ix Pfoprsis, tI.CS., Cti,cacucdifr, ?? th\p- J ii. Thi,, ship hc-ic spltendcid widcI i :ciic for P'ccssitccrs'r aici c-arta's lIT, coqperiecicd I Jt Ir~ . icci C. K. Sf'Miitles, 2 . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jukt published, in 2 vols. Svn. with Portraits, tEMOIRS of the LI FE, of the Right Hon. Sir JAMES 1' liAC P;INTOSH . Edite.hby his Son. ROBERT Ai iES MAACKINTOSH, Bsq. E dward Moxon, Dover street. Just published, t ro small rols with Wood-cuts, neatly bound, 5s. LITTLE ARTHUR;SjHISTORY (F ENGLAND. L BygAl- -- Jchn Murray, Albemnarlestreet. Just poblished, in foolscep SIv. price 8s. in boards, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I WANT PLACES SBUTLER or FOOTMAN na(t A Family, whereabo iskpt nsahoo a ratter froti the etetou otltohonlII t r.,ti %. ?? I ?? post psiti; J. A ., i.0evo;t'U-' 4 S FOOTM1AN or U~fl)E{ l ' Gentlman' Fonoov, tort Se o IILI No ol It'o 0 tot to,n ori'ttti' o Io*o 'to the plot ewtobitt1 tie is toot ol nit to 0000 Mr. ttap''.omr.I, i-o.or ot ~otooo.tt0. C~ovenooislt-squotare. GARDENER, a M~riddlu0 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lie PUBLIC AmUSEMEMTS. ion iot B3R'ITISH INSTITUTION, Pail Mall.-The Ig GIA .LLERfY, ivipi asELF(TI ON of PICT U RE- by Anc~ie~t tle jloaster',atool nal Oneo Ititnidr,di I'rtraits of (1tuhwititaihed t'erats not. it, fthe Ri'igtt of Queoti Elizbthitil, Ill ttittittI, tio tle' late H.. tlune, f l otj11., IlA., IS OPEN Da10,(iy T1ell itt the 3lortitig until Six in to ttile Evening. Aditission ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHPIGINTELLIGENCE. Fear 130 BAY.W111sail oil the 1st ISepternher, f El Prsogrsi, thie Mltal.'imr ('rsthe teal WI I'I rr'~r ?? ('ernianier, I't. 1j.'l, is Shrir ha~s uo-niitalip ?? ?? ai' r. ?? ?? s~rar',,rind , areres an exprerrecedl i,- r, pip.! to tln' ( ?? ;it the ?? i sI I I l I and ?? 1 47 ,j(,ollhEl ?? \IBA , 011( wi Ilt ?? Pcsrg sa h rr-i ci oi r, irrard After tile 7't ast., and (i,rrr~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANT PLACES. ASCOOK and HOUSEKEEPER, or Cook Ml Awith a Kitchen-maidd, a steady active worman, aged 30, without Idn hlucmbrance, who has lived several years in a lilare, and who for ofd the last three years has superintendtedi an establishment where a iof competetit and trustworthy servant was required, Illofft respectable As references wilbe given.- Apply liy letter (post psid to r. Stain- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. GRAAND CARNIVAL and RUSTIC FETE, _ R LEU 700LOGIC('A. GAltRDFPNS, Monday, Aiigust l7th, arid _ .lai, ?? ANNI VERSARt.-'I'Trrifie Ascent _ at >sl.a Lake ha he iii intabte Blachmnre and Muadiime Rositni 6a ?? Catrriagc oftbhe (ldats Monarch of Ara, drawn liv eaparison ad Elephants, aid escortitd by Knights in comrplete arnlour; Signor 'inuii's skilful Peafarmrncals Egyptian ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC Amus~m.ENTS. DIORAMA, Regent's Park.-TWO NE PICTURES.-The subjects are, the INTEItIOR of the Celebrated CHURCH of SANTA CROCE, at ?? ?? every ?? light and shade, fom ?? tilmidnight. when thiepicture Isilluminated bythe successlveI IgilS I of the vrax tapers at. the several altars, lighted for thle perforlfdo he ildih Moss.' At this time the chairs and ?? oepeiul empty, ire perceived to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tire PL-BLJC AMIUSEMENITS. DIORAMA, Re~ent's Park.-TWO NEW ~* PICTURES.-ThI Ito stljuts are, the INTERIOR of the Celebrated CHUiRCH n t SANTA CRt(CE, ait Flyreuce. eltiiliting every ni odifatiostniof light ondshode, from n tandy till midnight. when Ito the piciture Is I luti-io;ttvd byvthe sic~cessie ignlit ioll Of t~he wax tapers enta at the several altars, lighited~ ftir tile perfornman,, of ...