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Advertisements & Notices

... fMAGICAL FIGUREFS!!! > A Fresh supply of those vey curious and amusing e a little Articles, expected this day; and along with e his various other NOVELTIES, will continue on Sale d every day this week at Mr. Colles's Apartments, Mr. 'SMacaetney's, Perfumer, 104, H1gb-street, Portsmouth.- No charge for seeing ?? of business from 11 to 5.-Gentlemen taking instructions in the now highly 5' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'e PORTS'MOUTH & PO BT T I, be hold on Niednesday the 9th, and TeU X le W day the loch of September, l8i,5. UJNDER THE PATnoN-MrK OF r. Lord YAuMOROUGHI. Sir G. STUAVTONV, Bart Sir T :f* A1, .CB J. Fzseac-ov, ji-t p ?? T. MC5AKUtO ?? ?? MSAITLAND, K..B J. Bi. Cars q.5.. le 1ion. Captain Bya-Q. F. 1.Br o a.Mp c, 1lessrs. ATKINS and Sox, Treasurers. h.4 STEWARDS. - Mr. J. GARnETT, M r. W. GRA T ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1;0 1111VE AIER AND OTHERS. TO\lWN OF BiGHTUELMSTON. 0'ICE iS i1E' B Y GIVEN, that the Conumis- N°SW rS oJ lthe send T'wn will LEIT by PUBLIC roat he Twn Hall, on, the Evening °t' 1 Yu1 iSD lathle 3rd da~y of September nexrt ensuing, at Sr ls'oswrkrcciesdyi thle whole ot' the VAULTS under di Soul/tfn pt ?? sa76d Ball, in Lots, at per Annurn, ?? s ceriumjterms and conditions which woill be then ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Enstone, Herfbrd Bridge,. Bieester,, Weston-on-the Green, and Kirtlington Turnpike Road. *TO'TICrE is hereby given, that a Meeting of the N1'1 Trustees of the above Turnpike Road will be held, by adjournment, at the King's Arms Inn, in Bicester, in the county of Oxford, on Tuesday the 22d day of September next, at TwelIve o'clock at noon. At which Meeting the Tolls arising at the Heyford Town ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THAMUES NAVIGJAT'ION. T Do hereby notify that, frontn and on 'T'hursday the 27th of August, the depth of. the lading of the Barges ,ill be farther limited to 3 feet in the upward, and 3 feet 3 inches in the downward passage. 1pden1Iesad, Augy. 17. 1835. WILLIAM PAYN. E 'BESL EY; Coaclunaker, acknowledges grateul Ythe very liberal favours received by him from O e Getury and Inhabitants of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHITRCH ENSTON'E. t1 Obe LET and entered upon at Michaelmas next, X -A commodious FAMIL' HOUSE, fit for the re- sidence of a sportsman, or any genteel family, within 1 1miles of Oxford, 6 of Chipping-Norton, and about 2 miles-' from the kennel, late Duke of Beaufort's; with a good 0O I garden, green-house with flue, stable and coach-bouse, and Fr a Close of about 3 Acresof Pasture Land in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mr. I.WA LEX, Surgeon.-Dentist To his late R I..Zithe Duk/e of Glouicester, TN acknowledging the distinguished patronage with IL which lie has been honoured since lie commenced his professional visits to this City, respectfully acquaints his rriends that his present engagement will terminate this day (Saturday) at five o'clock. Teeth fixed upon the Most 3,ODERIS and ?? principles ; and all ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE GOSPORT, ALVERSTOIE, AND ANGLESEY RACES, rj ILL take place in Stokes' Bay, on Tuesday and ?? Wednesday tlte 25th and 26th days of August, of 1835. Se: FIRST DAY. co) BTE GARRISON STAKES, of three Sovereigns YF each, with 25 Sovereigns added from the Fund, for Pi horses bona fide the property of Officers of the Garrison, wi or of the Royal Navy, belonging to any of his Majesty's go Ships in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5 0 })e SO( 1- ?? hand~some LlIRI ('xurdecl g ?? ilt, two Icars old, ivalrrantedl to stop at-d ?? be secn at the White ho1se, l'arelhmn. . JO$s I'1I I'l ?? YE(LMAN'S Ifecea ed. -- I1tj Heir at Law of Joseph Proud Vteomna-rierly of Portsen, llants, Navy Agent, who died in the year Ili 0, will apply to .Mr. Howard, Portsea, such leir at Iaw, 'ViII hear of something to his or her advantage.- A-l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Important Sale of spwards of 80 Improved Short Horned CATTLE, and uptuardsof 300 Long-woolled SHEEP. CLEMENTS respectfully informs the public . . that he has received instructions from Mr. Attenbrow, of Stratton Audley, near Bicester, Oxon, to SELL by AUCTION, in the last week in September next, the whole of his valuable and superior Stock of COWS and SHEEP. p:j Particulars and the day of sale ...