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Advertisements & Notices

... Lo~adonl. AagU~tb 10, less. A .MFS LURNS; 'us` to acu~'tn ctwii ott I . DfQ C) U USES cm thec I'M UIDS SUvl'i' ER, p roa icloi fit 'i~li(-lliChaelSt. 'Mcrv~lc'I'icc ltI wit!) a vilo' to jastit'- 111 Ic,- ,ccilla ?? of tho plicuc1itit-vs It--ltilc of ?? Cooit11 :Vo! ; ilil l Rt'lllv to ()iijctilcct. ltv h'ia I-V. WI LLIAM D)0DS3 m~li it I t, .A. Mincister. 12011o- cloth, pricc' 3s. Mi. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EEGISTE1ATSOIN OF VOTnRcl. APPEAL COURT. o11 cEI. is hv, iidit jlb thi S H IIIFICS of'titi' Cottunties AttT-:t, t atVF dt KIN'CA1;M1)xt, willt livid at '1'h-ile -1III ltiio' tl t~uill o wiltl-dltet' Iistalli it1 ori-LI ro Ill ?? I Ii 'ttt', 111 I t' ?? till the-, 25th ; intl tvi, tss nued mit S~i'tdC'/'t'.DiJtl (i f' -Iberdeelishirie. A ~ievl 'ci, 701 Sill' l135 5. E' G STZ %T I O il 05' V OT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rESpLECaT/7 pATJJRONAGE OF 51DgIy yH,1E xlls.j ESTLES. ,SloN OF THE LORD PROVOST. i'f r D. GE OF RSEMANS 09ITIONAL NOVELTIES, 4lDTITpU'I3SDAY Sept. 17, Ondtc yTI1.Iejvbllerriii Eveneings. C 0O0KE'S ;Q5ST r N' BESTABLISHIMENT, p.EYOYAL CIRCUS, t.Oit5IA' nO0AD. 11\t5 heO1RtI~ ~tlhis Establishmenlt, it il oit a dlegree of success and aeede d The Grand Equestrian Feats ?? Ptd'h oar'' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IJA'E7'IJEAD. AUCTIOVIEf;R AND APPiRAISER. I ITnATA CL INKI(SCAL E N'Ir {Ce'iIN ifiIIV to;II d1tiatf., thlat he , Tis takekI Oilt IL Ilsiot is a:IIIAUCuION IC E R;iiil API'R.A IS. ?? aIl, a:vlioii tulike nip lis rmiddem-to in Peteelimd, lie thene ?? Cal ryi'IIg' oil thl aboinve liiS;ieSS, to whiche lie wil par the SILictist Littil titill liii! lit! hosles, ti'oil tihe! 'XwietIvIII li' his ...

A L L~~~ERHL. * .ICL

... L FISTIVALDINN HAL pr l~rXER HlLLF at the * 10ettilt D.its numerous Chandeliers * j1 NVl(R FXU!31TED on FRIDA 0nds lei n rcc ine ? a, front en o' cor to fur ahfldt~ from h lighited. Iecla to, be h t Mr Tait's, 78, Prine's t i itl. c ,a ~pYSUBCRITION RACES. Rip1 over the 'SANDS of 1) Il I~ ilTUESDAY the( 29th and. t 30tRALly h day, of SEPTEMBER C ?? FFTENOERETGNS, for any A 1ill ,lding, All ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r. FsPCL PATRONVAGE OF ,DEfl TrIl'JR l? MAJESTIES. glON OF' THE LORD PROVOST. o ldPEBI CoOr T 0 15 .F2l IEM>STRIAN ESTABLISH- E SI'Vs\ AtIENT, - ANDl I VE'I ROYAL CIRCUS, I IOTHIAN ROAD. uijpf~lo ?;OVELTIESINCREASED; fI I Y. TUESDAYl & wEDNjESDAY, F SeptembI er 21st, 22dj, and 23r1. O Septed n usa display and extensive C ; ,lbcrg E tertaindenst nith unequal- b q,,,lrtdour and effect ;f lie ...