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... BRISTOL SUMMER ASSIZn. say The Commission of Nisi Pries was opened in this citv, 'on un- Thurstiny last, by Mr. Baron Gurney, who arrived Shout halfi-past to~ four o'clock, escorted with the usual honours, arid proceeded tin- th mediately to the Guiidhall.,when, after the usual ptelliminaries by re yoneotroug., teoutwsadjourned till nine o'clock, the The f'ollowing is a list of the causes ...


... CENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT.-FRIDAY. OL]) COURT. [Mefore :Mr. J0stice 1IrSANQIU)r and Mr. Baron At.Oioasos]. UCIHINRG A k'Ol{EI) NVILL. Thin I t~ ~k F~a'i, ged 5:3, was indicted for febl- niously tte r ng n forged will ?? nto be tire will of John Collins deceaseri. Hewa lsochrged nith thle forgery of tile will. Mr. ADonirrersraviig stated the icts uthtie case to tlhejiry, Mr. Frederick Cox, ...


... NORTHERN CIRCUIT.-TiURSDAY. CROWN COURT. ,Abraham Ogden , aged twenty-lour, and James Melloin, aged twenty-one, were indicted for having feloniously ravished Ion Harding. l)r. MOaRON and Mr. Prf:r. appeared for tie prosecution. anri Mr. AairsariRt(; forthe drefrznce The facts of the case have already been published in Tihe Chronicle. lhe prosecutrix is a girl only fifteen years of age. On ...


... Priday, AsiguJt 14: PRE, STON ELECTION RIOT CASES. RIOT AT' THE CLOeX-lFACE PUBLIC HouSE._ Samtel Woods, Thomas Watsoa, Francis.Batlcrsby, James Hodg. eon, and James ?? so/c were indicted for a riot at the Clock Face Beer and Provision Shop, Pole street, qn Thursday the 8th of January last, being the first day of'the *ction, A1r. Henderson and Mir. Wranghami appeared, fqr the prosecution: Dr. ...


... PREACH OA Pro1kusm, 0,~ 1,A Y, ?? [IR SisEl' Oifg CASELE LIVERyV poor1 AS1Z ES, We:?riee.oay, A ugiust 19. - WA'.RING-. WiVfALlEY.Y~ This ites ni trbiti'totreissr 'tdr 'tip adn6i- h'in Adarnaies for the injury sustain.l by tleplaintiff, Mr. Edward.Waririgclerk in a merchant's oflicein lbiverpool, in his. feeliagsr aid prdspects, inh coneequence, of Airs. Elizahetis .Whalley, now1T the wife, of ...


... I Alonday. The right hon. Lord AnNoURt, Chief Baron of the Exchequer, took his seat on the beech soon after tel o'clock. The following are the most interesting cases tried before his Lordship:- SITTTON v. BRANCxER._-This was an action brought by the plaintiff, John Kevan Sutton, mordant manufac. turer, Liverpool, againts Alderman Peter Whitfield Brancker, of the same place, to recover damages ...


... LSVEFRPOO. ASSIZES. | The Assizec f,,r thle Couty l'alatine of Lincaster, itljtnrttetl troril tht c unty town where they were Openedt' on Wed nesdlav evening, cotnimnvtieed inl Liverp' ol on Monlildv itornmin before Sir Nicolas Coytighaill Tiisdal, I gioit , Chief Jnstice of h11e Comminoons Pleas , a td ilt lliiih liton. Lord Abinger, Citief 11 iron oif' lthe Excieqtuer. TIe afr ri:dl of the ...


... OFFENCkS, ACCIDENTS, &c. EXTENSiVE INc:NDiAmY FIRE XEAR HoxUNSLOW.-Aboft eight o'clock on Friday morning the inhabitants of the peaceful village f North Hyde, near Hounslow, were ihrown into a state of alarm by the discovery of a fire on the extensive premises of Messrs Sherborne, farmers, situated ia that village It was first discovered in a large barn, filled with peas, &c., and in a few ...

Published: Sunday 23 August 1835
Newspaper: The Examiner
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2236 | Page: Page 12, 13 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... MAESION HOUSE. -A yonag woman of very respectable appearance, the wvife of a German me- olse, was broaghthiefore the Lord Mayor, charged with .havipg attempted ti, eonnanitsn66Iffte, 1,y a desperate attempt to drown herself. The neighbours o ithe hest terms-of the defendaut as a wife apd mother; and when eia JMVZralced to what was this lamentable paroxgysm attributable, sai fhat her hnsband ...


... CENTRAL CRIMIA AL (OURT.-SiTURDv Yr. OLD COURT. 'Before Sir 11. JENNER, tI r. J ustice B1OSA QeET, and 1;aron Al ro FasON.] PIRACY. Georize White, 29, and 1'W. Blurlsood, 32, were indicted for fuloniously and piratically endeavouring, on the 19th of \rverirl)er last, to make a revolt on board the M\lnly barque. I[here was atiother count charging them with endeavouring to detain tire person of ...


... ASSIZE INTELLIGfNCE. OXFORD CIRCI1 .-GtOcCI FR!DAY. [Before Lord D:NIAsN and a Special Jury]. OJWLLIS l. NEAIE, [LERE. TIhis was an action for a falie M.turn to a writ of mandarwis, requiring thle defendant, who is Xicar of Iiodington-curn- uiavcrtoi in tlis county, to restore the plaintiff to his office of ur~ii-cleik of that parish, firim which hle had been removed uv thi delendant. Ihe ' ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENG, : I MANSION- HOUSE. AFFAirt or HONOtsR.-OU Saturday a gsteronsoi, named Lauvence, was brought before Alderman Wll.eun ,who sat for the Lord MAityor) by John Forcesti~r, ifl)., a warrmnt for havig atemted to provoke Capite, i i~> of thle Biuckingl amshire Eamtlladlasan, to fighli' P CaptainiHopkins said that thle defer,~:io 1aiacted as purser on board thle Buckinghamerihite ...