... I NISTI PRIUS.-Br:FOuE LoaD AIINGEn. I BOND V. MIESYER. This action arose out of son e slanderous expressions whbich the defendan t had niade use of respectirng the plaintiff', who is a publican in Manchester. lle ?? h1fimt or Stealineg a top-coat, selling it, nal thite appreprin- ting the mosey to his own use -Mr. A LEXANDER wtas retained for the action, and Air. CIIESWEL.L for the de- fence. ...


... ASSI7E INTELLIGENCE. Ii OME ClRCUtIT -C(IROYDON, Fiitmx. CIVIl, StIl, CNefore Mr.Justice LITTIJ.:DAIE: an1d :I Comoinill Ju ry.' IO(iI.IC'. U)N-NOP', A SI NCF OFP 611lSOI'M This action was brought by tile pliltli~tir to TeIOSIV' ; S,.I5llS Ti~~s lictilldtilitt :,Si>ignlee ol 3tr. ('lossop. thirteenl pictures, whlich the defendalnt, o a, IoigO of trhilleit ;late of te ICIictoria Thbeatre, ...


... SOMEIISETSHIRE ASSIZES. The Commission for holding thle idsidniomer Assizes for So- merret wat opened at Blridgwater, by Air. Baron Gurney, on Saturday, and thle business Of the Court comnmented on Monday, Mr. .Justice Coleridge presiding in the Nis-I Prius Court, ansi Mr. Baron ~Gurney in that ofithe Crown. The calendar contains a list of 63 prisoners, three or four others having been ...


... LANCASTSR ASSTZES. On Wednesday these assizes commenced before Baron Abingaer and Sir N. T'vndal. Thorims Clifton, Esq., the Hligh Sheriff, arrived in Lancaster about four o'clock. There was only one carriage, and a few gigs. In consequence of the alteration latelv made by the privy council, the towtn presented a very dull appearance. The corporation (didI not attend upon their Lordships, as ...


... The following are the reasonsr given by certain noble lords against hearing the Corporations in their defence. Rlea- sons are generally worthy of attention, at least, which is all I can say of the fol- lowing, and so saying, lea e them to the better judgment of the reader. PROTEST AGAINST HEARING EVIDENCE AGAINST THE MUNICIPAL CORPORA- TION BILL. Dissentient:-I. Because we consider the ...


... EXTENSIVE FIRE XY'vBkRfICAN.-On Friday evening, soon after nine o'clock, a fire broke out at Messrs Dewick and Sons' printing-office, in Bar- bican. The office was situated behind the houses on the north side of Bar- bican, and communicated with the street through a narrow gateway. Some gentlemen alighting from a cabriolet first discovered the fire, and gave imime- diate alarm. With the ...


... The subject of the following spirited letter calls for the best attention of the public, for unless members are protected against the practice so forcibly complained of by Colonel Thompson, repre- sentation will come simply to the representation of the longest purse, and the poorer candidate may as well at once give way to-the richer 13, Hanover terrace, Regent's park, August 1, 1835. a Sir, ...

Published: Sunday 16 August 1835
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 783 | Page: Page 10, 11 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... OXFORDJ CIRCUIT C 1TNMOUIH.-FRIDAY. [lI fore Lorsd 1)I. sx.] IiDER. I~slo ard Mor gan aged 58, was inlicted for the wilful mur- der of John Reece' o; tihe night of the 30th of July last, near Chepstow, in this county. Mr. Pmititsi ani Mi stNVA o'SBY conducted the prosecu- tioli; Mlr. 6FAVes uend 'Mr. TdALBiOT, defended the prisoner. The prisoner is a haulster, the deceased was a ...


... PQLICE INTELLIGEINCE. BOWV-STREET. Eliz:beth .Inne Hlanciock, ;s ho svas some time since charged at this otlice with ha ling stolen a handomile snuffbox, formed of ulrge square blood-stonesset in goldwesbrouglitup onSa- turday for re-examination. 'I'he lprisoner, it appeared, had gone into the shop of Mr. Chtaainerlavne, a pawnbroker in Broad- street, St (iile's, and offered ate box for sale ...


... CARINARV\ONSIIIRE ASSIZES. ntl DOee r. 11tNnDARi.-lThiS WaS anl action to recoiver ers, niester prefi is anld rest,, for ejecting fromi Certain lands our called Isallt, in wltich jod 'letcnt tadllbeen sittlered to I'go by default t; and( was tridbyt, efloig je~a iew uy Cal. Jones Parry, 11,P., Foremtatt. Thrn~oas Jottes, ELsq. Ow'ottmts so W P ric'tierd,mnercliaett. Ed ward Jellis. die David ...

[ill] Assizes

... Donbighshire assizes. IS 'The commissioin for this county was operned in the el, Shire-hall, ]Iluthin, on Friday se'nlnight. In tile ?? O ofthe afternoon, a party ofl entlemen dtied with the l Ilidi, Sheriff, Sir Robert HIenry CunlifFe, iBart. at the WD \hite Lion Inn, Ruthin. 'Ihe dinner conaisted of c every dehlicay of the season, and was highly credita- to ebl to the worthy host, MIr. ...


... POLICE INTELLIG EA CE. MANSION-HOUSE. A young man named Wl'illirrr JHltonr, who, although no morethan eighteen yearsofrgs isamarried lman, was brought before the Lord Mayor ?? Lorrester, the officer, cltarged with having committed a forgery upon the banking-house of Williams and Co., of l3irehin-lane. ?? Saturdav last a young woman named ormma Litchfield, who it was tiscertained afterwards was ...