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August 1835
6 29



Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... WEST RIDING MEETING. MUNICIPAL REFORMI. ' j7 E, 1the Undersigned F ?? ELECTORS, and INHABITANTS of the WEST-RIDING 'W V ef Ice County if Yaoito, request our Feltao-Eluctort and Inrhabitalts to meet us, at the CORN MXIARKET, In In V V.ELFtc, etl MiIONDAY, tlsc Tattai'D FeRST DTY T oA of AUGUST INST., At ea itE l it tlo ?? o o , ereptoexpreshe iaoneoof ha lildig on thee eleaosreof CORlitORATtON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... wdedLNTENDFED NEW WORKHOUSE I afar- ?? THE TOWNSHIP OF LEEDS. Sun ision TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That it is intended to take into Consideration and decide on the I Now, Expediency of building and providing at NEW ana AiORE CONVENIENT ?? for the TowNStIPt of lOMSD, in the inte NW ct Riding of thle Ceuoty of V~orlh and for that Purpose to purchase certain Lands and P'emlnses ,adjoining upon or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CORPORATION REFORM. FlEFORNIERS, MlUSTrER STRONG R AT THE WEST.RIt)ING MEETING AT WAKEIFIELD, ON btON DAkV; i To tell the Kieg, the House of Cotmmons. and the Mllnisters, that you rwill inot receive a Measure, mutilated and tsaesformett bythe Houseof ecers, and intended, under the Name of Corporation Reform, to perpe- tuate A4istlooattc tIeluence, and to establish in their Pinee the Old ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IOItlflRY, near WAKdEFIrLD.-lBy Messrs, STEWART and SON, at the (louse of JAhn Watring ftuddoek. thle Woolpaelis Itnn, in Idorliary, inl the Coiunty' of York, sop Monday, thea T1/hiiyFjirst of ., ut'ot, IlM, at Slit ?? Iin the Even 11g. fin one Or more Luts, as sha~ll be agreed uputi ait the Time otf Sale, and subject to ouch ConaditioliS as shall be then ioud there produced uintless ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tilt FOUITHI X-ORKSHIRE GNANI1) MUSIC)AL FESTIVAL. 1) ?? and with the ?? of' ?? B ) l~ev. tI. e DEKAN, anld tu IL Venerabl)e thle U II AI' LR ofr XontiK, is apj'eilited to he held T R IN YORK 2IIINSTE Oni TUESDAJ; 'SEPTI?Y31Ri?R sflu, 1833, And the Three t'olletrilit; Days. O P- l A P O f th e` I'P 1( IT S trill Its a pP )irl d f o ri e en fi of the I'OU l INFII NA IIIK-S Of YOR Kt LKIfFO , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY HIlS MAJEST Y'S ROYAL AUTH-ORlITY-The greatest Dis- covery the World ever produced, is -TR. HENRY'S FRENCH MERONE PILLS, for Ijth'ie, efito xtirpationt if every sympltoml Of a CERTAIN IX1slAS E, nd thle DIMLiY disordeis arising therefrotml prepared I and sold by the ?? proprietor Only, tit No. 74, Coboeurg-S treet, Six oers from Blruniswicke Chaplel, Leedsi tn Boxes', 2s, Lid. and 4s. Wd. ...