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... POLICE INT'ELLIGENCE. BOW-STREET. ?? 'ty ps Al i t o0zO ?? lit Cai rpeniter, the yonug tloan w Io was exankinedi onl Friday lust at this office, onl a Chtarg e of stealing triae si I er mnedalIs, formiitig a part of the colhvetion of the late-I] r. ?? Alat ewss, the comttedian, ?? had been depoiated at the auction-rooms in Al essrs. Sothe by, of \kellington-street, Strand, 'or sale, was on ...


... -b- -b- BOW -STREET. P AR INGC RoDnlRiES.-John Sullivan, a young man of shabby appearance, was yesterday placed at the bar before Mr. Minshull, charged with having snatched a reticule from the arm of Mrs. Alary Brown, a lady upwards of eighty years of age, in Drury-lane, on the evening of the 4th inst. It appeared from tile statement of the prosecutrix that on the even ing alluded to she was ...


... THE PEOPLE--THEIR POSITION, PROSPECTS, AV l) DU'IES. ?? 1. At the close of a l'arliauieullarv Session of such an en- uual leneilth as ttat which has just termrinated, it might natirali s be expecited that sonle lapse shulild be gras (ed to tht public jijilld to enable it to recover, as it were, fromr tile e \ baunt lo necessarily corrseclu nt upon all eliort of tmih extraoriodi nary and ...


... S UPES TITION. On Tkiesdal- at the ilittlelh1i Pettv Sessionf ?? Con- vitted tooler ihe Vilgraut Act, anil senrtenc d to I id:t ...


... (611.EL11 hi U PETTY SI, ?? ti .v. | 1;t , ?? %, i \81 - [ r \. }, I 11( ?? E1 11, ] l.) 11!1.E 1.\11 t .1 IlMllil Ml Il)Il E\ ENi~:- \; H \ l N 11 Nh1l1t, X\l) I X).Ailli - Xl ;1 N Oii ;'lli I'll (.NI lii. ?? nr .! i't't Uy ?? - I vIki- h dai it ;it tile i - ?? w d- iII I ( l 'I s i, \ i, t :L II; I IL I ie1 I I-ItlIII ,LOtt iiL I- ?? !tr(eI of Ow! ?? ! :,:F t ?? ?? ( 1;eunr~ich ll ts b;> ...


... G 1, AS GO W C'I R C U I T C O U 1'r. GLA GOW CIRCUIT COURT. TWlAl l, 1F1O1 iiNIDI:IO Oil Wedlaic-lsnv la1t, 00orge C:pliel l1 llS puit to ?? bar, acciised or the Crililmpt tf mullrur, livilng. ill tlille ilst, ill the of Mary ltlaulin or Ywalersu, in Dieawsol's (Clise, tGl15ow. staliltl tile slit -lI tlviy 111t1ll or Wl-Vcs a vjileit bloi (ill tile mlid, by w'hiiil c lih masfollvil to ...


... B!? EAI\lI ki) 'lP C1',:Y SESSIOINS. Yuentli r;lv 11,,y le ?? ;:le attiti tlld ieleper of' a beer *:.Xp oi lo%%2 r Phck, Hiliglillolcsdo% apiemc:lnlbc ltile ?? ?? t* t II.(! tollowvi:lm Il':gi'tralte'' ?? (1ith!;t L ,1,clialll low, onu MAonition], ?? the Riev. I h, 1`i llil, - J'y , W Ie o;-X ;,1q iliformlX: itilli prle!'erlud( niaill't Ililll 1.. olt ?? *:1; n;llolkl Ji:lile's (!a~rvUI- ...


... QUARTER SEJSSIW.\S.' Let tit imagine a fireignr irtrod, d' 1; r' into a ( 'out ft Quairtr S. --ionel l k j ' preoini-l studied Min t't-utit'ii tvO (-'it ?? , tiot- British Cto)stitlitiollc ld to I imli;1wd a t ir llie, i ' (it 'i li-ttl't adlto iriiti, 1ll hid ?? ?? l u , tta itot itu i ilt r is itulb' in itlt IttI' t III ( id t 0 lat tle it ell: INthitii. 'lb' b itd l isC r liyio i sii'i ici ...


... P G 1, I CA INPL'], LI G KNCE. (;t 1) I I LL.. lAI M11itI,;y, ii hog ?? ali~litilixea 1 lilgl 1111nsp iOI l'C'Xl.- i!'l vkil 'o ?? ilhend idlilltl.k toll tf-npoS l i Uo - ?? ti zzt 1 it(, -Iiciv,-\%I, li( It )i liad mioken iIL to. 11 kI lin .ul: 1 ll, i( 11)il lg~llt i- ?? wiSLIVII % Nt1 S 1:1 , t el ?? ?? :. f 'Il11t I IIL lllkl afterl lil~tliksi, ML)e i-now coinfilleds lk tit I I i: ini,- ,J ...


... POLI CE] INTELLI GEA'CE. B3OW-STR ErT. (IpN ?? ( ,I'iS its FAi -I VVF IEact ?? Ifs oidingI an Id'lt I% ictit oft ]Ii(ti tpianleC, sitis yesterday brought sip Ii, fur Mr .7lr kit l, cliarged wsitli obtaining '200 quills troitt Ah v. ?? Tkny a tioill-itercharit, of N o.5, Shoe-lane, It ;I p~mlw tti' t it ?? prisioner neet to t le shop of the prose. to Icv -igit I y All. Ijixiuti, of tl~e firm of ...


... EXTRAORDLIVARY MURDER ON TILE HJIGH! SEAS. Irillom s'ii iI.5tOlt, STASNDAIII.] We Iloie been it ioured bv .Messrs. Illet o it and Co., of Liverpool, vitih thle folio partieulars of a murider Comnmittedl om Ioard omle of their ships while pjursuing ier votage C oftilh coast of Java:- c. tilie uj(iersiacild i;1ster, ofliCers, and Crew of thc b1aqitie liossendale, do declire, that on Monday, ...


... TIlE ORANGE RIOTS IN SCOTLAND. ?? t ol'o r OF JIUSTICIARe.-GiASGOw, SI P-.TiEM}FR I I. \William It;nis.Wy and Job .ni 1Elall tiirit c hO rged *vith mobbiig, rioting, and u iltul misclief, at Airdrie, on the night of the l)th or moarnitigof tile 20th of July, particu- hitlv by de inolish'ing the furnit nrc in the houses of Peter Poil arid and Hugh Canling. IRoman Catholie , and des- troying the ...