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Morning Chronicle


... -b- -b- BOW -STREET. P AR INGC RoDnlRiES.-John Sullivan, a young man of shabby appearance, was yesterday placed at the bar before Mr. Minshull, charged with having snatched a reticule from the arm of Mrs. Alary Brown, a lady upwards of eighty years of age, in Drury-lane, on the evening of the 4th inst. It appeared from tile statement of the prosecutrix that on the even ing alluded to she was ...


... P1OLI CE INTALVLI GEhACE. IiAN.\f7I)' l `i II f :. NIt,, iw il I, i-l.a . i - l . 1 01: 3 N'u Ii Nvlint hie c:II! d1 ?? -IF\: i I' ?? :. ; ?? ?? \. 1N' ! ; !:t ;i , 1>l. l;i ?? \1 or, oh i o : , .: i,- til,: ?? 0(11' ille p l~ps ?? li ?? s1 :~l ?? - I rom a I,0- 11.1 ijdtaiii 1 i: i. l ,1;. - v ?? ?? I i' t.y! i. ?? no hiit'o ?? :ihl ?? ?? . i ' n l i ...


... DISTRESSING CA SE qf LOVE Tanid SUICIDE. Last evening arti iniquest wvas hoileti at hie Black Hoirse Tavero, Kingsiatid .road, before Mir. Baiker, thle coroner, onl view of the bodiy of Milos Phcebr Powell, at tinle youneg woman t21 yvarrs of ago, the daugahter Of a respectable ex. cise officrsr, wheo committed suicide undir thle following eircunistarie-s Beujairin Wadhdell, a hairdresser, rcc ...


... POLICE INTELLIGEN?CE. MAN SI ON- II OTT S1 H AlUI u' la- go Mr. William Becll, one of the Society of ncielis, and U partnier in thle Iiouse of Blld Iand -Neptie w, of I-last, aipplied to thle Lord Manoi fore itearclt wariant for pie inis- in A ddle-sii cci, XX'ood-stme.t, CL-alside, in which hu beliciU( ?? il fraudulently ?? goodS, the property of the firin of' which he \woe it meniber, and ...


... (611.EL11 hi U PETTY SI, ?? ti .v. | 1;t , ?? %, i \81 - [ r \. }, I 11( ?? E1 11, ] l.) 11!1.E 1.\11 t .1 IlMllil Ml Il)Il E\ ENi~:- \; H \ l N 11 Nh1l1t, X\l) I X).Ailli - Xl ;1 N Oii ;'lli I'll (.NI lii. ?? nr .! i't't Uy ?? - I vIki- h dai it ;it tile i - ?? w d- iII I ( l 'I s i, \ i, t :L II; I IL I ie1 I I-ItlIII ,LOtt iiL I- ?? !tr(eI of Ow! ?? ! :,:F t ?? ?? ( 1;eunr~ich ll ts b;> ...


... POLICE INTALLIGENCE. BOWV-STRE ET. 1ISi I-iF ar utBtiE ni -Yesterday Jamies' lodtie alias JoI.o- ne11, Hald '1oOmas Plc ki its ii .j Jttti's, e cre placed ut the bar befote MI. lalls, tor rc-exauiiinitioit, on I charge of having stolen a box of linen front a cart, the property of Mlr. Gireen- wood, a wine-mereloit, resiiling in Fenchttrch-street. It appeared that the hox was pl iced on the ...


... LAWf I\TTEILLGEINCA'. HOUSE OF lOItl)S-AlPPEAIS.-- TuEssIAs [Before Lords 1.Vs srssvsr IV)FftIAN, the Earl of Divou, and other P'eer,]. rTlE EA RIL OF DU RIII AX 1. Ni A. eTOI AN i 011 1flEIS. Tlii case, 'A hick occupied tro lavs in argument, came onl again to-day. It wnas an appeal, it s ill be recollected, from a decision of Lord Chancellor Brougisam, dismissing a petition of appeal and re ...


... I CENT! If.' uII11.-3SA, CO? T.-SJTT'RDA 1, 1c t _ I -o- l' I'I ?? 101 I'.t ?? of Scot.; V, llin Hl ?? ott gold ?? 'onIli, 1 ?? i, 'i(Ioui' .idt' M I I i,' % ?? .' c. ?? , 'oinductid I I I II I I I m q I I ?? I 'I I, i itI ,yII r. C .l P if I o Iof . ?? , I1. .Iflietwetll' r i 1, 1Iw !-h' ,Ir, 1 I L ?? 1110,- tim'.lt O I1I r l , ?? ?? h, Il IIll' i I 51' i lt th II I i- 1 l40 II ;I p I TO' ...


... LAIf' INT-ELLIGENCE. HlOUSE OF 10Rl1)S-APPEAl.S.--\'EDNEisI)Y. iore L.ords Brotiughamit, Lyndhiurst, Dennian, and other P'eeis]. JOEl (N 1111 1OFN1191 (,1 HslnTAV IIS I I~g lfI.A:N FS VA R DI I, I- f Lis case iio'e it3 a writ of error from the Court (if I; ing's Ilnelni on ar action of ejectmet, brought by the lessot of the plaintiff in error, John 3irtwhistilel, . the defendant, Agites t ...


... POLI CE] INTELLI GEA'CE. B3OW-STR ErT. (IpN ?? ( ,I'iS its FAi -I VVF IEact ?? Ifs oidingI an Id'lt I% ictit oft ]Ii(ti tpianleC, sitis yesterday brought sip Ii, fur Mr .7lr kit l, cliarged wsitli obtaining '200 quills troitt Ah v. ?? Tkny a tioill-itercharit, of N o.5, Shoe-lane, It ;I p~mlw tti' t it ?? prisioner neet to t le shop of the prose. to Icv -igit I y All. Ijixiuti, of tl~e firm of ...


... EXTRAORDLIVARY MURDER ON TILE HJIGH! SEAS. Irillom s'ii iI.5tOlt, STASNDAIII.] We Iloie been it ioured bv .Messrs. Illet o it and Co., of Liverpool, vitih thle folio partieulars of a murider Comnmittedl om Ioard omle of their ships while pjursuing ier votage C oftilh coast of Java:- c. tilie uj(iersiacild i;1ster, ofliCers, and Crew of thc b1aqitie liossendale, do declire, that on Monday, ...


... lJIDD)LESEX ADJOURNED SESSIONS. [llefoic 13. lovji, Eq.,s and ii ]lelnlh of Magistrates.J (iAMINiG HOt 1 SES. ilt Jie1ttci alias (tlet de Rutter. John Jay, and Ti'lliotn (le'OI i, leere indictedt for keeping a common ctraiing-lionse, in tile parisl of St. .latleCs N estitninster. TIh tiso latter-niarned defenitlattis answered to their names tnal v eie plaurcd at the bar. )c IRutter did not ...